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Definition: [noun] a system of words used in a particular discipline; "legal terminology"; "the language of sociology" Synonyms: nomenclature, language .
A-Z Internet list of web words and meanings. Internet Technologies detailed Information and Meaning of webTerminology.
10 answers - Nov 23, 2009I found terminology "ad hoc" used here and there in programming field . "Ad hoc " is a Latin phrase which can apply to anything, not just .
Enter a Legal Term. For the definition of a legal term, enter a word or phrase below. all words any words phrase. Search the Definitions. To find all definitions that .
An online computer dictionary and internet search engine for internet terms and . A general storage industry term used to describe the tools, processes, and .
Abbreviations Most Commonly used in Genealogical Records.
Pregnancy Medical Terminology - Pregnant women can sometimes become overwhelmed with all the medical terminology and abreiviations you may come .
terminology n. , pl. , -gies . The vocabulary of technical terms used in a particular field, subject, science, or art; nomenclature.
Others are less common and their definitions include more advanced terminology . For this reason, each definition includes a "Tech Factor" rating, from 1 to 10. .
The suffixes most commonly used to indicate disease are "itis," meaning . The suffixes listed occur often in medical terminology, but they are also used in .
Logistics, Freight & Supply Chain Terminology and Definition's From UK Haulier, Find Abbreviation and Meaning of Logistics, Freight & Shipping Terminology .
Some of these terms can have different meanings in situations outside of business and management, and some can even have different meanings in different .
Like other words, the term definition has subtly different meanings in different contexts. A definition may be descriptive of the general use meaning, or stipulative .
Jun 6, 2011 – Vocabulary words for Terminology Meaning page 1. Includes .
terminology - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free.
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470+ items – Water Terms, Pumps Terminology, Pumps Definition, .
Terminology Meaning and Definition. (n.) The terms actually used in any business , art, science, or the like; nomenclature; technical terms; as, .
Franchising terminology can be confusing to those new to the industry, so here we try to explain some of the more commonly used franchise terms.
Terminology definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!
Medical TERMINOLOGY - A thru Z . Suffix: The ending part of a word that modifies the meaning of the word. Example: homeless. Root = 'home' and the suffix is .
Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) is a code set that is used to report medical procedures and services to entities such as physicians, health insurance .
ter·mi·nol·o·gy (tūr m -n l -j ). n. pl. ter·mi·nol·o·gies. 1. The vocabulary of technical terms used in a particular field, subject, science, or art; nomenclature. 2. .
Welcome to COIN TERMS - a Dictionary of Coin Collecting Words. Where you can find the meaning of that coin collecting word or phrase. WHERE to go and .
3 answersTop answer: The first date is 1 June (1397). . . . . . . . Second date is 24 June (1397) A messuage : In property law a dwelling house together with its .
Many of these terms have much wider meanings than are suggested here. We are only attempting to define these terms as they relate to the field of media .
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Top questions and answers about Medical Terminology Words Meaning. Find 303 questions and answers about Medical Terminology Words Meaning at .
MUD Terminology - Meaning Special Words, Multi-User Dungeon.
abuse (drug, alcohol, chemical, substance, or psychoactive substance) A group of terms in wide use but of varying meaning. In DSM-IIIR*, "psychoactive .
I need stock market terminology(meaning of words) completely.
Sometimes, the special musical meanings of these phrases differ from the .
b. A period of time that is assigned to a person to serve: a six-year term .
Suffixes are attached to the end of a word root to add meaning such as .
1 day ago – Online Medical Dictionary and glossary with medical definitions.
Jul 6, 2011 – Vocabulary words for CH 8 - Prefixes - Terminology & Meaning. Includes studying games and tools such as flashcards.
Meaning of terminology (noun) form: terminologies a system of words used to name things in a particular discipline; language. What does terminology mean? .
a review of the many abbreviations and terms used in medicine .
TERMINOLOGY: Review the definition, meaning, pronunciation, explanation, synonyms, and antonyms of the term TERMINOLOGY in the Online Dictionary.
12 hours ago – If you know the spelling, use the search function above to look up the meaning of the medical term in MedTerms and find related medical .
Jul 10, 2007 – Basic terminology principles help to understand how naming conventions can be formed and then applied to relate the meanings of objects to .
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Answer of: what is meaning of TERMINOLOGY in Hindi? TERMINOLOGY का मतलब हिंदी में जानिए| This page show TERMINOLOGY meaning in hindi.
Broadband: A bandwidth term that means a data line that will allow large amounts of data to be transferred very quickly. Basically a broadband line will be much, .
Astronomical terminology, meanings of Astronomical words, Glossary of Astronomy, space words, space jargon, Astronomy, terms, dictionary of Astronomy.
This page contains definition of many words associated with precision surfaces and . More detailed definitions of many terms associated with surface texture .
It will also provide you with an indepth knowledge of many medical terminology prefixes, suffixes and stems that will help you understand the meaning of .
Knowledge of payroll jargon isn't guaranteed to make you the life of the next party but it will help you understand what a payroll processing system offers.
Aug 12, 2011 – The following links will help you determine the formation and definition of medical terms. Prefixes . are added to the beginning of a word to .
1) The general meaning of "corpus" is. (A) abdomen (B) body (C) chest (D) head ( E) trunk. 2) Which of the following is the term for an abnormally low white blood .