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This post is an extension of the Tonsillectomy swollen uvula and scabs .
Jul 19, 2010 – Bleeding after a tonsillectomy is most likely to occur right after surgery or about a week later when the scabs come off. If you suspect bleeding .
Jan 6, 2011 – Photos of adult tonsillectomy. Photos of tonsilitus .
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Tonsil Stones Be Gone! . My tongue and the scabs used to be white – or so .
Post-tonsillectomy Scabs. Question: Hi all. Can't tell you what these boards have meant to me over the last 24 hours or so. .
Tonsillectomy photo Day 2. Tonsillectomy Scabs. People posting on the forum .
The procedure to remove the tonsils is called a tonsillectomy; excision of the adenoids . Scabs: A scab will form where the tonsils and adenoids were removed. .
21 posts - 17 authors - Last post: Jul 10Tonsillectomy recovery- scabs. I'm glad to hear that your recovery has gone so well. Being 18 is an advantage over us old-timers. (At 44, my .
Follow these tips to prepare and survive your tonsillectomy. . When your scabs fall off, avoid any acidic foods, like tomato based foods, or citrus juice. 8 .
Yes. Tonsillectomy scabs usually form after 4 - 6 days. As the tonsillectomy scabs fall off, some bleeding is common. more .
20 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jul 10Health related message boards offering discussions of numerous health topics .
Are tonsillectomy scabs normal? Yes, they are. . Scabs from tonsillectomy. Home. My Tonsillectomy Story. Preparing for Tonsillectomy. Tonsil Stones .
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Jun 24, 2009 – This is the story of my Tonsillectomy at 37 years old. . . I still feel some scabs in the back of my throat and I still get nervous that I'm going to rip .
Cincinnati Children's describes tonsillectomy surgery, preparation and . The scabs usually fall off a little at a time 5 – 10 days after surgery and are swallowed. .
3 answers - May 29, 2007Top answer: I had my tonsillectomy Jan 9th, scabs started to fall off last night. You are correct it has has been the most painful day it hurts terrible; I've read other peoples blogs* .
19 posts - 12 authors - Last post: Dec 13, 2008He lost something like 30 pounds. (he had it to lose, so no worries there). Orange juice? Over tonsil scabs?!?! Owie!!!!! Hunter, what is tonsilitis, .
It feels like my right side where the tonsil used to be formed another scab. Is this possible? I'm 21 and I had an emergency tonsillectomy last year.. Now I'm sick .
1 post - Last post: Nov 16, 2010Post tonsillectomy Tonsil Scabs . I'm wondering when peoples scabs have .
Jun 27, 2010 – To my dismay I learned that adult tonsillectomies are about . . for the nastiness — just do a Google image search for “tonsillectomy scabs. .
Tonsillectomy patients often complain of increased throat pain 7 to 10 days after their surgery when the scabs come off the throat. No aspirin or aspirin-like .
Mar 23, 2010 – Tonsillectomy Forum. Forum Archives. What to Eat. What to .
Apr 18, 2008 – I was 21 when I had a tonsillectomy and my scab broke off during the night (after I sneezed)and I was rushed into ER with a second surgery and .
What to expect after tonsillectomy. Sore throat - Similar to when your last had tonsillitus. It will get more painful until after the scabs come off. Ear pain - This is .
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20 posts - 18 authors - Last post: May 24People can bleed and die over a stupid scab falling off on your tonsil area. If the surgeon uses absorbable suture and ties it all closed then .
Brooke (2004-03-18): I had surgery 9 days ago, and I do not have scabs, but white patches on my tonsil beds. Is this normal? Erik (2004-03-18): I remember .
Tonsillectomy. . This surgery is called a tonsillectomy. . child may complain of throat pain again 5-10 days after surgery when the scabs come off the throat. .
by Dr. John Mersch
Instructions for Home Care After TONSILLECTOMY/ADENOIDECTOMY . This indicates that the scabs are sloughing off, a part of the healing process. You must .
A: After tonsillectomy surgery, the tonsil beds heal by creating a mucus over the area where your tonsils were. They are scabs, of a sort. It's a normal part of the .
Dec 28, 2010 – tonsillectomy scabs - help: ODD had her tonsils and adenoids removed last Tuesday, Dec. 21st. She has done extremely well, but has gotten a .
1 answeri had a tonsillectomy on the 30th (it's now the 6th), so im on day 6 (not .
Avoid "scratchy" foods for several weeks (e.g., chips, dry toast) as the scabs over the tonsil beds may be traumatized during swallowing and produce bleeding. .
Doctors said between day 7-12 the scabs were supposed to start falling off. Day 10 for me large chunks started to loosen up and drop off, and though I have lost .
2 posts - Last post: May 12I am scheduled for tonsillectomy in two days. I have heard bad things about when the scabs start to come off. How bad is it really when the .
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Nov 29, 2008 – when tonsillectomy scabs fall off Ear, Nose & Throat.
There is a vast difference between having a tonsillectomy as a child and as an . Remember that after the scabs fall off around days 7-11, your recovery will be .
tonsil recovery, pain in ears, tips (How Tags Affect Reciprocity) . They wouldn't let me out the hospital untill I ate toast, it scrathes the scab off, just a bit and you .
Tonsillectomy Recovery Forum. A live discussion for patients considering or recovering from tonsillectomy. Questions about scabs, bleeding, pain, recovery time, .
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15 posts - 12 authors - Last post: Aug 3, 2010Hey everyone I am 18 and i had my tonsils out ten days ago after getting tonsilitis 5times in 3 months My tonsils were bigger than walnuts .
11 answers - Apr 12, 2006Tonsillectomy survival tips and grocery list? April 12 . . When both scabs were off , swallowing was much easier and much more comforatable. .
Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy are common surgical procedures in children . White patches at the back of the throat: These are scabs from the raw surfaces .
Jun 22, 2007 – I'm on my third day after surgery (tonsillectomy) and yes my 1st and . .. this will definitly help down the road when your scabs start to bother you. .
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