Apr 2, 11
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  • Sep 9, 2010 . This week let's take a look at some recent sighting reports from the state of Michigan. Our first report is from a witness who saw .
  • Large online collection of UFO videos and UFO sightings caught on tape. Share your UFO sighting with us.
  • Feb 2, 2011 . In fact, if you search on YT for ufo sightings in late January 2011, you will find an extremely large number of them from Europe and Asia. .
  • Feb 18, 2009 . 6 Top-Secret Aircraft that are Mistaken for UFOs . B-2 Spirit, the batlike F- 117A was a perfect candidate for triangular UFO sightings. .
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  • Latest UFO sightings - New video of triangle-shaped craft hovering in the sky over Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This footage was recorded on Tuesday, .
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  • Apr 2, 2011 . UFO sighting 24th march 2011 21.30pm Leyton londo. . Amazing new ufo sighting over CUSCO PERU MARCH 201. .
  • UFOs Over America - Dedicated to information about Ufo sightings, photos, stories, encounters, UFO links.
  • The latest UFO Sightings from all around the world. Visit this site if you want to know just what the heck is going on in our skies!
  • Oct 7, 2010 . This is now the eighth time a UFO sighting has been reported since late June. Reasons behind these sightings vary from illuminated kites to .
  • Jul 16, 2010 . Talk about eerie.One of two recent UFO sightings in China occurred almost on the 63rd anniversary of news that a "flying disc" had been .
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  • Mar 30, 2011 . The upcoming royal wedding might be a great place to see UFOs, according to George Filer, a retired Air Force major, who runs the National .
  • Oct 6, 2010 . Mysterious lights in the sky shut down a major airport in China — just the latest in a recent wave of close encounters in that country.
  • This article is a list of UFO sightings, including cases of reported close encounters and abductions. Some cases are well known and have become folklore, .
  • New York UFO March 2011..the largest source of quality UFO Sightings News and Information on the Internet. Submit your UFO Sightings here @ NYUFO:
  • Mar 27, 2011 . The best nasa ufo sightings 2 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5 (5.00 out of 5); Youtube new declassified original & unedited nasa footage ufo .
  • Jan 11, 2011 . In the past 15 years, the Davenport, Wash.-based National UFO Reporting Center has collected more than 30000 reports of UFO sightings .
  • How to Digitally Record/Video a UFO sighting: Stabilize the camera on a tripod. If there is no tripod, then set it on top of a stable, flat surface. .
  • UFO Sighting Reports - Canada. Please note that the reports in this section have been submitted to UFOINFO/UFO ROUNDUP and accepted in good faith. .
  • Jul 15, 2010 . Posted in News « Was there really a UFO sighting in China? . . There have been posts recently about UFO sightings over China. [. ] .
  • Hundreds of videos and documentaries of UFO sightings.
  • Aug 9, 2010 . Are these UFOs alien? We're not saything that. We're just saying they're really, really weird.
  • All the latest UFO and alien videos free from around the Globe. Paranormal, conspiracy news and top secret documents also proof of UFO and alien existence.
  • VIDEO TO THE RIGHT: is one of many sightings of UFOs documented by NASA ' s cameras on the space shuttle. Notice how many objects are "flitting to and fro" .
  • Large online collection of ufo pictures, ufo sightings, and ufo photos. Share your UFO sighting with us.
  • Links to aliens, ufos, ufo sites, ufo researchers, alien researchers, crop circles, and much more, from Wisconsin and around the globe.
  • Official FAA cockpit recordings of pilot UFO sightings. 43:43 - 4 years ago. Official FAA air trafic control recordings of commercial pilot's during UFO .
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  • Yes I want to know more · No thanks, take me to UFOmaps.
  • Oct 6, 2010 . New UFO sighting in China? An airport in inner Mongolia reportedly shut down due to UFO sightings.
  • Sep 16, 2010 . Perhaps every nation will get the aliens it deserves, says author Mark Pilkington.
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  • Mar 14, 2011 . BRAY' POINT – Confirmed reports of UFOs “hovering” and thousands of “flashing lights” over the epicenter of Friday's main earthquake in .
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  • Oct 13, 2010 . The NYPD and the FAA fielded numerous phone calls Wednesday afternoon from freaked out New Yorkers who say they saw UFOs over Manhattan.
  • Oct 4, 2010 . UFO sightings have increased in China, according to media reports. In a recent sighting, photography student Gu Peiwen closely examined a .
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  • Discuss UFOs, aliens, Area 51, crop circles, sightings, USOs, abductions, cattle mutilations, as well as the latest UFO and alien news, research and .
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  • Apr 2, 2011 . UFO Sighting Spooks Colorado Town. People in Lafayette report a strange formation of lights in the night sky. Read Full Post. » .
  • Alien Central is your first source about aliens, greys, UFO sightings and other E.T.
  • The web's most comprehensive and up to date UFO information source. Provided by America's foremost UFO Reporting Agency In continuous operation since 1974 .
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