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Sep 9, 2010 . This week let's take a look at some recent sighting reports from the state of Michigan. Our first report is from a witness who saw .
Large online collection of UFO videos and UFO sightings caught on tape. Share your UFO sighting with us.
Feb 2, 2011 . In fact, if you search on YT for ufo sightings in late January 2011, you will find an extremely large number of them from Europe and Asia. .
Feb 18, 2009 . 6 Top-Secret Aircraft that are Mistaken for UFOs . B-2 Spirit, the batlike F- 117A was a perfect candidate for triangular UFO sightings. .
At least several hundred thousand (estimated) UFO sightings have been documented over the last 50 years, and the total number of UFO sightings is estimated .
UFO Sighting Videotaped Over Japan Tsunami On March 11, 2011 While in a latest statement Benjamin Fulford said, Earthquake attack on Japan. .
Jun 20, 2009 . Share Anything's possible in this age of Photoshop and CGI, but before all that came some pretty crazy pictures. Whether you believe or not, .
Latest UFO sightings - New video of triangle-shaped craft hovering in the sky over Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This footage was recorded on Tuesday, .
UFO Hunters Map. Interactive. Want to learn more about sightings in your area? Find the sighting you're looking for on our UFO Sightings Map. Interactive .
UFO Reports - Recent UFO - USO Sightings And Events - UFO Files And News From Around The World.
This web site contains some excellent recent Ufo Sightings from real people who wrote into us and submitted their stories to Alien-Ufo-Pictures.com. .
UFOseek directory for UFO Sightings - UFO Sightings.
Apr 2, 2011 . UFO sighting 24th march 2011 21.30pm Leyton londo. . Amazing new ufo sighting over CUSCO PERU MARCH 201. .
UFOs Over America - Dedicated to information about Ufo sightings, photos, stories, encounters, UFO links.
The latest UFO Sightings from all around the world. Visit this site if you want to know just what the heck is going on in our skies!
Oct 7, 2010 . This is now the eighth time a UFO sighting has been reported since late June. Reasons behind these sightings vary from illuminated kites to .
Jul 16, 2010 . Talk about eerie.One of two recent UFO sightings in China occurred almost on the 63rd anniversary of news that a "flying disc" had been .
We have no specific reason to suspect that the sightings are UFO-related, but we would like to know what phenomenon is causing the frequent reports. .
Mar 30, 2011 . The upcoming royal wedding might be a great place to see UFOs, according to George Filer, a retired Air Force major, who runs the National .
Oct 6, 2010 . Mysterious lights in the sky shut down a major airport in China — just the latest in a recent wave of close encounters in that country.
This article is a list of UFO sightings, including cases of reported close encounters and abductions. Some cases are well known and have become folklore, .
New York UFO March 2011..the largest source of quality UFO Sightings News and Information on the Internet. Submit your UFO Sightings here @ NYUFO:
Mar 27, 2011 . The best nasa ufo sightings 2 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5 (5.00 out of 5); Youtube new declassified original & unedited nasa footage ufo .
Jan 11, 2011 . In the past 15 years, the Davenport, Wash.-based National UFO Reporting Center has collected more than 30000 reports of UFO sightings .
How to Digitally Record/Video a UFO sighting: Stabilize the camera on a tripod. If there is no tripod, then set it on top of a stable, flat surface. .
UFO Sighting Reports - Canada. Please note that the reports in this section have been submitted to UFOINFO/UFO ROUNDUP and accepted in good faith. .
Jul 15, 2010 . Posted in News « Was there really a UFO sighting in China? . . There have been posts recently about UFO sightings over China. [. ] .
Hundreds of videos and documentaries of UFO sightings.
Aug 9, 2010 . Are these UFOs alien? We're not saything that. We're just saying they're really, really weird.
All the latest UFO and alien videos free from around the Globe. Paranormal, conspiracy news and top secret documents also proof of UFO and alien existence.
VIDEO TO THE RIGHT: is one of many sightings of UFOs documented by NASA ' s cameras on the space shuttle. Notice how many objects are "flitting to and fro" .
Large online collection of ufo pictures, ufo sightings, and ufo photos. Share your UFO sighting with us.
Links to aliens, ufos, ufo sites, ufo researchers, alien researchers, crop circles, and much more, from Wisconsin and around the globe.
Official FAA cockpit recordings of pilot UFO sightings. 43:43 - 4 years ago. Official FAA air trafic control recordings of commercial pilot's during UFO .
UFO Sighting of Mothership Size UFOs in our Solar System by Astronomer JL Walson ! I SCW have also seen such ships using a different technique which I .
Latest UFO Sightings, UFO Videos, Real Aliens and other UFO related info.
Yes I want to know more · No thanks, take me to UFOmaps.
Oct 6, 2010 . New UFO sighting in China? An airport in inner Mongolia reportedly shut down due to UFO sightings.
Sep 16, 2010 . Perhaps every nation will get the aliens it deserves, says author Mark Pilkington.
UFO - The best real UFO videos, alien pictures, ufo sightings, ufo pictures, ufo evidence, ufo images, UFO news, UFO photos, alien photos, ufo sightings and .
Mar 14, 2011 . BRAY' POINT – Confirmed reports of UFOs “hovering” and thousands of “flashing lights” over the epicenter of Friday's main earthquake in .
Oct 13, 2010 . The NYPD and the FAA fielded numerous phone calls Wednesday afternoon from freaked out New Yorkers who say they saw UFOs over Manhattan.
Oct 4, 2010 . UFO sightings have increased in China, according to media reports. In a recent sighting, photography student Gu Peiwen closely examined a .
Discuss UFOs, aliens, Area 51, crop circles, sightings, USOs, abductions, cattle mutilations, as well as the latest UFO and alien news, research and .
Apr 2, 2011 . UFO Sighting Spooks Colorado Town. People in Lafayette report a strange formation of lights in the night sky. Read Full Post. » .
Alien Central is your first source about aliens, greys, UFO sightings and other E.T.
The web's most comprehensive and up to date UFO information source. Provided by America's foremost UFO Reporting Agency In continuous operation since 1974 .