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Mar 20, 2011 – There's no doubt Japan's disaster is already worse than Three Mile Island. Eve Conant talks to Tom Kauffman about working through the chaos .
Meltdown at Three Mile Island, Imagemap: linked to kids and home. The Film and More . What exactly happened within Pennsylvania's Three Mile Island plant? .
Twenty-five years ago, Hollywood released The China Syndrome, featuring Jane Fonda and Michael Douglas as a TVnews crew who witness what appears to be a .
The accident at the Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) nuclear power plant near Middletown, Pennsylvania, on March 28, 1979, was the most serious in U.S. .
Mar 28, 2011 – 1979: Equipment malfunction and human error lead to a partial reactor meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant near Middletown, .
Today, the Three Mile Island nuclear plant (TMI) generates enough electricity to power a city the size of Philadelphia. Its world class performance record .
The Washington Post published the following special report in the immediate aftermath of the March 1979 nuclear accident at Three Mile Island. .
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station (TMI) is a civilian nuclear .
Mar 28, 2011 – This morning a group of roughly 30 people gathered at Pennsylvania's Three Mile Island – the site of America's worst commercial nuclear .
Containment: Life After Three Mile Island is a documentary that examines the legacy of the 1979 accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant (TMI) from .
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Dec 24, 2005 – In March 1979, an event occurred at the Three Mile Island Unit 2 that resulted in the first case of melted fuel in a full scale commerical .
Three Mile Island: In 1979 at Three Mile Island in USA a cooling malfunction caused part of the (TMI 2) core to melt. The reactor was destroyed but there .
The Three Mile Island Citizens' Monitoring Network (TMI-CMN) is a local, grassroots organization that monitors radiation in a 15-mile radius around the TMI .
Three Mile Island Camp is a volunteer-managed family-oriented facility of the Appalachian Mountain Club.
by J Koomey - Related articles
Mar 14, 2011 – MIDDLETOWN, Pennsylvania (Reuters) - Judy Stare remembers the day 32 years ago when she and her family fled from the melting core of the .
Mar 28, 2011 – The actions come on the anniversary of the 1979 Three Mile Island nuclear accident in Pennsylvania, when a relatively minor problem in one .
Mar 28, 2011 – Monday is the anniversary of the worst nuclear accident in U.S. history. The partial core meltdown at Three Mile Island on March 28, 1979, .
Mar 15, 2011 – Even though we don't yet know the full extent of the nuclear contamination in Japan and the potential for true catastrophe, it is clear that .
Nov 22, 2009 – Authorities at Pennsylvania's Three Mile Island nuclear plant were investigating what caused a weekend radiation leak that resulted in 150 .
Mar 12, 2011 – The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant, and the government's clumsy response, both resemble the 1979 U.S. nuclear disaster.
L'accident nucléaire de Three Mile Island s'est produit le 28 mars 1979 dans la centrale nucléaire de Three Mile Island (3,3 km2). L'île est située sur la .
Information from a non-profit organization of citizens. Outcome and analysis of the accident and current problems discussion.
Jan 4, 2010 – http://Classic--Movies.blogspot.com/2011/01/china-syndrome.html Part 1 of 6. 1999 PBS-TV documentary, "Meltdown At Three Mile Island", .
Yahoo! reviewed these sites and found them related to Nuclear Disasters > Three Mile Island.
Three Mile Island. Exhibit · Unit 2 nuclear power plant · Five hours in which the unthinkable happened · Five days of crisis .
2002-2011 All rights reserved-Three Mile Island Scooter Club, Harrisburg, PA This site is best viewed in a Firefox browser. If you cannot view this page, .
Early in 2006 the Report of The President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island was moved to this new server due to cost considerations. .
Visit AMC's rustic cabins on the shores of Three Mile Island in Lake Winnipesauke, New Hampshire.
*Starred Review* As the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Three Mile Island (TMI) nuclear accident approaches, the official historian of the Nuclear .
Unit 2 of Metropolitan Edison Company's nuclear generating plant at Three Mile Island (TMI) on the Susquehanna River. Continue. .
Mar 22, 2011 – Matthew Shaffer writes on NRO: 'Nobody at Three Mile Island was actually hurt or killed, or anything of that nature,” remembers John McGaha, .
Before the 1979 accident at Pennsylvania's Three Mile Island, few had heard of the nuclear power plant on the Susquehanna River. But the crisis that began .
Mar 17, 2011 – Radiation leaks from Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s earthquake-stricken reactors in northeastern Japan represent the worst nuclear power .
Exelon's Three Mile Island is located in central Pennsylvania, about 10 miles south of Harrisburg, in Londonderry Township. The nuclear power plant is built .
Mar 15, 2011 – Three decades before the world watched helplessly as Japan teetered on the brink of a nuclear catastrophe, all eyes were on an unfolding .
May 17, 2011 – Database of videotapes, reports and photographs that were generated during the cleanup and recovery of the plant provided from the .
Mar 27, 2011 – CBS News video: Three Mile Island, what really happened? - The current nuclear crisis in Japan has reminded many Americans of the 1979 .
Dickinson College's Three Mile Island web site is made up of a variety of documents related to the nuclear emergency that occurred at the Three Mile Island .
Companion site to the PBS show of the same name. Covers "How a Nuclear Reactor Works" and "What Happened," showing the series of events that took place on .
Mar 26, 2011 – March 28 marks the 32nd anniversary of the United States' worst nuclear accident . The reactor at Three Mile Island in central Pennsylvania .
The Three Mile Island accident was a core meltdown in Unit 2 (a pressurized water reactor manufactured by Babcock & Wilcox) of the Three Mile Island Nuclear .
Apr 15, 2011 – Interview: The worst is "probably" past, but there's a one-in-four chance Fukushima could deteriorate. Here's how.
The accident at the Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI‑2) nuclear power plant near Middletown, Pa., on March 28, 1979, was the most serious in U.S. commercial .
This page provided to the domain owner free by Sedo's Domain Parking. Disclaimer : Domain owner and Sedo maintain no relationship with third party .
Mar 28, 2011 – In 1979, 32 years ago this March 28, the owners of Three Mile Island said there was no meltdown, no serious radiation release and no need .
Dickinson College's Three Mile Island web site is made up of a variety of documents related to the nuclear emergency that occurred at the Three Mile Island .
Sep 28, 2010 – Pictures and history of Three Mile Island and the 1979 accident.
May 16, 2010 – Background information and a gripping, detailed narrative of the Three Mile Island accident. Exhaustively researched and presented in .