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My failure to attend university did not reflect my ability but instead my apathy . How do you use the word Apathy in a sentence? His cold-hearted apathy .
Sep 22, 2010 . Meaning of Affront: To Insult, outrage, offend Use Affront .
Grammar question: How do you use the word Apathy in a sentence? His cold-hearted apathy towards her after they broke up hurt her deeply.
Top questions and answers about Use-the-Word-Apathy-in-a-Sentence. Find 2 questions and answers about Use-the-Word-Apathy-in-a-Sentence at Ask.com Read .
How to use apathetic in a sentence. Example sentences with the word .
Use apathy as an adjective in a sentence? apathetic is the adjective. His .
Mar 30, 2010 . Meaning of Tepid: Half-hearted, lacking in enthusiasm Use .
http://hulagirlatheart.blogspot.com/2011/01/word-of-day-sloth.html. Sponsored Links. Categories Related to Use Apathy in a Sentence. Define Apathy .
Answers to Other Common Questions. How do you use the word Apathy in a sentence? His cold-hearted apathy towards her after they broke up hurt her deeply. .
The related study-words are amoral, atypical, atom, and apathy. . Have students look up the words and write a sentence using each word in the lesson. .
Define Apathy indignant in it? After gathering evidence for the investigation, . This page helps answer: how do I use the word indignant in a sentence? .
Oct 23, 2010 . Meaning of Apathy: lack of interest, tepid approach Use Apathy in a sentence : There is an apathy among younger generation in taking forward .
Definition of apathy in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of apathy. . Word / Article Starts with. Ends with. Text. New: Language forums .
Apr 1, 2011 . Related Questions. Can u use the word apathy in a sentence .
Can you put the word apathy in a good sentence . Does Louisiana issue .
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[9]; Her words had a strange solemnity, a tragic apathy. [11]. This page .
Some medications and the heavy use of drugs such as heroin may bring apathy as a side effect. . Add your voice and definition on word 'Apathy' .
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080922184. How do you use the word Apathy in a sentence? His cold-hearted apathy towards her after they .
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13 answers - Feb 13, 2008Use Apathy in a sentence. Put word in a sentence. Sentence apathy. Sentence using apathy. Make sentences on the word apathy .
Jan 28, 2009 . Can you use the word apathy in a sentence please? ChaCha Answer: My failure to attend university did not reflect my ability but inste.
Use the word apathy in a sentence? Rephrase question . About Us · Careers · Advertise · Contact Wikia · Terms of Use · Privacy Policy · CC-BY-SA .
Jul 27, 2003 . Fanatical Apathy: America's favorite blog Fanny Roborat says, . to any use of the word “weapons.” So, for example, the sentence, .
Stoicism. freedom from emotion of any kind. Use apathy in a Sentence · See images of apathy . Search another word or see apathy on Thesaurus | Reference .
buy apathy mugs, tshirts and magnets. I don't really feel like writing a definition.. I have to use the word Apathy in a sentence? Ugh.. .
Use the word bank that www.myvocabulary.com provides below the puzzle to assist you in . SAT Word #2: synonym = sluggishness, passiveness, apathy, torpor; . all the correct answers and the use of each vocabulary word in a sentence. .
Sentence and Word Structure question: Use apathy in a sentence? There was not much turnout this election due to voter apathy.
This sentence repeats the word twice twice. This sentence does not use the word once . Which is worse, ignorance or apathy? I don't know and I don't care. .
4 answers - Sep 22, 2008usin apathy in a sentence He had a lot of apath… . What is a word for someone who enjoys learning? What does a heart with a lock or a key .
Use apathy in a sentence | apathy sentence examples. How to use apathy in a sentence. Example sentences with the word apathy. apathy example sentences. .
Can u use the word apathy in a sentence? Cal!*Bo? ChaCha Answer: Jenny's .
How can you use the word 'indifferent' in a sentence?? Because his political .
7 answers - Sep 23, 2007Ya know, I really don't care. Just kidding. A big problem with election turn .
For your WOTD, use the word 'apathy' in a sentence. Let's test your searching skills. Summarize one article that talks about how television manipulates you. .
3 answersThere is complete apathy, worldwide, about how to use the word 'worldwide' in a sentence. Sign in to report abuse or send a compliment .
[11]; Her words had a strange solemnity, a tragic apathy. [11]. This page helps answer: how do I use the word tragic in a sentence? How do you use tragic in .
Feb 2, 2011 . In sentence one above, we see Jill being lazy in regards to her essay . Use the word apathy when you're describing someone's lazy or .
www.life123.com/question/Use-the-Word-Apathy-in-a-SentenceCool Reading Games for Kids | eHow.comWhether kids are reading practice passages or whole novels, they can use these cool. . Teach kids the meaning of the word "apathy," which means lack of emotion. Have kids practice reading a sentence with apathy (in a monotone). .
How to use apathy in a sentence. Example sentences with the word apathy. apathy example . apathy sentence examples. combating apathy can be difficult, .
4 answers - Jan 26, 2009Can someone use apathy in a sentence? how do i use apathy in a sentence? two .
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Jul 12, 2010. its common usage to indicate apathy. D'oh. (And d'oh is most definitely a word) . I think the relevant question in all instances of word use quibbling is . (I hope my beginning of a sentence with a conjunction .
Whether kids are reading practice passages or whole novels, they can use these cool. . Teach kids the meaning of the word "apathy," which means lack of emotion. Have kids practice reading a sentence with apathy (in a monotone). .
5 answers - Feb 4, 2009HOW DO I USE APATHY IN A SENTENCE? what is a sentence using the word apathetic? How do you use these words in a sentence? .
Sentence and Word Structure question: How do you use 'apathy' in a sentence? . How do you use the word Apathy in a sentence? His cold-hearted apathy .
Sentence and Word Structure question: What is a meaningful sentence using the word apathy? (apathy - lack of interest, concern, or enthusiasm)No amount of .
Grammar question: Can you put the word apathy in a sentence? Apathy plagues every . I accept the community guidelines, terms of use and privacy policy. .