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If a semicolon makes a sentence easier to understand, use it. Multiple semicolons in a sentence merely serve to add confusion. Consider using short sentences .
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The semicolon (;) is a punctuation mark with several uses. The Italian printer Aldus Manutius the Elder established the practice of using the semicolon to .
To help you determine if you are using a semicolon correctly, just ask yourself if a period would be correct if used where the semicolon is used. If so, then you .
13 answers - Aug 7My point wasn't that using semicolons and not using them worked exactly the same, the point was that the edge cases in javascript and python .
Mar 11, 1999 – Using the Colon and the Semicolon . Use a semicolon between two independent clauses (sentences) which are not joined by a coordinating .
Each of the following sentences may or may not contain a semicolon. Determine if a semicolon is needed. If it is, select the word that comes just before the .
Workshops Writing Across the Curriculum Teaching Thinking through Writing . Semicolon Used with Words Like 'however" and Phrases Like "for example" .
Luckily, you have arrived. Lead the semicolons to stirring victories over their neighbors by using semicolons, periods, commas, and colons correctly. Credits .
The semicolon is another important tool you can use when you write. . If you are unsure about using commas to connect sentences in a list, perhaps it is best to .
In other words, if you can choose between separating clauses by a semicolon or writing two separate sentences (using a period), write two separate sentences. .
Another misconception is that bugs in browser JavaScript engines mean that using semicolons everywhere is safer, and will protect the developer from .
Learn how to do the introductory Hello World program using javascript with . Looking at our JavaScript code above, notice that there is no semicolon at the end .
How to use the semicolon in Spanish with examples.
The semicolon [ ; ] is a powerful mark of punctuation with three uses. The first appropriate use of the semicolon is to connect two related sentences. The pattern .
Common-sense, easy to understand rules for using the semicolon, including information on when NOT to use it.
The semicolon is one of the most misunderstood and feared punctuation marks.
Our Friend, the Semicolon · Using Semicolons · Cluster Busters · Semicolons and Colons · Commas Colons Semicolons. See Also: Punctuation, Language Arts .
If you have trouble remembering the difference between semicolons and colons, you're not alone. These punctuation marks are just tools that you use to help the .
Aug 16, 2011 – Using a semicolon in a complex series . Use a semicolon when one or both clauses have internal commas and a misreading might occur if a .
Oct 23, 2010 – Browsing along the SQL Server documentation today, I noticed something that scared me. As a spoiled non ANSI compliant SQL Server .
For more good-natured advice on using semicolons, colons, and dashes, visit these two fun sites: "Semicolons, Colons, and Dashes" webpage from about.com .
Using a semicolon as a "comma" almost always creates a semicolon fragment. EXAMPLE (Incorrect): ~The child took both a golden dandelion and a dandelion .
When students are writing essays and reports, a common problem is incorrectly using commas and semicolons. In fact, some people think they are the same! .
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Sep 10, 1998 – We can join independent clauses (IC) to create compound sentences by using a semicolon (;). And like the comma-FANBOYS pattern, when .
Unless the independent clauses of a compound or compound-complex sentence are joined by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor), use a semicolon to .
Stronger than a comma, less forceful than a period (or full stop): put simply, that's the nature of the semicolon. It's a mark, Lewis Thomas says, that offers "a .
Using Semicolons Writer's Web Liz Atkins (printable version here). There are three major uses for semicolons. Note that an "independent clause" means a group .
Using the Semicolon. Can you tell which of these sentences use the semicolon correctly? America has much to accomplish; more than we realize. The titles that .
Using the semicolon for linking elements. The Smiths went up north for their vacation; the Johnsons went down south for theirs. The above sentence is .
11 answers - Jan 14, 2009In many situations, JavaScript parsers will insert semicolons for you if . Yes, you should use semicolons after every statement in JavaScript. .
Using parentheses with other punctuation marks such as periods, commas, colons, and semicolons can be complicated. Use these guidelines to decide how to .
No intestinal jokes here, please. We're talking about three much-abused marks of punctuation: semicolons, colons, and dashes.
Apr 4, 2011 – Using Semicolons. In this section, you will find many instructional materials we've developed for our Writing Center teaching. However, there .
Jan 25, 2010 – Confession: I often end up using a semicolon because I feel like I'm about to use parentheses or quotation marks wrong but using a semicolon .
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I've always shied away from using the semicolon, because of being unsure of just how to use it. I can't wait to peruse your other teaching hubs. I'll now have to .
Jul 8, 1998 – Uses of the Semicolon . or complex independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction if confusion would result from using a comma. .
Tip Sheet: Using the Semicolon. EXPLANATION: Some punctuation marks-- the semicolon, the comma, the dash, and the colon-- are used to join sentence .
“Sometimes you get a glimpse of a semicolon coming, a few lines farther on, and it is like climbing a steep path through woods and seeing a wooden bench just .
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2 answers - Feb 12, 2006Top answer: I don't think so. I think the first should either be a colon or an emdash. And the second should also be dashes (or else just commas). See what others say.
Using semicolons to connect 2 independent clauses to prevent comma splices - YEAH! GRAMMAR :D | Facebook.
How to use a semicolon. The most feared punctuation on earth. Comics: Random Most Popular All Cats Grammar Food Animals Tech · How to use a semicolon, .
Oct 14, 2010 – Discusses the various uses of the semicolon in writing, with examples and comments.
18 posts - 10 authorsAm I using the semicolon properly here? Grammar and Syntax.
Feb 23, 2007 – Isn't there another exception to using a coordinating conjunction with a semicolon ? For example: First, some of you might disagree that using .
Semicolons - Using semicolons before transitional phrases (e.g. however) ( grammar lesson)
Oct 1, 2006 – Punctuation within sentences can be tricky; however, if you know just a few of the following rules, you will be well on your way to becoming a .