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Apr 16, 2011 – Well, today I propose you an application called Ultra Voice Changer for Android, developed specifically to change the voice and making .
15 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Aug 28, 2007Can someone make a iphone app voice changer like voice candy for those who do not know what voice candy is you can change your voice to .
Aug 13, 2010 – This program is a voice changer module for Asterisk . . just managed to encapsulate all of the voice changer in to a single application so that .
If you want to add effects to, or disguise your voice, AV Voice Changer Software is a simple app that does just that. Pros. Range of voices to choose from; Alters .
Feb 4, 2011 – Among Android and iPhone users alike, voice changers are some of the most popular apps around. However, Windows Phone 7 is yet to see .
For someone who knows how to make iPhone apps. . Imagine an app where it records your voice (voice recorder?) and turns it into something like a.
Scary Voice Changer iPhone Application Guide - YouTube 3 min - Mar 6, 2009 - Uploaded by theiphonedev
Voice Changer Software, Free Voice Changer, Change your voice, online games , . features which make this application a simple and powerful voice changer: .
Transform your voice with Voice Changer. Simply tap to record and then choose from 18 sound effects to instantly distort your voice.
from 5627 users
Download Voice changer Apps for Android. Reviews, screenshots and comments from the Android Market about Voice changer like Voice Changer: A very .
SpoofApp is the revolutionary Caller ID Spoofing, Voice Changing and Call Recording mobile app for your iPhone, BlackBerry and Android phone. The number .
Jan 19, 2009 – Voice Changer lets you record your voice and then pick between 8 different effects to do to it. You can't do the effects 'live' while you talk, but.
Dec 30, 2010 – Ever want to add voice mods to your videos? Well now you can, with Voice Changer Camera. Is it worth getting? Click through to find out!
Jan 3, 2011 – Which is the best voice changer app? Is there any voice changer app that I can use on other applications, like change my voice on skype?
2 answers - Jun 29, 2008Top answer: One of the best is GarageBand, which is already on a mac. All that you have to do is record something with your regular voice, then click the little + in the bottom left .
Sep 24, 2010 – I've been playing around with this great iphone app called Voice Changer Plus and I wanted to share it with you all. I was created by the good .
Scary Voice Changer iPhone Application Guide - YouTube 5 min - Feb 27, 2009 - Uploaded by theiphonedev
Jul 20, 2011 – Get FREE Deluxe Ultra Voice Changer App for Android. Tired of the sound of your own voice? Find a new one with Deluxe Ultra Voice Changer .
10 posts - 8 authors - Last post: May 7Voice Changing app (that can be used during calls) Is there an app for that?
iPhone App Review: Voice Changer Plus - YouTube 3 min - Mar 1, 2010 - Uploaded by thecreativeone
Mar 20, 2011 – Download Ultra Voice Changer app for Android. Discover your Robot,Alien, Chipmunk,Helium voices!
Jan 4, 2011 – Apps mentioned: TransLens · 2phone · Voice Changer Camera. Last year, Word Lens stormed the App Store and set everyone who pays .
5 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Apr 22Anyway, I googled "Scream 4 ios4 app" and the article on scream-trilogy about the voice changer came up. First I'd heard of it. And I was bored. .
The trick is simple all you can do with the trick is change your voice during a skype call.
1 answer - Jan 29, 2010Question: So my friend has an app for his iphone called what voice?! and i really cant get .
Disguise Your Voice. Change the tone of your voice to the point that you'll be unrecognizable even to your closest friends and family. .
- from 384 users - $1.00
Deluxe Ultra Voice Changer. by Kimusoft. Children (Ages 9 and Younger). This application is designed specifically for children and contains no objectionable .
Feb 3, 2009 – Skype Voice Changer demonstrates how to use NAudio and Skype4COM to allow . To install this application, save it and then open it. .
Free download russian voice changer app Files at Software Informer - For all those who have always wished to have a voice just like the devil, the MorphVOX .
4 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Dec 7, 2010Does anyone else want a voice changer app like the iphone, i do.
- from 20 users - $0.99
183 reviews
1 postVoice changer app. dirk's picture. Posted March 14th, 2007 by dirk (tadpole). I stumbled upon this little voice changer application and so far it's give a number of .
5 days ago – Skype Voice Changer is a free web application that allows you to alter the sound of your voice during VOIP calls using Skype. The program is .
Ultra Voice Changer. by Kimusoft. Children (Ages 9 and Younger). This .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Oct 15, 2010im looking for an App that can change your voice during a call. any help?
20 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Mar 28, 2008[IMG] Hey just wanted to post my app here. Its called SpoofApp. It interfaces with a Caller ID Spoofing Provider such as Phone Gangster (and .
- from 5,580 users - Free
Voice Changer Software 7.0.15. Modify your voice and record it or use it on the fly . you are the funny program of the day! Voice Changer Software is an audio .
5 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Oct 7, 2008is it possible to have a voice changing app for phone calls? iPhone and iPod touch Apps.
Mar 20, 2011 – Download Ultra Voice Changer Android app Ultra Voice Changer for Android is an interesting yet fun application for your Smartphone which .
11 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jun 7Is there such a thing? I know there's one that allows you to record and playback your voice with various effects, but it's fairly pointless I'm.
Feb 5, 2009 – If you always wanted to sound like someone else when making calls in Skype you might find the Skype Voice Changer application handy. .
10 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Dec 21, 2008Im tryin to find a voice changer application if anybody knows about one thats FREE please let me know thanks.
Jun 30, 2011 – Have any of u heard about real time voice changing application, which can change voice or change frequency of voice during phone calls?
10 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Feb 3we need a voice changer app like spoofapp on iphone General.
- from 694 users - Free
Download Free Scream Voice Changer Here Now. . (width, height, color depth, and refresh rate) permanently or only while a specified application is running .