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Feb 26, 2010 – 1351 abbreviations: If you have received a text message you don't . Numbers & Characters A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y .
140+ items – French abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols used in .
Welcome to the National Texting Registry acronym listing. . b be/bee, c see/sea, g gee, i I/eye, j jay, o oh, p pea/pee, q cue, r our/are, t tea/tee, u you, y why. .
by Dave Taylor
What does sf mean in texting? - J texting symbol. What does 20 mean in .
To view Short Message Service (SMS) text messages, press the Alt key and S. • To view call logs, press . To move to the next related message, press J. • To move to the . The following shortcuts can be used to insert symbols: • To insert an at .
Popular Topics. Educators, don't get mad, get creative when text shorthand .
by M Fogarty - Related articles
J-14 Mazagine · Home · Buzz . Do you know your texting symbols? Created by twistalicious | Comments · Bad Words! Question 1: :o) in texting means: A smiley .
TEXTING FACES AND SYMBOLS. black leather texture photoshop, . in computer emoticons Involves both symbols, such as J k l m n , those cute and symbols, .
My Texting Dictionary. Have you ever . Numbers & Symbols; A - C; D - F; G - I; J - L; M - O; P - S; T - V; W - Z; Comments . Adctd2txt = addicted to texting .
Acronyms and abbreviations used that can be used in text messages. . text messages to your friends and family members. . .. J. J, Joking, Acronym, 3 .
View SMS text messages. Press Alt key + . Move to the next related message. Press J. Move to the previous related message. Press K . Press the Symbol key .
A random symbol that Eric Simeonoglou likes add at the end of every sentence. . xP is usually used when texting sms's or mail's to say that you are kidding .
What does the symbol j mean in texting? - Meaning of j in texting. What does the j symbol mean? What does j simble mean in texting? - J texting symbol .
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Mar 29, 2011 – Super cool text messaging symbols and codes for animals. .
An emoticon is a short sequence of keyboard letters and symbols, usually emulating a facial expression, that complements a text message. .
Mar 28, 2011 – List of sex text abbreviations for sexting or text messaging. Looking . J/O jerking off; JEOMK just ejaculated on my keyboard; Kitty vagina; LB? . Text Symbols - List of Texting Symbols, a Reference of Emotion Text Messaging .
Online, they enter chat rooms, send email, texting, Twittering and instant messages . .. J. JAM, just a minute. JAS, just a second. JASE, just another system error . . MORE information on common Internet signs, codes special symbols numbers .
J-14 Mazagine . What Texting Symbol Are You? Created by SecretVampire543 | Comments · Bad Words! Question 1: WHAT IS YOUR FAVE . J-14 Writing Contest .
Shop for sexy lingerie at Henry and June. ______. Text Message Terms & Symbols. Index. < Previous | Index Numbers A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T .
With more than 82 million people texting regularly, it's no wonder you've seen this cryptic . The actual definition of an acronym and text shorthand is here. .
3 answers - Apr 6, 2006What is the meaning of the texting symbol:] i'm new to texting? . lol laugh out loud j/k just kidding idc i dont care idk i dont know w/e whatever .
J-14 Mazagine . What Is Your Texting Symbol? <3 :) :P . Question 2: What Texting Symbol Do You Use Most? Winking ;); Heart <3; Cool B); Angel O:) .
What does a j mean in a text message? - Text symbol j. What does the small j mean at the end of an email message? - Text message symbol j. What does j mean .
The NetLingo Internet Dictionary contains every kind of online slang, text .
5 answersA small j and a ; do not look alike to most of us but to most teens ; is the symbol of a wink and thus they are perhaps using j as the new semicolon .
SMS Text and Symbol Dictionary. SMS Text and Symbol Dictionary. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Numerals .
A handy guide to text messaging abbreviations and symbols. .
She hit me all the time, she be texting me. Hey, my girl, my girl, . Then you hit me back, with the less than symbol number three. [Hook:] I got a clue how . You send me back a J slash K, said I'm just playing with you. [Hook:] I got a clue how .
Text Slang / Internet Slang - Suggestions. Sorry, 'ALL' is not yet listed as a slang word. Please use this form so that we can update the website. Your email .
50+ items – Text symbols that are usual characters, but .
Happy blushing, embarrassed blushing, bashful [can be used with = symbol or + . .. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o "pi's smiley list". http://piology.org/smiley.txt. .
When you're typing with your thumbs, you need to save your effort by communicating with as few letters as possible, so text message symbols were created as .
An example of using symbols in texting and borrowing from English is the .
Jun 27, 2011 – Collection of cool computer text symbols. All facebook symbols. . Text-message, Write . . ℽ ℾ ℿ ⅀ ⅁ ⅂ ⅃ ⅄ ⅅ ⅆ ⅇ ⅈ ⅉ ⅊ ⅋ ⅌ ⅍ ⅎ ⅏ ⅐ ⅑ ⅒ .
Texting notation symbols. What does texting wise dla mean? - Texting symbols .
Jul 24, 2009 – Texting Symbols Text Messaging Symbols. . More Texting Symbols . .. If you know what I mean. IYO, In your opinion. IYSS, If you say so. J .
Feb 2, 2009 – Teenagers also commonly abbreviate words when texting on cell phones to save time. Here are . .. List of chat room keyboard symbols that can be used to make pictures, smileys, or emoticons . . smile, one sided :-j smile .
Sep 8, 2010 – Smiley face symbols are real fun to use in text messages and online chat. They convey . :-J, Tongue in Cheek Smile ('I know your secret' smile) .
There are so many texting symbols that its difficult to remember all of these. . webdevfeeds: 90 Really Useful Texting Symbols http://j.mp/pnlE19 .
Press the symbols button on your touch screen while in text message mode if . " Mobile Internet for Dummies"; Michael J. O'Farrell, John R. Levine, et al.; 2008 .
Jul 20, 2011 – Collection of cute and cool symbols and special text characters for . Put these special facebook symbols in your chat, status, name, comments, ascii art, messages. . of cool letters, and generators for wierd text messages. .
Mar 23, 2011 – What does the symbol J mean in texting? ChaCha Answer: The letter J doesn't appear in any text messaging dictionaries. People make up.
May 31, 2011 – <3 -j <^ d~~ ೱ_ೱ. Facebook, etc website and more!what does this free texting stars. Die for the use symbols were created as few. Students and .
Mar 8, 2007 – TalkSM dictionary. Get unlimited text messaging for. QT RINGL8 RLR ROFL RU. 3 month. Log on to metropcs.com. Symbols. F (cont.) out .
Texting slang involves both symbols, and special abbreviations that mean certain . IUSS If you say so. J. JAC Just a sec; JK Just kidding; JLMK Just let me know .
Aug 13, 2008 – It is important to understand texting lingo for so many reasons these days. . to shorten the length of certain words; Use symbols to show moods .
SMS Dictionary. SMS Text Lingo . J J4F just for fun. JFK Just for kicks JstCllMe Just call Me. K KC keep cool. KHUF know . . TXT SYMBOLS (EMOTICONS) / .