Oct 26, 11
Other articles:
  • Apr 26, 2011 – The Guardian UK ran a story that called Trig Truthers misogynists, but if Sarah Palin's story is true she committed an act of child endangerment.
  • The term is also being used by the adherents of the movement. Adherents also call themselves "9/11 Truthers", "9/11 skeptics" or "truth activists", while generally .
  • Among the Truthers: A Journey Through America's Growing Conspiracist Underground (9780062004819): Jonathan Kay: Books.
  • Jan 30, 2008 – Ever since Skeptic magazine published an investigative article on the 9/11 "Truth Movement" and analyzed their claims, which were found .
  • May 13, 2011 – A journalist travels the world of conspiracy theories, about everything from President Obama's birthplace to 9/11 to vaccines.
  • Sep 12, 2011 – Ten years later, some people refuse to believe what we have been told. And on the tenth anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks, "How .
  • Aug 23, 2011 – As truthers drag Ron Paul down to defeat for the second time the tragic irony of their delusion is made painfully clear.
  • Apr 23, 2011 – The Daily Beast's Andrew Sullivan, who for years has claimed like so many Trig Truthers that Bristol Palin is the child's real mother, expressed .
  • Sep 10, 2011 – The secrecy of the Bush Administration and previous conspiracies have lead many to believe that 9/11 was an inside job. Still no conspiracy .
  • Dan Dicks Press for September 10, 2011. Raising awareness about the collapse of World Trade Center 7 in the lead up to the 10th anniversary of the .
  • May 18, 2010 – Jonah Goldberg thinks the truther movement is every bit as insidious as the birther movement. Responding to a post by Jon Chait suggesting .
  • Sep 9, 2011 – As people across Canada and the United States publicly remembered the tenth anniversary of 9/11 this week, a small group at Ryerson .
  • May 2, 2011 – Infowars, the website run by popular radio host Alex Jones -- a 9/11 Truther, Bilderberg Group investigator, and occasional Ron Paul .
  • Sep 9, 2011 – The details may vary, but the premise behind almost all the 9/11-conspiracy films this weekend is roughly the same:.
  • Aug 25, 2011 – Confession: Sometimes, late at night, I like to go online and argue with truthers. Or I used to. It would go like this.
  • Sep 12, 2011 – Where in heck did references to truther conspiracies get posted that would garner Ms. Barnhardt's rightful and righteous smackdown? .
  • Just to prove that point while I give the Truthers a taste of their own medicine, here are ten questions about the 9/11 conspiracy theories. The next time someone .
  • Sep 11, 2011 – The Truthers this morning set up this banner across the street from the Ground Zero Memorial. The banner at Broadway and Cortland right by .
  • Aug 31, 2011 – Bachmann, Perry and other odd theorists who think the U.S. government is unconstitutional.
  • SFV Truthers (SFVTruthers) is on Twitter. Sign up for Twitter to follow SFV Truthers (SFVTruthers) and get their latest updates.
  • Apr 25, 2011 – Good news, everyone! We have survived the latest flare-up of the conspiracy theory generally known as "Trig Trutherism"—the discredited .
  • May 28, 2011 – point of inquiry | Over on the Point of Inquiry forum thread for discussion of the show with Jonathan Kay, 9-11 Truther madness has descended.
  • May 2, 2011 – DNA Truthers. Kit Eaton surveys the science: In Osama's case, the DNA tests don' t necessarily involve a reference sample from the man .
  • 9/11 TRUTHERS LOCKED UP FOR LIFE UNDER NEW US LAW . Mar 9, 2010 - 5 min - Uploaded by 91177info
  • Sep 2, 2011 – “Truthers” and “conspiracy theorists” are terms used to deflect thinking from the topic and focus on the person, “ad hominem attacks”. I presume .
  • Jun 2, 2011 – Former CIA Director Michael Hayden writes in The Wall Street Journal that the latest lunacy to get a popular hearing is the idea that harsh CIA .
  • Jun 16, 2011 – The June 6th issue of National Review On Dead Tree had an intriguing essay by Andrew Roberts on Among the Truthers: A Journey Through .
  • May 12, 2011 – Conspiracy theorists are bi-partisan, Kay says, as evidenced by the group of 9/11 "truthers" who tend to ascribe to extremely left-wing ideology; .
  • Sep 12, 2011 – Read 'THE TRUTH ABOUT TRUTHERS' on Yahoo! News. Why Does the US Government Create Paranoia?"Truthers expect something from .
  • Noun- One who rejects the accepted explanation of the events of 9/11. Truthers generally believe the U.S. government committed the acts of terroris.
  • Jun 9, 2011 – In our May 28th review of “Among the Truthers”, Jonathan Kay's book on conspiracy theories (“One born every minute”), we wrongly said that .
  • As Patterico reports, he hated Bush and littered the Internet with 9/11 Truther rants. But just as I passed on playing the blame game with the global warmicides .
  • Sep 9, 2011 – Their views may be considered absurd by some, but those who see a government conspiracy theory behind the Sept. 11 terror attacks plan to .
  • Dec 31, 2008 – No structural, civil, or any engineers agree with the truthers. Yet, most of my friends will try to explain the hard physics involved in structural .
  • Sep 9, 2011 – It's a different kind of 9/11 commemoration: 911 Conspiracies. Ten years after four hijacked airplanes crashed and nearly 3000 people died, .
  • Sep 11, 2011 – It was the crackpots against the crazies.One block from the silence and solemnity of the 9/11 anniversary, a screaming match erupted between .
  • Sep 11, 2011 – To the truthers, that account is utter nonsense. . to dissuade most, if any, truthers , the psychological reasons for which will be explored in a bit. .
  • Apr 20, 2011 – Huffington Post appears to have drawn the line on acceptable political debate to exclude theories about the nativity of Sarah Palin's youngest .
  • May 8, 2010 – How a conspiracy-theory catchword got its legs.For those of us who don't believe the moon landing was faked or Area 51 in Nevada is hiding .
  • But 9/11 Truthers still cling to their various talking points, which generally consist of misleading scientific factoids, and stray quotations from public figures and .
  • Aug 21, 2007 – In what will surely be seen as a defining moment for the 9/11 truther movement, the History Channel has delivered a blow for sanity and .
  • Among the Truthers: A Journey Through America's Growing Conspiracist Underground, by Jonathan Kay, a Hardcover from HarperCollins, an imprint of .
  • Welcome to The Truther Girls' Website If you are not a paranoid nut when you arrive, you will be by the time you leave or we'll give you your worthless fiat money .
  • Sep 10, 2011 – For Mike Berger, the tragedy that consumed our nation and much of the world on Sept. 11, 2001, is a matter of opinion. He's not happy about .
  • May 17, 2011 – You rarely see any outrage from the Beltway media when Republicans make insane claims about Democratic policies or politicians.
  • Sep 6, 2011 – A Canadian looks into the persistent rumors that surround the 9-11 conspiracy theorists called "Truthers."
  • Jun 7, 2011 – Luke Rudkowski: Another Truther. Rudkowski's fame stems from an incident where he shouted down Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as .
  • Sep 11, 2007 – Top 5 9/11 Truther Myths You Should Be Prepared to Debunk - Mary Katharine Ham: Six years later, and it's still hard to believe it.
  • Geraldo Rivera gets ambushed by 9-11 "Truthers" on Fox News . Sep 9, 2007 - 8 min - Uploaded by pumaman1
  • Trailer for "Hypothesis," a film by Brett Smith: From the film website, hypothesis. com: hy.poth.e.sis' is a documentary film that follows physics professor Steven E. .

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