Oct 31, 11
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  • 10 hours ago – Wiki for the Voxel Box freebuild server, including map, travel, guides for miners and architects, and plugins.
  • Voxel based morphometry (VBM) is a neuroimaging analysis technique that allows investigation of focal differences in brain anatomy, using the statistical .
  • by J Ashburner - 2000 - Cited by 2512 - Related articles
  • kuler. Title: Editor: Overwrite:
  • Proof-of-concept voxel rendering system presented in "Efficient Sparse Voxel Octrees" at I3D 2010. Utilizes the massively parallel computing power available in .
  • This page describes the term voxel and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information.
  • 30 posts - 15 authors - Last post: Jan 28The data value sniped in is set using the Voxel Ink "/vi" command described above in the "Voxel Commands". Refer to the list of Data Values at .
  • Voxel Engine Development and Research using OpenGL Shaders and . Here a first test of using voxel sculpting with COAT3D, created in just few hours. .
  • voxel vox·el n. The basic unit of computed tomography reconstruction, represented as a pixel in a computed tomography image display. The American .
  • A computer-driven simulator for training and demonstrating ear, nose and throat surgery. Features images and movie clips of the product.
  • The Voxel Tracker software program maximizes the potential of both the V-Sense and Cell Sense products. It enables rapid visualization and quantification of .
  • Voxel is a fun, easy-to-use 3D-pixel editor. It's similar to "fatbits"-style image editing in many paint programs but in three-dimensions. Use it to create simple .
  • Bavel is the worldwide leading eBilling platform in the travel and hospitality industries. Thanks to Bavel our clients can interchange electronic information with all .
  • VoxCAST, Voxel's content delivery network (CDN), rivals the most expensive CDNs on the market today, and allows you to scale content across the globe .
  • A voxel (volumetric pixel or, more correctly, Volumetric Picture Element) is a volume element, representing a value on a regular grid in three dimensional space. .
  • Vergence Labs is raising funds for Voxel Vision on Kickstarter! Virtual reality hardware and software for x-ray vision.
  • Voxel® makes holograms from CT, CAT, MR, and MRI data.
  • Voxel sculpting allows you sculpt without any topological constraints and create complex details out of thin air! You can dynamically change your sculpture, .
  • Voxel uses TELEHOUSE dedicated data center and NYIIX peering Exchange to support its core platform and as a key component in its robust disaster recovery .
  • May 11, 2009 – A short film made for the inaugural F5 festival in New York (2009).
  • Jan 3, 2009 – C4 Engine Voxel Terrain. Running through the terrain tutorial in 1.5 Beta 1.
  • Aug 19, 2011 – Rotating Banners display one or more images with overlaid text. You can customize how they rotate, their buttons, and where they are placed. .
  • VoxCLOUD is Voxel's cloud hosting service, providing your business with the instant provisioning benefits and incremental billing benefits of the cloud and the .
  • In this paper we examine the possibilities of using voxel representations as a generic way for expressing complex and feature-rich geometry on current and .
  • Voxel-based terrain systems are increasing in popularity because they remove the topographical limitations of conventional elevation-based terrain systems and .
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  • The recent buzz on point-clouds and voxels has resulted in an unprecendented growth of interest in Atomontage Engine. My big thanks goes to the UDT people .
  • What is Voxel? Voxel is the abbreviation of Volume Element. It is analog to a pixel in a 2D image. Voxel3D is a voxel based modeling software, 3D model is .
  • The first voxel editor for Tiberian Sun (and RA2) was created by Will. Because he lost the sources, he was unable to finish it. A few months later, he started .
  • What is this? It's a very simple demo that use canvas and ImageData to draw a landscape using the voxel spacing technique. An image is read with the .
  • I unveiled a custom conversion of the classic and innovative 1986 Nintendo game Metroid into volumetric 3d graphics using a voxel sculpting tool I developed. .
  • If you enjoy playing on The Voxel Box, if you couldn't imagine playing without our suite of Minecraft plugins, or even if you just enjoy the stuff here on the site you .
  • The Voxel Agents - Developer of the hit iPhone game Train Conductor.
  • Linux Internet solutions and web hosting corporation.
  • Starting by the obvious, what is a voxel ? A voxel is a short for volume element in the same way as pixel is a contraction of picture element. OK that doesn't really .
  • DJ VoXel's official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.
  • May 14, 2009 – We were asked to make a film for motionographers inaugural F5 festival. This is it . The music is 'A Drifting Up', which was very kindly reworked .
  • VOXEL-MAN Images . The VOXEL-MAN group focuses on the development of virtual body models and . More information is available at www.voxel-man.de. .
  • When I graduated college in May, 2000, I started working on a new voxel . (For those newbies out there, the word "voxel" is derived from "volume + pixel". .
  • May 16, 2007 – A voxel is a unit of graphic information that defines a point in three-dimensional space.
  • Voxatron is an action/adventure game set in a completely destructible world made of voxels. In development for Mac, Windows and Linux. .
  • Team Hellspawn - Doom II WADs, Forums, Hosted Sites, Voxels and a comprehensive list of Links to every known Doom site in existence.
  • Jan 14, 2011 – It may be a smaller, arena-style shooter, but with a unique perspective and voxel- based graphics, Voxatron has grabbed our attention.
  • Qubicle Constructor - the voxel editor for windows - allows you to draw, sculpt and modify 3d models based on voxels (cubes/3d pixel).
  • Voxel dot Net delivers high-performance on-demand managed hosting infrastructure services over its own global IP network and fully-integrated .
  • Voxelstein 3D is an FPS game inspired by Wolfenstein 3D. The game uses Ken Silverman's VOXLAP engine to render voxels in software. The levels in the game .
  • Aug 7, 2011 – They made a voxel renderer, probably based on sparse voxel octrees. That's cool and all, but.. To quote the video, the island in the video is one .
  • Voxel provides managed hosting and delivery solutions that are flexible, software -centric and fiercely technology-agnostic. Built to help businesses scale fluidly, .
  • The objects would be composed of millions or even billions of small physical building blocks (voxels). Some building blocks could be hard, some could be soft. .

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