Other articles:
Jul 18, 2008 – The most innovative tech doesn't always succeed. Here we .
Jan 3, 2010 – Technologies that failed the Test of Time. With the start of a new decade, we brought to you the technologies which emerged in the past .
IT history is fraught with 'transformational' sales pitches that fall far short. We look at the six technologies…
Mar 17, 2011 – Sometimes the hype is just too good to be true… - MSN UK Tech & Gadgets brings you features on the best mobiles, MP3 players, laptops, .
Sep 1, 2010 – Failed, useless technology from the nintendo powerglove, the newton, the dreamcast, the ebook, and smart appliances, the zune, virtual reality, .
The Technologies That Failed. A look back at some of the big ideas that failed. By: Sandra Prior. Two words: Virtual Reality. At the start of the 90s, .
Jul 18, 2008 – The most innovative tech doesn't always succeed. Here we present 21 great technologies from both Apple and Microsoft that were simply too .
Oct 28, 2007 – Top 10 Lists: Throughout history man has been making predictions of the future. With the advent of technology, the predictions moved away .
BOOK EXCERPT The Innovator's Dilemma When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. By Clayton M. Christensen Harvard Business School Press .
Jan 26, 2007 – What makes a technology company fail? Here are a handful of companies from the past twenty years that strike me .
Mar 26, 2011 – The companies hyped the product, and people rushed to the store to stand in line for Windows Vista, the original Apple iPhone, or an Amazon .
Dec 30, 2009 – The high-tech evolves at unbelievable pace. What seemed to be innovative and forward looking yesterday becomes outdated and obsolete .
Jun 3, 2011 – As IBM celebrates its 100th anniversary in June, eWEEK decided to take a look at the products and technologies that were perhaps the best the .
Sony engineers knew that the technology available to manufacture video heads wasn't . . leading to a plethora of market investigations into why Betamax failed. .
Mar 16, 2009 – Concorde was a masterpiece of technology but a commercial failure . Science Association, reveal the most exciting innovations that failed to .
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When Technology Fails, a book by Matthew Stein, provides something for everyone, from folks who just want to help their families when disaster strikes, to the .
Oct 18, 2010 – Switched took a long, lingering look back at the best designed tech, and . .. car had come to market, it likely would have failed on its own merits. .
Oct 20, 2010 – 5 Technologies That Failed to Get (or Stay) Off The Ground - We see many new technologies and gadgets pass over our desks each day.
May 4, 2010 – The disaster exposes overreliance on blowout preventers that has been long disparaged by insiders.
Jul 18, 2008 – Mention technology that failed and people instantly think of Microsoft Bob, the IBM PCjr, and worse. But those weren't necessarily great .
Nov 3, 2007 – www.scribd.com/doc/458943/30-Failed-Technology-Predictions - SimilarDon Norman's jnd.org / Technology First, Needs LastYou +1'd this publicly. Undo21 Great Technologies That Failed: The most innovative tech doesn't always succeed. Here we present 21 great technologies from both Apple and Microsoft that .
May 1, 2011 – When people make predictions about future technologies that come true, they are seen as visionaries. When people miss terribly with their .
The most innovative tech doesn't always succeed. Here we present 21 great technologies from both Apple and Microsoft that were simply too far ahead of their .
5 Technologies That Failed to Get Off The Ground . Autos · Aviation · Gadgets · Green Technology · IT · Travel · Adventure · Cities · Countries · Ecotourism .
Aug 30, 2008 – PCMagazine recently lists 10 Great Microsoft Technologies that Failed .NET is on the list -- figure that one out .
Oct 31, 2007 – INQUIRER's Top Ten Evolutionary Technologies That Failed. Sometimes a Great Leap Forward - or backwards - wins. By Fernando Cassia .
Nov 14, 2007 – There are countless examples of failure in the annals of technological history. But how many have the special honor of having promised to .
Mar 17, 2011 – We've dug out 10 technologies that failed to live up to the hysteria - some failed to live up to the expectations placed on them, while others .
Sep 19, 2011 – In the realm of technological innovation, change has been one constant factor that has driven modern day advancements beyond our .
5 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Oct 11, 2008Imagine including the Tablet PC as one of the 21 Great Technologies That Failed Tablet PCs (2002) Rather than typing on a PC, why not write .
Despite the enormous advances in the IT industry, there are still many failed IT projects. . Several factors contribute to the failure of Information Technology (IT) .
Oct 20, 2008 – Being 'green' doesn't make an idea good. Here are some humorous and strange examples of where green innovation and environmental .
Nov 11, 2008 – The Technologies That Failed. Two words: Virtual Reality. At the start of the 90s, it was going to be the biggest leap forward in the .
Dec 29, 2005 – mikemuch writes "ExtremeTech's Loyd Case muses on ten trends of 2005 that never panned out. He points the finger at analysts like himself for .
www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command. articleId. - SimilarTechnologies that failedYou +1'd this publicly. UndoHeralded as the 'next big thing,' these technologies were launched with enthusiasm but soon met with great disappointment when they failed to catch on.
Jul 2, 2009 – Tech that seemed like a great idea - until people tried to use it.
Jul 22, 2008 – 21 Great Technologies That Failed. PC Mag still doesn't get it. Imagine including the Tablet PC as one of the 21 Great Technologies That Failed .
Jul 24, 2009 – A list of 12 high technologies that failed (or at least not a winner yet), and . 10 Technologies That Will Change The World ABC News has an .
Mar 30, 2011 – I cover green technology, energy, and the environment. . pools similar to two that failed in Japan's nuclear disaster, while the government and .
About Technology. update technology ,more fast more smart. by Sandra Prior Two words: Virtual Reality. At the start of the 90s, it was going to be the .
Dec 17, 2010 – So how would you respond to the question, a business executive asking about the recent technologies that failed to deliver on their promise. .
Dec 17, 2010 – An Executive Vice President at a company I visited recently asked me the question above. He went onto explain, “You know the technologies .
Jul 2, 2009 – 12 high technologies that failed - and why Tech that seemed like a great idea - until people tried to use it : TechRadar UK.
Not bad for an technology which – not too very long ago – insiders in both the tech and print publishing industries claimed was dead. .
Aug 28, 2010 – Two words: Virtual Reality. At the start of the 90s, it was going to be the biggest leap forward in the industry. Now?
May 4, 2011 – itwbennett writes "There are tech fads that flare up quickly and then, pouf, they're gone (Tamagotchi, anyone?). And then there are technologies .
Sep 26, 2011 – With the evolution of green technology people started expecting more and more from this eco friendly technology. This technology was widely .