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  • T-Mobile iPhone MMS Settings For iOS 4. Posted by . I4 that is factory unlocked . I have a iPhone 4 unlocked running tmobile bb 1.59.00 firmware 4.2. 1 I .
  • 10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jul 1, 2009Page 4- here are the USA Tmobile MMS settings. . iPhone. . Edit: Went back to the other settings and now thats not working ether. .
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  • 1 post - 1 author - Last post: Mar 7I have a data plan on my unlocked iPhone 4 for T-Mobile. But it seems like I do not have the right settings. So what settings do I use to .
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  • Aug 11, 2010 . Fix MMS Settings with T-Mobile on your Unlocked iPhone. If you recently unlocked your iPhone 4 and tried to run it on a T-Mobile US SIM, .
  • Aug 8, 2010 . works good for tmobile 4.01 3gs 1. reset setting 2. Add n install repo 3. instead of use 4. .
  • Jan 28, 2011 . Please subscribe to my channel if you like. Under Cydia Extended Preferences T-Mobile MMS fixed APN Setting.
  • Aug 8, 2010 . iphone 4 4.0.1 networt settings tmobile iphone mms failure .
  • Nov 11, 2009 . Simple guide to setting up MMS on your T-Mobile iPhone 3Gs. . I have a 3g iphone running 4.0 and I've tried everything and I cant recieve .
  • Dec 11, 2010 . fix t-mobile iphone mms ios4-2 One of the joys of unlocking .
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  • Feb 4, 2011 . strateg1c-iphone local; how to set up iphone 4 for tmobile internet; HOW TO SETUP IPHONE 3GS 4 2 1 INTERNET; how to set up a tmobile .
  • T-Mobile MMS Settings for iPhone 3G / 3Gs on OS 4.0 (as of 4/19/10) video from YouTube. Follow these steps for the MMS to work on your iphone for t-mobile .
  • Feb 12, 2011 . 18 comments to EASY iPhone 4 ios4 Unlock – iphone 3gs unlock + Setup INTERNET – use iPhone 4 on Tmobile FAST! soodhawowow .
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  • Buy the iPhone on T-Mobile - award-winning network, excellent coverage and no . to ensure your phone has the correct settings for the T-Mobile network. .
  • 6 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Aug 9, 2010Iphone 4 on T-mobile APN Settings iPhone Hacks. . How can I change these setting in order to get internet on the iPhone 4 on T-mobile! .
  • 10 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jan 27I have an unlocked jailbroken iPhone 3GS running 4.0(8A293) . Im not particularly sure on the settings that T-Mobile use but on your .
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  • Mar 6, 2011 . I have a data plan on my unlocked iPhone 4 for T-M…
  • May 29, 2010 . Navigate to Settings 3.Tap General, then tap Network. 4.Turn Data Roaming On -- this will allow your iPhone to locate T-Mobile's data .
  • Feb 29, 2008 . [iPhone] Edit Edge Settings under Firmware 1.1.4 and 2.0 . . I have my iphone unlocked with winpwn and i have stuck a tmobile sim card in .
  • 4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Nov 3, 2010Hi, I'm trying to help a friend set up his jailbroken and unlocked iPhone 4 for use on TMobile, but I'm running into too much information on .
  • Fix MMS settings on iPhone 3g running 4.0 and 4.0.1 firmware w/ tmobile. posted Aug 19, 2010 8:06 AM by Mary Wiekel .
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  • 20 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Jun 28, 2010i have an iphone 3gs ios4 on those settings . .. Crash, I've upgraded to 4.0 yesterday and unlocked using redsn0w , unlocked, .
  • Aug 8, 2010 . If you recently unlocked your iPhone 4 and tried to run it on a T-Mobile US SIM, you must have noticed that MMS doesn't work anymore. .
  • 20 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Nov 9, 2009Time with T-Mobile: 7+ yrs. Current Phone(s): Apple iPhone 4 32GB 4.0, Apple iPhone 3GS 32GB 4.0, Blackberry Curve 8900, T-Mobie G1 Black .
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  • 9 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Aug 16, 2010I have an Factory Unlocked iPhone 4 in the United States and need to know the APN settings and MMS settings for the internet. .
  • Sep 22, 2010 . Note for iPhone 4 users: you will need to trim the SIM card down to fit . the iPhone configuration to T-Mobile specific carrier settings: .
  • Oct 16, 2009 . Tap General Settings, then tap Network. 4. Turn Data Roaming On — this will allow your iPhone to locate T-Mobile's data network. .
  • Jun 21, 2010 . Go into Settings > General > Network and Turn off 3g: . .. I have an unlocked iphone 3g ios 4 running on tmobile. I cannot access cellular .
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  • ios 4 tmobile mms fix! iPhone Hacks sources and Install the T-Mobile 4.0 MMS fix , then reboot Add this to your Settings prior even with the lei fix ios 4 .
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  • Insert the T-Mobile SIM card in the tray and gently push it back in place. 4. Turn on the iPhone and tap the "Settings" icon. .
  • Steps to Fix MMS issue For T-Mobile USA iPhone Users . Step 4: Once installed Reset Network Settings (Settings> General> Reset> Reset network settings) .
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  • 20 posts - 10 authors - Last post: Jun 24, 2010Enable MMS on iPhone 3G/ 3GS iOS 4 for T-Mobile . I have been trying the whole day to getting these MMS settings to work and i have .
  • 7 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Nov 12, 2010The following worked for me to get MMS & Internet working on T-Mobile USA (even after restarting the iPhone 4): MMS Add .
  • Nov 7, 2009 . 18 Responses to T-Mobile MMS Settings for Unlocked iPhone 3G. Laura says: November 12, 2009 at 4:29 PM. Hi Brian - .
  • Aug 26, 2010 . Also, you do not need to touch the FaceTime toggle in Settings -> Phone and should not . iPhone 4 FaceTime Video Calls Over 3G with My3G ! .
  • 1 post - 1 author - Last post: Jun 25, 2010APN: Username: user. Password: pass .
  • 1. Select settings 2. Select General 3. Select Network 4. Make sure "Data Roaming" . New T-Mobile G1 Phone To Compete With Apple's iPhone .
  • iphone tmobile mms settings
  • This entry was posted on Sunday, August 10th, 2008 at 4:21 pm and is tagged with google maps, winscp, . @kubedar: click on settings>general>network>cellular data network> APN, . . Does the iPhone 3G work with T-Mobile's 3G network? .
  • Sep 15, 2008 . Owe December 16, 2008 at 4:13 am #. I have a t-mobile prepaid sim, and put epc. in the Edge settings, restarted the phone and .
  • Sep 22, 2007 . To set up MMS on your device, go to: MMS Settings for .
  • Jan 2, 2011 . Unlocked iPhone Users Please Read! Network Settings for T-Mobile 4.1 Cellular Data APN - user name - (its blank) password .
  • 20 posts - 13 authors - Last post: May 5, 2008On T-Mobile, these settings are typically for Blackberry's, . .. hey, i have unlocked and jailbroken 1.1.4 iphone, and i use it w/ Tmobile .
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  • Mar 31, 2011 . internet setting for 3g iphone version 4.0 tmobile . apn settings for t-mobile after upgrade to 4.0 on iphone enable mms 3g ios4 .
  • Jun 21, 2010 . Many people have been asking for the MMS settings to use for T-Mobile. This will work on all versions of the iPhone and any firmware. .
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  • Jun 27, 2010 . A lot of users that are on tmobile and using an upgraded ios 4.0 iphone have been stuck trying to get mms working on their iphones again. .
  • 7 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Aug 5, 2010On 3.1.3 I had the following settings: apn: mmsc: . if not, search google for something like "tmobile iphone 4.0.1 mms" .
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  • 8 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Oct 28, 2010easy way to fix MMS for iPhone 4 on 4.1 first goto Settings> .
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  • 10 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Aug 9, 2010Hi I have jailbroken and unlocked my iPhone 4 on iOS4 I can't find . try googling "t-mobile iphone APN settings" and see how far you get .
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