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Does static stretching work? Should we use it? A recent article by the NY times says that if you do it, cool, but if you don't, then cool. Huh? They quoted a study .
Jun 24, 2008 – Are you still warming up using static stretches? Here are 5 reasons why you shouldn't do static stretches.
This fitness book–written by Stretching master Bob Anderson and Bodybuilding legend Bill Pearl– contains 32 structured, balanced workout programs for getting .
Pre workout static stretching is a controversial topic. I have been criticized for being a static stretching advocate by those who feel that static .
Use static stretching after workouts and increase your flexibility to its potential.
Here is a library of stretches for the entire body. Static stretches such as these can be used with great effect in improving flexibility in both injury prevention and .
Static stretching exercises for a cool down which can be used to improve the mobility and range of movement.
Welcome to the static stretching knowledge base. In this section you will learn all about static stretching. The content below is broken up into sections about this .
by RT Nelson - 2004 - Cited by 54 - Related articles
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10+ items – All runners should implement stretching into their routine to .
Jun 8, 2011 – New study suggests what's true for non-runners isn't true for runners.
Apr 15, 2010 – "We have developed this idea of static stretching at exactly the wrong time," said Kieran O'Sullivan, an exercise expert at the University of .
It is not well excepted that the golgi tendon is sensitive enough to passive or static stretch conditions to contribute greatly to muscle relaxation via autogenic .
static stretching - YouTube 4 min - Aug 31, 2007 - Uploaded by kevinsmoot
There is a belief that by that doing static stretching exercises (a stretch where you hold a position without moving for a given amount of time) prior to doing sport .
Jan 8, 2010 – Of course static stretching is not going to make your knee cap shoot across the room or make you instantly as weak as a kitten; but I don't feel it .
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In a face off would dynamic stretching give you as good as, better than, worse than or just the same results as static stretching? Dynamic stretching involves .
Active stretching is also referred to as static-active stretching . An active stretch is one where you assume a position and then hold it there with no assistance .
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Four basic types of stretch techniques include ballistic, dynamic, static, and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF). .
Static stretching is perhaps the most popular, or at least the most well-known, method of stretching.
Many coaches advocate the use of static stretching prior to exercise. Static stretching involves reaching forward to a point of tension and holding the stretch. .
Static stretching before exercise will decrease your explosive muscular power, peak tendon force, speed of tendon force production and will not protect you from .
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There seems to be a lot of confusion about when we should be stretching and what type of stretching to do. The benefits of stretching cannot be ignored. A.
Learn the fundamentals and how tos of static stretching.
May 17, 2011 – Stretching the spots that become chronically tight overtime—namely, your hamstrings, calves, quads and back—post-workout or after a light .
Brief and Straightforward Guide: What is Static Stretching?
Mar 9, 2006 – For instance, a static stretch for your hamstrings is what you think it is—a movement in which you lean forward until you feel a slight discomfort .
Jacob Hiller, sports trainer discusses static stretches and vertical leap improvement.
2 answers - Jan 20, 2010Top answer: A static stretch involves no movement. In other words, it can be called "stretch and hold". Dynamic stretching involves performing low-intensity movements similar to .
Sep 29, 2009 – The goal of static stretching is to gradually increase the length of the muscles. Find out how, why, when, and where to best utilize the benefits of .
Mar 30, 2011 – Pre workout static stretching is a controversial topic. I have been criticized for being a static stretching advocate by those who feel that static .
Static stretching is perhaps the most familiar form of flexibility training. But more recent findings have questioned its role in injury prevention.
The difference between dynamic stretching vs. static stretching for soccer warm- ups.
Jun 22, 2011 – They found that when athletes did static stretches, performance often . Static stretching appeared to cause the nervous system to react and .
Static Mobility Complex . ½ way through each (10-15 seconds) try to go a little farther into each stretch (uncomfortable . Vertical Column Side Stretch (Right) .
Static stretching is used to stretch muscles while the body is at rest. It is composed of various techniques that gradually lengthen a muscle to an elongated .
Another study found that classic "static stretching" did not prevent injuries for runners. Also, certain stretching techniques and protocols prevent injuries when .
"We don't even use the word 'stretching' anymore," the Whartons say. "It conjures up an image of static stretching--of holding still for too long, like the tension .
Full Body Static Stretching Routine - YouTube 5 min - Jan 13, 2010 - Uploaded by inspiredjourneyfit
Recent studies have questioned the benefits of static stretching in the sports warm-up. The purpose of our research was to examine the acute effect of static and .
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Oct 13, 2010 – Static stretching -- the bend-and-hold, toe-touching stretches you learned in gym class -- might be a thing of the past. A growing body of .
Apr 20, 2011 – Many athletes enjoy their sport; however, they often forget to stretch. Stretching increases range of motion and flexibility by lengthening soft .
Mar 4, 2011 – Dynamic stretching trumps static stretching for kicking a soccer ball.
We have always been told to stretch before we run. not only to warm us up but to prevent us from getting injured. However, research isn't supporting.
A classic example is the use of, or current disdain for, static stretching. Static stretching has gone from the best way to warm-up to something that no one should .