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Jun 20, 2011 – Wi-Fi access to your photos/videos wherever you are – from any computer . Share on the go - Dropbox, Facebook, Picasa, SmugMug & FTP .
Apr 14, 2011 – This works with any photo, no matter how it was accessed .
New Upload templates such as Secure FTP, Amazon S3, ExposureManager, Flickr, Gallery 2, SmugMug, and Zenfolio. ->. A Convert RAW to DNG command. - > .
KioImportExport : New plugin to import or export images via FTP, Samba, Fish ( SSH) and . A plugin dedicated to export images to SmugMug web service is also .
On a Mac, you can access your Exchange account with Entourage; you can also . Smugmug presents your photos more stylishly than Flickr; accounts with . login details—a server address, a username, and a password—for an FTP server . .
Login to your email and click the link to download the file directly. . to other locations (Flickr, Facebook, SmugMug, ftp server) Different versions of different sizes .
Mar 31, 2010 – SmugMug also has somewhat of a community, but nothing to the degree of . . One feature they offer than most other sites don't is FTP access to .
Dec 27, 2007 – I've recently started using SmugMug to deliver aerial photography images . You need a password to access it. . they do not have FTP support. .
32 posts - 16 authors - Last post: Feb 20While I don't believe SmugMug has FTP access, they do have a variety of client, web and plugin based uploaders. I've not missed FTP. .
Keywords: ftp demofour. keyword pages: 1. < 1 of 1 >. Photo Sharing · About .
8 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Mar 9Sign in to manage your account and access trial downloads, product extensions, community areas, and more. . When I am uploading via a SmugMug publish service it only uses 80KB/s of . . There is no control port like FTP. .
Mar 10, 2011 – Login with Facebook . . It doesn't upload directly to any photo services (like SmugMug, Flickr, and MobileMe galleries), which is a shame. .
Nov 21, 2007 – Come Fotki and Smugmug, two very well known photo sharing site. . With FTP access, it'll be so easy to upload your photos, and to download .
PhotoShack, SmugMug, Zenfolio, Flickr, Picasa. the list goes on and on. . Upgrade to Pro for unlimited storage, bandwidth, FTP access to your account, and .
Sep 22, 2010 – This is a great way to litterally have access to thousands of your images . only send the finished image via email, but you can also FTP it as well. . Smugmug is definitely a popular photo sharing and portfolio hosting site for .
Nov 25, 2008 – FTP upload – SmugMug and Zenfolio do not support FTP upload, while Pictage , Collage.net and . . WRITER LOGIN / REGISTRATION. X .
site. You also have to create an FTP site in FTP Locations. Show How? Before you can add an FTP site to the list in FTP Locations, you must have access to the .
Oct 14, 2008 – This worked just fine except the SmugMug “ Delayed for proofing . of an FTP upload to a website which may only support HTTP protocols. .
I love the SmugMug uploader, has completely redefined my work flow! . I can give you access to a server with gallery2 installed to make the plugin working if you . . (If it could be further integrated with Lightroom's built-in FTP capabilities for .
12 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Jul 2, 2009Smugmug is more user friendly than FTP. You can setup an account, share the .
Jul 30, 2011 – Photo Sharing & Video Hosting by SmugMug .
LiveBooks; Photobiz; Smugmug; Yahoo! . I need to know if my server has PHP and MySQL, and I'll need FTP access and the ability to create a new MySQL .
Requests are authorized using an access control list associated with each bucket and object. . Photo hosting service SmugMug has used S3 since April 2006. .
SmugMug Uploader Download, SmugMug Uploader, SmugMug Uploader free . Uploader! is a quick and easy FTP upload tool to send your files to your web site. . folder, incorrect URLs, WebNative login errors, are all problems of the past. .
Results 1 - 50 – [DIR] ftp://ftp.ccs.neu.edu/net/mirrors/ftp.funet.fi/pub/languages/perl/CPAN/authors /id/F/FL/FLOWERYSO/SmugMug/ .
After doing a little research, I knew FTP to Smugmug is possible. And not too hard too. . All the frames have access to the same buffers. This allows me to switch .
15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Feb 14While I don't believe SmugMug has FTP access, they do have a variety of .
14 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Sep 15, 2008Do smugmuggers get FTP access? Or is there some kind of batch upload for many files at once? I wouldn't want to spend hours to upload a .
- from 167 users - $1.99
Access your files from anywhere, anytime! What do you get with Briefcase that you don't get with Backup? * FTP Access. * File sharing. * Facebook, Smugmug .
Once you're signed up, you'll be led through the oauth authentication process at Smugmug. That gives SmugFTP the access to upload to your albums. When that .
1 review
Jun 26, 2011 – Photosync will let you sync your photos with your computer, Smugmug, FB, Flickr, Picasa and Dropbox as well as FTP. It can access and .
You upload your images with control over prices and access. Showing and selling your images online makes it possible for anyone in the world to become your .
I thought of leaving smugmug because there is no FTP access! Really nice to have this working! WOW it works great!! I upgraded my account to pro!! 11 days .
With dozens of plug-ins, automations, scripts, and more, you can access . Streamline your work by sending your photos to Flickr, Facebook, SmugMug, and other . Or easily upload your photos to a remote FTP server, send them to another .
Access your files from anywhere, anytime! What do you get with Briefcase that you don't get with Backup? FTP Access; File sharing; Facebook, Smugmug and .
2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Feb 24, 2005[Sitemap] Does smugmug support FTP? SmugMug Support.
. multiple sources like files, folders, FTP remote folders, Flickr, Yahoo!, Panoramio, Pikeo, Ipernity, Photobucket, Buzznet, Picasa, Smugmug, Bing, . Login. My Saved Stuff. You have not saved any software. Click "Save" next to each software. .
6 posts - 1 author - Last post: May 10I know you tested with SmugMug - so here's a long shot: do you have access to another FTP server you could try uploading to? (in case it's the .
Wi-Fi access to your photos/videos wherever you are – from any computer on the same . ► Share on the go - Dropbox, Facebook, Picasa, SmugMug & FTP .
Industrial grade uploading to Smugmug with FTP. Sign up here. We recommend .
Get updates via SMS by texting follow smugftp to 40404 in the United States . if you need access now, please use ftp.smugftp.com or www.smugftp.com for you host. . decided to shut down smugftp as smugmug's decision to suspend stands. .
Download sets for offline access. Upload photos. Log into Flickr, Facebook, and SmugMug all at the same time. Dropbox support. One step Dropbox synch. FTP .
Wi-Fi access to your photos/videos wherever you are – from any computer on the same Wi-Fi . Share on the go - Dropbox, Facebook, Picasa, SmugMug & FTP .
Simply open ACDSee Pro 4 to directly access your folders and files live, . web presence with uploaders to flickr™, SmugMug, Zenfolio and your FTP accounts. .
Dec 3, 2007 – Perhaps it's because Smugmug is my service of choice. Before . Also, it's one of the few photo hosting sites to offer its members FTP access. .
Can I use my Smugmug email and password to access SmugFTP? No you can't .
You can even give others access to post comments in your journal. Premium . Fotki has a Safe Filtering option to limit access to objectionable images. The safe .
Feb 18, 2011 – Wi-Fi access to your photos/videos wherever you are – from any computer . Share on the go - Dropbox, Facebook, Picasa, SmugMug & FTP .