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I want to unroot my phone, but i get this error. could you help? ClockworkMod
Threads Tagged with unroot evo. Thread / Thread Starter, Last Post, Replies,
Jul 25, 2011 . You are on the fence about finally getting your EVO rooted and want to make
I had rooted my evo and used this website to unroot, and I was able to get new
5 days ago . This will show you how to unroot your HTC EVO Shift back to stock, whether .
Oct 13, 2011 . Your PHONE can have NIGHTmares after this! Enter at your own risk! Chech out
Sep 30, 2011 . UPDATE: If you need to unroot your Evo 4G completely back to stock, see Unroot
I am trying to unroot my phone from the Unrevoked root so that I may do the
Oct 11, 2011 . This video will show you how to unroot your HTC Evo 4G back to stock Android
Oct 18, 2011 . Here's how to unroot your HTC Evo 3D in case you need to return it to warranty!
Sep 28, 2011 . This is Probably the first video on YouTube showing you how to unroot the evo
2 days ago . Here's how to unroot your HTC Evo 4G if for some reason you need to return your
Oct 27, 2011 . Here's how to unroot your HTC Evo 4G if for some reason you need to return your
How to un root HTC Evo 4G, Portable Devices, Handhelds, palmtops, cellphones,
UNROOT and FORMAT your EVO back to original Sprint ROM using latest
I am an idiot, first and foremost. I was running CM7 RC1 on my Evo 4G, and just
The only way to UNroot an EVO on MAC. EVO 4G General.
Oct 17, 2011 . Here's how to unroot your HTC Evo 4G if for some reason you need to return your
Oct 7, 2011 . Here's how to unroot your HTC Evo 3D in case you need to return it to warranty!
Sep 12, 2011 . UNROOT and FORMAT your EVO back to original Sprint ROM using latest
So here is my situation. I have an Evo that is out of the 1 year warranty .
Jun 14, 2010 . I. Before You Begin 1. The only reason to unroot a phone is if you have to send it
Htc Evo 3d Factory Reset Unroot Back To Sprint Stock on WN Network delivers
can someone please tell me as i am new to this site. I had a friend root my phone
For tricks and tips, see www.Evo4Gforum.net NEED TO DOWNLOAD www.htc.
UNROOT and FORMAT your EVO back to original Sprint ROM using latest
Sep 10, 2010 . A lot of you have been asking for how to unroot the EVO, either because you're
[NEW] EVO UnRoot Upgrade - 4.24.651.1 Sprint RUU - UNROOT and FORMAT
[Archive] One Click Root v2 (Root, Unroot, Enable Non-Market App, Unlock,
How to Unroot the EVO in 2 STEPS! | The Droid Demos. Tweet; Share; Email;
Sep 9, 2011 . Here's how to unroot your HTC Evo 3D in case you need to return it to warranty!
Aug 1, 2011 . Whether you just want to prove to yourself that you can do .
HTC EVO 4G :: Unroot Phone From Unrevoked Method? HTC EVO 4G ::
Jul 3, 2011 . I was running an older version of CM7 and just bought an Evo 3D. I decided to
Thank you every one who has continued helping other users, and giving support
Jan 15, 2011 . How to Unroot the EVO in 2 STEPS! A lot of you have been asking for how to
Sep 2, 2011 . For some reason, if you need to unroot your HTC Evo 3D back to stock, here's
Oct 19, 2011 . I have recently obtained an EVO Shift and will be making lots of how to videos for
How to unroot evo 3d with s-on? I unroot it but I couldn't get it to s-on and now i
[GUIDE] How To: Un-Root & Re-Root Your EVO 4G: Nagging Gremlins got you
It is force closing a few apps, so I want to unroot the phone and return it back to
Mar 11, 2011 . This guest tutorial was written by MildlyDisturbed. Even though you're aware of
UNROOT and FORMAT your EVO back to original Sprint ROM using latest
I flashed Unrevoked Forever ROM, but I still see the Super Users Permissions .
5 days ago . How to Unroot my Evo 4G HTC EVO 4G & EVO 3D.
Jan 19, 2011 . Here's an updated way to unroot your HTC Evo 4G by using .