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▶noun a husband or wife considered in relation to their partner. – origin ME: from OFr. spous(e), var. of espous(e), from L. sponsus (masc.), sponsa (fem. .
In some jurisdictions, a couple must have cohabited and held themselves out to the world as husband and wife for a significant period of time, not defined in any .
Apr 26, 2008 – Bill 28: Definition of Spouse. The proposed new Wills, Estates and Succession Act, recently introduced in the British Columbia Legislative .
Jump to DEFINITION OF COHABIT: As might be expected, the definition of spouse contained in section 29 of the Family Law Act has been subject to .
Form 8379: Injured Spouse Allocation - Definition of Form 8379: Injured .
spouse definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'spue',' spousal','spouter','suppose', Collins Reverso dictionary, English definition, .
A woman joined to another person in marriage; a female spouse. [Middle .
Definition of marriage and spouse - U.S. Code - Title 1: General Provisions - Chapter 1 - Rules of Construction - Id 19216233 - In determining the meaning of any .
Spouse. The definition of "spouse" has been revised to comply with the definition of "spouse" in the Defense of Marriage Act (Public Law 104-199, September 21 .
This definition makes clear that the plan does not follow a federal definition of spouse (which would be limited by DOMA), but it does not clarify what state laws .
Innocent-Spouse Rule - Definition of Innocent-Spouse Rule on Investopedia - A measure of relief built into the tax code that allows a person, if eligible, to avoid .
Sep 14, 2010 – Depending on the state that you live, the non purchasing spouse may have a big impact on qualifying for a mortgage. even though they are .
In particular, the court struck down section 29 of the Act as being .
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1 U.S.C. § 7 : US Code - Section 7: Definition of "marriage" and "spouse". Search 1 U.S.C. § 7 : US Code - Section 7: Definition of "marriage" and "spouse" .
Definition of spouse from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary English. The Longman English Dictionary provides support and resources for those .
Spouse definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!
trailing spouse noun - definition, audio pronunciation and more for trailing .
spouse (spous, spouz). n. A marriage partner; a husband or wife. tr.v. (spouz, spous) spoused, spous·ing, spous·es Archaic. To marry; wed. .
Jan 5, 2011 – Tick "Married" if you had a spouse or "Living common-law" if you had a . The term "12 continuous months" in this definition includes any period .
Find the definition of predeceased spouse for free using Nolo's online dictionary.
The traditional definition of cheating is that one person in a committed relationship is physically involved with someone other than his/her spouse. In recent years .
Jun 9, 2011 – First, you must be the husband or wife of an “institutionalized spouse,” meaning a person who resides in a medical institution or nursing facility .
A putative spouse is person who has cohabited with another to whom he is not legally married in the good faith belief that he was married to that person.
Find the definition of surviving spouse for free using Nolo's online dictionary.
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6, is amended by repealing the definition of "spouse" and substituting the following: "spouse" means a person who. (a) is married to another person, and is not .
The legal definition of Spouse is To be married or as if married.
Dec 21, 2006 – The bank is designed to provide job leads for “the trailing spouse” of a newly hired or transferred executive. 1982 Wall Street Journal (Jan. .
The Legal Definition of a “De Facto” Relationship . . MEL Gibson has reached a divorce settlement with his estranged wife Robyn, more than two years after they .
spouse - definition of spouse - noun a husband or wife Example All employees and their spouses are invited to the staff party.
spouse n. A marriage partner; a husband or wife. tr.v. Archaic , spoused , spousing , spouses . To marry; wed.
Definition of innocent spouse rule: A provision of current tax law that provides specific relief to spouses who are encumbered by a tax liability as result of an error .
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There is no specific statutory definition of spouse. Immigration laws define spouse more by what it is not than what it is. Immigration laws state that a person does .
Definition of wife. For purposes of your entitlement to an old-age pension, a person who meets all the following three conditions will be considered as your wife: .
Sep 1, 2009 – 306.1 What is the definition of spouse for Social Security purposes? You are considered a spouse for Social Security purposes if you meet the .
Non-Spouse Beneficiary Rollover - Definition of Non-Spouse Beneficiary .
office spouse noun - definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and more for office spouse noun: someone of the opposite sex who you work with and have a .
Definition of spouse from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
Definition of “marriage” and “spouse”. How Current is This? In determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of .
Learn about inheritance rights of children, spouses and other family members.
A man and woman who are legally married to one another and are thereby given .
3 answersWhat is IRS' definition of "spouse"? In my culture it is not that common to get . Misslead: If your local government considers you legally married, then the IRS .
IHTM11032 - Spouse or civil partner exemption: definition of spouse and civil partner. The IHT legislation does not define 'spouse' or 'civil partner' so the .
listen. noun. a partner in marriage; (one's) husband or wife. Origin: ME spus < OFr espous < L sponsus, betrothed, pp. of spondere: see sponsor. transitive verb , .
Leach expanded the definition and proposed that "Marriage is a relationship .
The definition of "spouse" varies from one program to another and often . Your spouse was the person to whom you were married, in a civil union or in a de .
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Definition of Spouse Rev. 10/05/07, E-mail Alert 2007-13, Rev. 06/11/04, E-mail Alert 2004-12. ERISA provides certain basic protections for plan participants' .