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A fixed pay, salary; retribution for work done; the income of an ecclesiastical living.
20+ items – Example sentences with the word stipend. stipend example .
The Council on Foundations and the Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers is pleased to present the Foundations on the Hill (FOTH) stipend fund. .
Data from the AAMC Survey of Resident/Fellow Stipends and Benefits are available to all AAMC constituents and others with an interest in graduate medical .
Stipend FAQs. Who is eligible for a CWS Summer Stipend? What type of internship can the stipends be used for? Is there an advantage or disadvantage to .
Apr 25, 2011 – Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA .
If you would prefer to complete a paper Stipend Application, please click one of the . PLEASE NOTE: Stipend Applications completed on-line (by clicking on the .
You will receive a modest stipend to help you meet living expenses while participating in the program. The stipend amount varies from location to location. .
Jul 22, 2011 – . Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Stipends, Tuition /Fees and Other Budgetary Levels Effective for Fiscal Year .
The USENIX student grant program provides stipends to cover registration fees and assist with travel and accommodation expenses for full-time students .
HPSP participants are eligible for 12 months of financial assistance each year: 10 ½ months of stipend and 1½ months of full pay and allowances as an Ensign .
Jun 10, 2011 – The city that was the first in the nation to offer same-sex marriages may have now become the first to help gay couples cope with the cost of .
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A stipend is a form of salary, such as for an internship or apprenticeship. It is often distinct from a wage or a salary because it does not necessarily represent .
Mar 20, 2011 – Under the plan, families would receive an annual stipend of at least $10000 to take care of their disabled children on their own, alleviating .
The Macktez Summer Stipend is a $500 development grant to encourage one of the many imaginative people we meet and work with every day to finish their .
NEH encourages submission of Summer Stipends applications from faculty at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Institutions with High Hispanic .
You will also get the book stipend calculated at $41.67 per credit up to $1000 per year. Something else . Also, you would get $83 per month in a book stipend. .
Deferral Stipend Judgment Is a Moral Victory for Two Former Heller Ehrman Associates . Heller pushed back their start date and offered them a deferral stipend. .
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A fixed and regular payment, such as a salary for services rendered or an allowance. [Middle English stipendie, from Old French, from Latin st pendium, soldier's .
The stipend is subject to Federal income tax and Pennsylvania personal income tax. One-half of the stipend is also subject to City of Philadelphia wage tax. .
Stipends for Graduate Student Assistants, Teaching Assistants, and Teaching . The one-term stipend rates, effective September 1, 2011, are as follows: .
Jan 4, 2010 – This is the 2009-2010 edition of America's Best Graduate School Stipends - or How Much Money It Takes to Lure Aspiring Biomedical Scientists .
a fixed sum of money paid periodically for services or to defray expenses. See stipend defined for English-language learners ». See stipend defined for kids » .
Minimum fellowship stipends for doctoral students during 2011-2012 academic year will range from $26500 to $30800 for twelve months, depending on the .
The basic monthly stipend amounts to 1550 euros. . For example, the monthly stipend for an unmarried fellow working in Germany amounts to 1900 euros, .
There are two major issues which will affect the GI Bill's monthly housing (living) stipend in 2011. The first is a decrease in the DoD's Basic Allowance for .
Stipends. Stipend Checks Stipend checks are distributed through the Dean of Students office. Most stipends are distributed in three equal quarterly installments .
The Arc of Illinois administers The Consumer Involvement Fund Program and distributes consumer stipends to enable people with developmental disabilities .
YALSA's Young Adult Literature Symposium Stipend enables two qualified recipients to attend the symposium, which will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, .
If my non-service stipend is not being reported to the IRS, why should I report it to the IRS? Will GU let . Where and when should I report my taxable stipends? .
ENC grants approximately 50 student stipends to assist with conference expenses. Each stipend is usually $300, plus free conference registration. .
Liberty Hill offers several scholarship and stipend programs. Please see below for guidelines and applications. Please read through all of the materials provided .
Per Diem / Official WHO/UN Per-diem and Stipend Rates. Select Country: Afghanistan . Stipend Rates, Historical Stipend Rates. © Copyright World Health .
stipend (plural stipends). a fixed payment, generally small . a modest allowance. My stipend for doing public service is barely enough to cover living expenses. .
To receive credit for a stipend, students must be registered for the term for which the aid has been awarded and must have submitted all required documentation .
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National Institutes of Health has established new stipend levels for the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Institutional Research Training .
Jun 9, 2011 – In a move that may be the first of its kind in the country, Cambridge will soon begin making payments to same-sex married public employees to .
In May 2010, 81 law students received a total of $276000 in stipend awards for summer . Vanderbilt Legal Aid Society's Public Interest Stipends are available to .
A national resource for awards, services, and information for artists and arts organizations.
hire · fee · MORE. Copy & paste this link to your blog or website to reference this page. Did you know:Want to know a fresh way to say "summer?" Try this word. .
The Summer Stipend Program. Tracy Han intern at Un Buen Comienzo ("A Good Start"), a Harvard collaborative project in Santiago, Chile. The Institute of .
The term stipend is commonly used by sponsoring agencies, and therefore also by The University Corporation and CSUN. Federal and State tax regulations do .
In a Chronicle survey, 111 institutions responded to questions about the stipends and benefits they provide to teaching and research assistants. The institutions .
2011-12 Graduate Student Assistantship and Fellowship Stipend Rates. Effective . TAs are awarded full tuition credit, health insurance (SHIP), and a stipend. .
stipend n. A fixed and regular payment, such as a salary for services rendered or an allowance. [Middle English stipendie , from Old French, from.