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Aug 23, 2007 – Multiple column sorting; Custom cell parsers; Extensibility via widget . It's a truly fantastic plugin for jQuery, even supporting plugins or widgets it's self. . if you want to make all the tables on a page sortable you can call them .
Apr 19, 2010 – jQuery DataTables: How to Sort by a Specific Column on Load. I somehow missed this breezing through the available documentation on the .
Nov 23, 2009 – Here are 12 very useful jQuery plugins that will add valuable functionality to your tables such as column sorting, fixed headers, pagination, and .
Drag & Drop Multi-column / grid sorting for Tables. This plugin behaves .
Ingrid is an unobtrusive jQuery component that adds datagrid behaviors . . New feature: Saving state (page number, column sort & direction, selected rows) .
Dec 9, 2008 – I'm just learning to work with JQuery. For my first project, I wanted to make a table with sortable columns and alternate row colors. I downloaded .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Jan 10Post edited 19:49 – 30/12/2010 by jckdnk111. I've discovered a bug with .
Nov 15, 2010 – Resources. Episode 228: Sortable Table Column · Episode 37: Simple Search Form · Full episode source code. bash. rails g jquery:install .
Apr 5, 2010 – Using the Sortable plugin of jQuery UI, we can create a "sortable list", which enables you to . . columns.push($(this).sortable('toArray').join(',')); .
tablesorter is a jQuery plugin for turning a standard HTML table with THEAD and . Sort multiple columns simultaneously by holding down the shift key and .
Mar 24, 2010 – In this screencast Mohammad Azam will demonstrate how to sort GridView columns using JQuery TableSorter Plug-in. For more videos visit .
Sep 7, 2009 – DataTables is very powerful jQuery plugin which offer a lot of features. . Tablesorter is a jQuery plugin for turning a standard HTML table with THEAD and TBODY tags into a sortable table . jQuery Column Manager plugin .
jQuery Data Grid. Features of this jQuery data grid plugin: Resizable columns; Resizable height; Sortable column headers; Cool theme; Can convert an ordinary .
11 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jul 7The error "$columns.sortable is not a function" just indicates you that jQuery UI isn't properly installed. Because $.sortable() is a jQuery UI .
In this article I will be featuring a list of jQuery plugins that are utilizing the html table . Resizable columns; Resizable height and width; Sortable column headers .
In my search, I've discovered a lot of jQuery plugins that did that and besides this . Resizable columns; Resizable height and width; Sortable column headers .
May 3, 2011 – 20 jQuery Table Plugins that are among the best of the lot. . This plugin allows you to animatedly sort a table based on a column's td's, or on .
PHP/HTML Source: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=" Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <title>Sortable Columns</ title> .
Jun 3, 2009 – Last night I needed a simple HTML table with sortable columns, and after a quick Googling, found the TableSorter jQuery plugin. I'd come .
TinySort will sort any nodetype by it's text- or attribute value, or by that of one of it's . A jQuery-plugin to toggle the visibility of table columns (collapsing and .
Aug 25, 2009 – We'll be using the all powerful jQuery library and the jQuery UI libraries, . $('. column').sortable({ connectWith: '.column', handle: 'h2', cursor: .
Similar in concept with the Ext Grid only its pure jQuery love, which makes it light . Resizable columns; Resizable height and width; Sortable column headers .
Apr 13, 2010 – With the seemingly endless power of jQuery you can sort columns horizontally or vertically, have a fixed header, search the contents, paginate .
Jump to Sortable Columns: The method allow to reorder the grid columns using the mouse. The only necessary setting in this case is to set the sortable .
Jun 10, 2009 – power of jQuery selectors makes this just as easy as the CSS code. . . what the current state of the sort by that column is and reverse it if .
Sep 10, 2010 – Now when user presses sort button, column will be sorted in . Here I have tried to achieve these features using some of the jQuery code .
Apr 16, 2011 – Flexigrid - Web 2.0 Javscript Grid for jQuery. Features. Resizable columns; Resizable height and width; Sortable column headers; Cool theme .
Complete the form below to send this article, jQuery Table Manipulation: Part 1, to a . A common idiom is to make the headers of sortable columns into links. .
3 answers - Aug 30, 2009Top answer: You know that you can just select the components from jQuery UI want, right? You can download the individual components and put them on the .
Apr 23, 2010 – See here for the post using jQuery UI Drag Drop. The only backend requirements were that the same sort column was used to drive the order. .
Apr 3, 2011 – A jQuery-plugin that highlights whole columns in a table when . paging, toolbar, search, sortable, ajax loading data source, resizable columns, .
To add the ability to sort specific data types, using the plug-in functions . If sType is not given for a column, DataTables will attempt to detect the type . jQuery.fn. dataTableExt.oSort['numeric-comma-asc'] = function(a,b) { var x = (a == "-") ? .
Jan 2, 2010 – uiTableFilter by Greg Weber is a jQuery plug-in for filtering table rows. The arrows at the top of each column enable you to sort accordingly. .
Feb 21, 2011 – As we have seen, jQuery allows us to eliminate such page refreshes by using AJAX . Now let's perform a sort on the Title column of the table. .
Jul 8, 2008 – In cases, such as when there are 2 columns of sortable items? jQuery UI does allow you to connect 2 lists - so it certainly is possible. However .
Mar 24, 2011 – I need to use JqueryUI Sortable to be able to rearrange a set of columns, but also be able to stack a column on top of an existing column (with a .
jQuery DataTables: How to Sort by a Specific Column on Load. Posted on April .
jQuery: Write Less, Do More. . Create a sortable table with multi-column sorting capabilities. Arguments: . Disable sorting on the first two columns of a table:. .
Feb 17, 2009 – I used this tutorial as the basis for my own “plugin” to jQuery. . class='ui-icon ui- icon-arrowthick-2-n-s'></span>Column 1</th> . A nice side benefit of using sortable or paginated on the table is that it also dynamically adds an .
Nov 15, 2007 – 4) Sortable Table Sort the columns in a table and filter elements in the . for jQuery-Its main features include Multi-column sorting, Support for .
Does anybody know how to create a two column wide portlet in a two column .
This Ruby on Rails plugin allows you to add jQuery datagrids to your Rails . Finally, it takes an array of hashes to configure columns. . .. sortable, true / false .
Big item images, videos and galleries, just like how a portfolio should be. Proin. wp_1280R9 · Nullam Placerat Rhoncus. Big item images, videos and galleries, .
1 answer - Aug 11, 2009Top answer: What about using nested arrays? You should get something like this: .
Sep 25, 2007 – <cf_sortabletable jsPath="jquery/" query="#getProjects#"> <cf_sortablecolumn column="title" title="Project Name" /> <cf_sortablecolumn .
Sep 19, 2007 – Sort Multiple Columns with Tablesorter jQuery Plugin - Open Source Resources for Web Developers.
Aug 23, 2010 – jQuery(document).ready( function () { var oTable = jQuery('#commercial_results'). dataTable( { "aaSorting": [[ 1, "asc" ]], /*sort by column 1 (Sort .
Sep 2, 2010 – Step 4 : write jQuery script for the button click event, which will sort table column along with data. $('#btnSortColumn').click(function() { //Get all .
4 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Dec 8, 2009if I remove the float, they appear inside the tab correctly, but then all columns are on the left side of the page (not 3 columns). here's the page: .
5 answers - Jun 10, 2010Dear stackoverflow experts,. I have a little script which allows me to .