Other articles:
May 22, 2007 . Luckily a cross-platform script called uploadr.py can watch a folder of your choice
Oct 19, 2005 . Photo Album Zip Export New AT Name: Photo and Photo Album. Files: 1 modified.
Mar 30, 2006 . Using Picasa to upload to Flickr using Uploadr.py [genericface.com]. Contact
Introduction. I'm passionate about programming and open .
uploadr.py - Command-line Python script to upload photos to Flickr.
The new Flickr Uploadr has been built from scratch to work on Windows and Mac
Here is the link to the uploadr -> https://github.com/ept/uploadr.py/blob/ .
Jul 3, 2006 . genericface blog : Using Picasa to upload to Flickr using Uploadr.py. This entry
Dec 2, 2008 . print "A web browser should pop open with instructions." print "After you have
1. modify uploadr.ini to use imagedir=C:\Temp\2010\Test 2. ensure no image files
ept-uploadr/uploadr/uploadr.py to generate and save an authentication token
Oct 3, 2005 . Sorry for the lateness here, but uploadr.py should now be working just fine with
Luckily a furious-platform script called uploadr.py can watch a folder of your
Sep 30, 2011 . Next, you have to configure the settings in the uploadr.py script. . Figure 4:
uploadr.py - Command-line Python script to upload photos to Flickr.
flickr is nice, but why do i have to pay as soon i have more than 3 albums . links
Nov 13, 2007 . Files: 1 modified. ATPhoto/branches/erral-for-dantzan.com/uploadr.py (modified)
README, 482 B, 2011-03-26, Replace uploadr.py with simpleuploadr.py .
Luckily a cross-platform script called uploadr.py can watch a folder of your
Jan 6, 2006 . I have added slight modifications to the flickr uploadr.py code (nothing to affect
Nov 30, 2006 . The main difference between them is that uploadr.py maintains a connection to
usr/bin/env python import sys, time, os, urllib2, shelve, string, xmltramp,
Apr 17, 2011 . + 0 * * * * /full/path/to/uploadr.py > /dev/null 2>&1 . . print "After you have
2) edit uploadr.ini. 3) first run from cmd line (or later as a cron job) : python
5, # uploadr.py. 6, #. 7, # Upload images to your Flickr account. 8, #. 9, #
Luckily a piqued-platform script called uploadr.py can watch a folder of your pick
Jul 5, 2009 . Get Uploadr.py After downloading Python, creating a new folder, and opening up
Apr 13, 2008 . To make this happen I started with a python script called uploadr.py by Cameron
People who use uploadr.py. This shows a list of all the people (0 total) who use
Aug 16, 2010 . fix at http://github.com/gsf/uploadr.py/tree/md5drop.
Aug 16, 2011 . Set my uploadr.ini file to: [DEFAULT] # # Location to scan for new images .
genericface blog Using Picasa to upload to Flickr using Uploadr.py
Nov 30, 2006 . The main difference between them is that uploadr.py maintains a connection to
usr/bin/env python import sys, time, os, urllib2, shelve, string, xmltramp,
uploadr.py - Command-line Python script to upload photos to Flickr.
Nov 13, 2007 . Changeset 53749 for ATPhoto/branches/erral-for-dantzan.com/uploadr.py. View
Mar 10, 2011 . Ran uploadr.py to get auth 3. Ran uploadr.py to upload and failed When I run the
Apr 17, 2009 . Using the Flickr Uploadr is problematic. . The Uploadr isn't bright enough to
Aug 15, 2011. that Facebook does not provide any sort of ftp service for public use. i did come
localhostr uploadr is a beautifully designed application to make uploading to
uploadr.py. Update:[February 2007]: Eric Weigle has provided a GTK version that
Oct 23, 2011 . I renamed the views.py file to uploadr.py, created a views folder and then moved
print "After you have allowed access restart uploadr.py" sys.exit() """ http://
Partner Badge. Ohloh project report for uploadr.py. HTML. Embed this in your web
source: plone/Products.republisher/trunk/Products/republisher/uploadr.py @ 7025.
%nohup python uploadr.py -d & # # cron entry (runs at the top of every hour ) #
Jun 24, 2010 . Step 1: Drop the uploader.py and XMLtramp.py files (from Kleppmann's
Managers of uploadr.py. No user has registered to become a manager of this
%nohup python uploadr.py -d & # # cron entry (runs at the top of every hour ) #
Jan 26, 2009. my own Flickr uploader (uploadr) script (not yet finished; currently based on