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T-Mobile MMS Settings for iPhone 3G / 3Gs on OS 4.0 (as of 4/19/10) video from . Works for 3g /3gs on OS 4.0 Cellular data APN: wap.voicestream.com User: .
Aug 13, 2010 . iPhone 4 IOS 4.0.1 T-Mobile MMS Internet and Edge settings (APN Settings) . . Added to queue How to enable MMS for T-Mobile on iPhone 4, .
What are the China Mobile APN Settings for iPhone 4? . T-Mobile MMS iPhone iOS 4 settings? by ealhhard27 » Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:15 am: 1 Replies: 79 Views .
Oct 5, 2007 . Got my unlocked iPhone 1.1.1 working with EDGE settings as above. . I have a hacked iphone, and when I turn it off it looses the APN settings all the time. . . Hi, i'm on t-mobile uk with a 1.1.4 hacked iphone, .
14 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Aug 13, 2010[Archive] iPhone 4 T-Mobile MMS Settings iPhone 4. . I wish I could edit the apn settings but unfortunately the cellular data network .
Aug 8, 2010 . Step 4: Now navigate to Settings –> General –> Network –> Cellular Data . Fix T-Mobile MMS on iPhone 4 (5). APN: wap.voicestream.com .
10 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Aug 9, 2010Hi I have jailbroken and unlocked my iPhone 4 on iOS4 I can't find . try googling "t-mobile iphone APN settings" and see how far you get .
Mar 31, 2011 . iphone iOS 4 t-mobile APN settings t-mobile mms fix 4.1 .
10 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jan 27Im not particularly sure on the settings that T-Mobile use but on your . to change your APN settings etc? Macbook Pro 13" | iPhone 4 - JB .
Mar 31, 2011 . tmobile iphone 3gs mms settings iphone 4.0 apn redsn0w . apn settings for t- mobile after upgrade to 4.0 on iphone enable mms 3g ios4 .
6 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Aug 9, 2010Iphone 4 on T-mobile APN Settings iPhone Hacks. . How can I change these setting in order to get internet on the iPhone 4 on T-mobile! .
Jun 18, 2009 . hi there, tried the t-mobile setting for mms but it does not work… . Posted by Jonny | July 20, 2009, 4:34 pm. hi my iphone wount work it saves the . .. APN: epc.tmobile.com for MMS This SHOULD be wap.voicestream.com .
Oct 16, 2009 . Tap General Settings, then tap Network. 4. Turn Data Roaming On — this will allow your iPhone to locate T-Mobile's data network. .
Oct 15, 2009 . T-Mobile. APN: internet; User: iphone; Pw: password; MMSC: . Bring Personal Hotspot to GSM AT&T iPhones Just Like Verizon CDMA iPhone 4? .
20 posts - 13 authors - Last post: May 5, 2008Then, in the EDGE settings, setup the APN server as . .. i have unlocked and jailbroken 1.1.4 iphone, and i use it w/ Tmobile family plan. .
9 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Aug 16, 2010Topic : Factory Unlocked iPhone 4 T-Mobile US APN Settings .
20 posts - 16 authors - Last post: May 20, 2009Configure Settings. 2- To setup your t-mobile internet follow these steps . . also, i am still using the apn of: epc.tmobile.com, is this not supposed to . .. I have an iphone and the first 4 days it worked flawlessly. .
I even changed the mms APN settings for tmobile so the mms logo would show in the . hi, i jailbroke my iphone 4, also did APN setting but data still not .
2 answers - Jun 23, 2010I went to unlockit.co.nz n installed a tmobile apn profile, after realizing .
8 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Aug 10, 2010Change APN Settings? [FOUND SOLUTION!] 4.0.1 jb/unlockd iPhone 3GS. .
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Dec 17, 2009The employee told me that my iPhone would work with it. . First, I don't have APN option in my Settings>General>Network. . Phones: Apple iPhone 3GS - 16GB black: iPhone 4, N900 or Snapdragon-powered Android phone .
Sep 15, 2008 . I have prepaid T-mobile with 2G unlocked iphone F/W 2.1. With T-zone hack and without still does not work of any of APNs' settings. .
Sep 22, 2007 . If you have the iPhone 3G, 3Gs or 4G, you don't have to set .
Sep 22, 2010 . Note for iPhone 4 users: you will need to trim the SIM card down to fit into . since t-mobile no longer used the voicestream apn settings. .
Jan 28, 2011 . Please subscribe to my channel if you like. Sinfulrepoiphone.com Under Cydia Extended Preferences T-Mobile MMS fixed APN Setting.
Feb 29, 2008 . next news: [iPhone] Official ZiPhone 2.5 with Firmware 1.1.4 support . <string >t-mobile</string>. with the appropriate APN settings of .
6 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Jul 18, 2009Can someone please tell me the right APN settings for the iphone with .
Step 4: Once installed Reset Network Settings (Settings> General> Reset> Reset . data network> APN= epc.tmobile.com wap.voicestream.com; MMS: Settings> .
20 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Nov 9, 2009Time with T-Mobile: 7+ yrs. Current Phone(s): Apple iPhone 4 32GB 4.0, Apple iPhone . .. Fill in the MMS settings: APN: wap.voicestream.com .
7 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Aug 5, 2010On 3.1.3 I had the following settings: apn: epc.tmobile.com mmsc: . if not, search google for something like "tmobile iphone 4.0.1 mms" .
7 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jun 11, 2007Apple iPhone 4 16GB. Best price: £499.00, £499.00 - My Memory . I use to have a Blackberry Pearl with T-Mobile, they have removed . the best way to test (as I the apn settings didn't seem to want to save) is to SSH .
4. iPhone 4 ONLY, (Take the SIM out and reinsert it back in), Cellular Data Network should . Enjoy! T-Mobile MMS settings: APN: internet2.voicestream.com .
9 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Aug 16, 2010Topic : Factory Unlocked iPhone 4 T-Mobile US APN Settings . Unlocked iPhone 4 in the United States and need to know the APN settings and .
Factory Unlocked iPhone 4 T-Mobile US APN Settings . the APN settings and MMS settings for the internet. I know that only EDGE works but that is fine with .
Jun 21, 2010 . T-Mobile iPhone MMS Settings For iOS 4. Posted by LEI Mobile on Jun . .. Used the 2nd set of apn settings since those were what I already .
Jun 22, 2010 . enter these settings. Cellular Data Apn: epc.tmobile.com .
Jul 2, 2009 . T-Mobile MMS Settings. Cellular Data APN: wap.voicestream.com . works but u dont have 2 put mms max and url in tho…..but thanks 4 tha help .
Nov 11, 2009 . Simple guide to setting up MMS on your T-Mobile iPhone 3Gs. . I have a 3g iphone running 4.0 and I've tried everything and I cant recieve any pictures . . I couldn't find the APN settings after configuration profile. .
Oct 20, 2009 . I have talked to t-mobile customer services but they say i need that APN setting in order to input the manual setting in my iphone to .
Jun 21, 2010 . Make sure your settings are as follows… Cellular Data APN: epc.tmobile.com . . I have an unlocked iphone 3g ios 4 running on tmobile. .
Jul 31, 2008 . When I upgraded my iPhone firmware from version 1.1.4 to version 2.0 I . my iPhone, re-installing the 2 different T-Mobile settings on APN .
Jan 2, 2011 . Network Settings for T-Mobile 4.1 Cellular Data APN - epc.tmobile.com user name . T-Mobile MMS Settings for iPhone 3G / 3GS iPhone 4 .
Nov 12, 2008 . I am formerly a suncom customer and the apn settings for suncom are mobileinternet . .. T-Mobile still has the 5.99 plan as of 10/4/2009. .
3 answers - Jun 25, 2009APN is the GPRS Access Point Name. T-Mobile GPRS/EDGE modem settings. T-Mobile GPRS/EDGE network . modmyiPhone: T-Mobile settings for the Apple iPhone . 4 people rated this as good. Android Core by Android Core .
Jul 14, 2010 . Once you are done just reboot your iPhone and MMS should be working. If they are not working correctly try these settings: APN: epc.tmobile. .
15 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Feb 17iPhone 4 Tmobile APN option missing? is a discussion within the .
This entry was posted on Sunday, August 10th, 2008 at 4:21 pm and is tagged with google maps, . @kubedar: click on settings>general>network>cellular data network> APN, . . “which for T-Mobile's $5.99 T-Zones are just the WAP APN .
Mar 16, 2011 . 4 Belgium Networks. 4.1 Mobistar; 4.2 Mobistar; 4.3 PROXIMUS. 5 Chilian Networks . . The above didn't work for my iphone, but this did. APN: internet.com . .. GPRS/EDGE settings. APN address: internet.t-mobile.cz .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Jul 8, 2010OFFICIAL T-Mobile UK APN/MMS settings (iPhone) iOS 4.0 & Jailbreak. . 0.93 I finally got these settings from a "friend" at T-Mobile. .