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  • Feb 26, 2010 – 1351 abbreviations: If you have received a text message you don't . Characters A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z .
  • Text messages are a popular way to communicate using a cellular phone. . Numbers and symbols can replace words or sounds. . number of letters in each word) and 459 for "I love you" (the corresponding numbers for the letters I, L and Y). .
  • Meaning of text message symbol :d? . What does a small bottle followed by @ symbol mean in text message? . . Blackberry symbols for text messages y .
  • Jul 20, 2011 – Collection of cute and cool symbols and special text characters for . Put these special facebook symbols in your chat, status, name, comments, ascii art, messages. . of cool letters, and generators for wierd text messages. .
  • Signs and symbols are used in text messaging for a few reasons. They can .
  • (y), Thumbs up, signifies good/go ahead. (n), Thumbs down .
  • Text message symbols, such as smiling faces, frowning faces and roses, add personality to . The letter "Y" often stands in for "why" while "C" stands in for "see . .
  • A random symbol that Eric Simeonoglou likes add at the end of every sentence. . xP is usually used when texting sms's or mail's to say that you are kidding .
  • Jul 24, 2009 – Texting Symbols Text Messaging Symbols. . Text Symbols. Text Message Abbreviations Text Message Icons . .. Y! Typical Man. YBS, Youíll .
  • With more than 82 million people texting regularly, it's no wonder you've seen this . Note: "C" and "S" are used interchangeably for "See" --and-- "U" and "Y" are .
  • Y z symbols are created by typing the symbols heart, Free texting abbreviations and smiley , Acronyms business jargon marketingwith more than More than .
  • SMS Text and Symbol Dictionary . A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Numerals | SMS Symbols Dictionary .
  • 50+ items – SoftMessage is a free PC utility that sends text messages .
  • a.k.a. texting, text message, person-to-person messaging, p2p messaging, SMS .
  • Feb 12, 2011 – It is very easy to understand the texting symbols list. When you are sent a message with the alphabet 'Y', it just stands for the word 'why'. .
  • Text messaging from a cellular phone can become quite a daunting task. To save your fingers . X! Typical Woman X Kiss XclusvlyUrs Exclusively Yours. Y Y! Typical Man YBS You'll be Sorry . TXT SYMBOLS (EMOTICONS) WOW..LET ME .
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  • May 3, 2011 – Texting and Social Networks Abbreviations: Part 5 (X - Z, Symbols, Numbers, and . Y. Y? = Why? Y = Yawn. Y2K = You're too kind. YA = You're .
  • Dec 10, 2008 – Here are a few examples of the most common text messaging shortcuts: any – ne ; are – r; be – b; cutie - qt; see – c; we – v; why – y; you – u .
  • This advice on text message lingo can make you seem fluent in the language of cell phones. . Symbols already represent a bigger concept with a simpler look: " @" for "at," "$" for money . Examples are "r" for "are," "b" for "be" and "y" for "why. .
  • X Kiss XclusvlyUrs Exclusively Yours. Y Y! Typical Man YBS You'll be Sorry. Z . TXT SYMBOLS (EMOTICONS) / . . India Cell Phones Store · Text Messages .
  • This answer closely relates to: Y text message symbol . Texting symbol y · What symbol means smile when . Y symbol in texting · When texting from blackberry .
  • Proud of black eye; =:-( Punk Not Smiling; :-r Rasberry; :-C Real Unhappy; :-)) Really Happy; [:] Robot; 3:*> Rudolph the red nose reindeer; :( Sad Turtle; :-y Said .
  • For instance, "Y" means "why" and "8" means "ate"; Acronyms replace . Learn More About Text Messaging Abbreviations, Symbols, Lingo, and More. Loading .
  • cryptic language, visual smiley symbols,smileys, text email and chat symbols and abbreviations , kids slang, enslish slang, chat smileys, chat slang, . Please be kind when chatting, texting or emailing friends! . . :-y Said with a Smile variation .
  • Online, they enter chat rooms, send email, texting, Twittering and instant messages . .. Y, why? Y2K, you're too kind. YATB, you are the best. YBS, you'll be sorry . MORE information on common Internet signs, codes special symbols numbers .
  • . online world of business, technology & communication :-) A popular online dictionary it includes one of the largest collections of text messaging, acronyms and .
  • Mar 3, 2011 – At one point of time, these texting abbreviations and .
  • learn english free - learn what all those annoying abbreviations, symbols and . and education, and nowadays in forums, when you're texting and in chat rooms. . . Way To Go! WUF? Where are You From? X! Typical Woman. Y! Typical Man .
  • texting symbols y? Possible Answer: SMS Text Dictionary. Numeric:-0 hbtu 0-: happy birthday to you @WRK At work 2bctnd to be continued. .
  • Jul 28, 2011 – There are so many texting symbols that its difficult to remember all of these. Today we are . Angry, yet sad, :-y, Said with a Smile variation .
  • Some times the entire sentence is replaced with the first letter of each word i.e. you can enter 'Y' in place of 'Why'. Below is provided texting symbols and text .
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  • An emoticon is a short sequence of keyboard letters and symbols, usually emulating a facial expression, that complements a text message. .
  • by Dave Taylor
  • On my bkackberry tour when i make a call there is a domino looking symbol next to the signal strength symbol. what does it meen? .
  • Texting symbols. Posted by: Jamal Ahmed on: April 30, 2011. In: Informational · Comment! . .. X! Typical Woman. Y! Typical Man. YBS, You'll be Sorry .
  • You can feasibly string whole sentences together with texting abbreviations. .
  • 8 answers - Feb 29, 2008What does (Y) mean in text/internet slang? . well, that symbol looks like a butt to me. but hey, i don't text much. 3 years ago; Report Abuse .
  • What does this text symbol mean y? - Texting symbol y. What does y mean in a text? What does y mean in texting? What does this symbol y mean in text .
  • a, e, i, o, u and sometimes w & y. (why, sky). Vowels are often omitted in texting as a intuitive syllabic/phonic sound. American English is typically made up of a .
  • Emoticon meanings explained in our free texting dictionary - Find the meaning . of text abbreviations, acronyms, text symbols and emoticons used in text messages, . .. WUWH. Wish you were here. X. Kiss. X! Typical Woman. Y! Typical Man .
  • A texting slang dictionary. . Texting slang involves both symbols, and special abbreviations that mean certain things. Here some of the most popular texting .
  • . few hieroglyphs (codes comprehensible to initiates) and a range of face symbols. . Looking at his own texting history, the study's author, linguist David Crystal, . becomes r; you becomes u; your becomes ur; why becomes y; oh becomes o .
  • Jan 8, 2010 – sexy text symbols like Y/ ( . )Y( . ) ===D ====D~~ . Solutions for Everything. Facebook. Twitter. Home >IP Phones > sexy text symbols .
  • Top questions and answers about Text Message Symbols. Find 22 questions and answers about Text Message Symbols at Ask.com Read more.
  • 3 answers - May 25Text message characters missing after "@" symbol. . Y If so, do you have a Google number (Y/N)? Y For Mobile apps, what device and carrier .
  • Some text message symbols abbreviate words by leaving out vowels or replacing . Way to go! WTG. Whatever, WE. What's up? SUP. Why? Y. Yes or no? Y/N? .
  • 1 answer - Nov 15, 2007What are the more obscure symbols in the texting option? There's one that .
  • Acronyms and abbreviations used that can be used in text messages. . text messages to your friends and family members. . . Y. Y, Yawning, Abbreviation, 1 .

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