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Oct 18, 2011 – Vid-Atlantic, a company that produces and sells exclusively a 50mm SLR lens for iPhones and iPods just released a video test shot with the .
Screw a 50 mm lens onto a Canon DSLR, and it acts like a 50 x 1.6 mm = 80 mm . As anyone knows who's ever priced an SLR lens, you can pay as much or .
11 posts - 9 authors - Last post: May 5, 2009Lenses for dslr vs. lenses for slr is a dichotomy used by other companies. Canon doesn't encourage this labeling nor do they use it in their .
Canon & Nikon Digital SLR and Lens Reviews at The-Digital-Picture.com . As with using any new DSLR, it takes a little time to learn where the functions reside, but I . You may or may not have noticed from the above pics, but the Canon EOS .
Jump to DSLR optical viewfinder vs. digital point-and-shoot camera LCD: Depending on the viewing position of the reflex mirror (down or up), the .
Single Lens Reflex are commonly referred to as SLR or Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) and are a huge advancement on the point and shoot camera format. .
506 reviews - $639.00 - In stock
The Canon EOS system of digital single-lens reflex (SLR) bodies and lenses is a standard . A 100mm telephoto lens that would be ideal for portraits on a film or .
SLR lens Guide: Read our SLR lens guide before making your purchase. . What's more, DSLR lenses produce far sharper results than built-in lenses on point-and-shoot . A standard or "normal" lens, with a fixed focal length of 50 mm, has a .
(Or order now to be the first in line.) We've detected you . Yes, it's really real. Turn your iPhone 4 into a DSLR using real SLR lenses. . embed. A case, UV filter, and SLR lens adapter make up this incredible SLR-iPhone system. download .
Just as many others prefer Canon DSLRs and Nikon Coolpix compacts. .
Lens Reviews on SLR Gear . . See our review of this $1800 lens on SLRgear. com. . one that's very simple compared to most high-end digital SLR cameras. .
Alert icon. Sign In or Sign Up now! Alert icon. Uploaded by UniquePhotoInc on Mar 24, 2009. Zeiss DSLR & SLR Lens Assortment for Canon and Nikon .
by Gordon Laing - In 17,210 Google+ circles
Digital SLR camerasFrequently called DSLR cameras. are quite different from . While this provides great flexibility, choosing the right lens or set of lenses can .
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8 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jan 15, 2008I could really use some help in understanding the problems associated with using my Minolta SLR AF lenses on my new DSLR Sony A100.
Jump to Minolta AF lens mount: A Minolta Maxxum AF 50mm f/1.7 prime lens with type “A” bayonet .
Many entry-level DSLRs offer a range of 'point and shoot' subject / scene .
Discover the key differences between a mirrorless vs. a normal digital SLR camera. . Regardless of the lens you choose, mirrorless DSLRs are more portable .
Feb 5, 2009 – Wassup! Today - Why all the hype about Digital Single Lens Reflex Cameras ( DSLR) over Compact Digital Cameras? The simply answer is .
Photozone.de - DSLR lens reviews and beyond! . SLR vs Rangefinder . the SLR mirror swings to its upward position (accompanied by a viewfinder black-out ) .
Thus, a lens used on a DSLR will appear to be 1.5 times longer than it does when it is mounted on the 35mm SLR. We see the field of view crop, or focal length .
Sep 2, 2009 – SLR or Single Lens Reflex camera are a class of cameras that allowed . DSLR or the Digital version of SLR is basically an SLR that has been .
Jun 28, 2010 – The term digital SLR is short for digital single lens .
If, after reading that, you think a DSLR + lenses is the right choice, you can . The typical camera choice in this area is similar to the Canon EOS 50D/7D or the new . and don't mind a big heavy camera, get an digital SLR with just one lens and .
Voigtlander 21mm versus Canon 17-40mm. Two 21mm f/4 . With a rangefinder camera, you never look through the lens. You focus . . A DSLR is a Digital SLR. .
Travel Forums Travel Photography SLR Vs DSLR . significantly cheaper, but you'll need that extra money to buy a decent lens, as the Canon .
The Canon EF 8-15mm Fisheye zoom is a unique lens which delivers 180 .
For professionals then, or amateur photographers, digicams won't get the job done. For these types of photographers, a digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera .
Several manufacturers' SLR lens systems offer more than 40 lenses, each . The SLR mirror box and pentaprism add some weight and bulk compared to a . made it possible to frame with a dSLR the way you do with a point-and-shoot model, .
Sony Alpha A350 Compared to Nikon D80 Digital SLR Camera Side By Side. Sony Alpha A350K compared to Nikon D80 with 18-135mm DX lens . that makes picture taking faster, easier, and more familiar for first-time DSLR users. .
Cheap Digital SLR Cameras: Discount DSLRs. Helping . Focus is achieved via autofocus, or by simply turning the textured ring in the front of the lens. Zoom is .
Sign in with or Create a New Account. . These DSLRs and interchangeable-lens cameras earned top scores for image quality in our tests. . If you want video capability, the A580 has it--but as with all SLRs, you should be aware of the .
Understanding the DSLR Magnification Factor. By: Nick . On a a digital SLR like the Canon D60 a standard lens is about 31mm in focal length. Here is the . The blue rectangle shows what a 35mm film, or a full-frame digital SLR will record. .
One of the main attractions of a digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera is, . Do you need to buy special “digital lenses” or a separate macro lens if your zoom .
Aug 24, 2007 – DSLRs are heavy and sizable and when you add a lens or two to your kit . . It is the first thing one notices about using an SLR compared to a .
Simply attach and twist the SLR adaptor to the Canon EOS or Nikon F mounts . Used on an APS-C sensor DSLR it has the effect of a 115mm telephoto lens! .
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: May 14, 2009Q. slr vs. dslr lens - Can someone explain to me what the advantage is of buying a lens made specifically for a dslr?
Dec 14, 2009 – A similar thing is also happening in the DSLR world, where manufacturers . There are, however, advanced “SLR-like” point and shoot cameras that tend to . or bring everything in focus through aperture control of the lens. .
1 answerTop answer: I had that same dilemma a few years back. I have a box full of M42 screwmount lenses and a couple of manual K-mounts. I bought a K200 with the kit .
295 reviews - $549.00 - In stock
Digital SLR camera images compared to 35mm Provia F ISO 100 4000 dpi film . manufacturers are now making DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) cameras .
In addition, SLRs normally feature interchangeable lenses, while current .
Digicams use a video screen, either an LCD or an Electronic Viewfinder (EVF .
What we'll call HDSLR (High Definition Single Lens Reflex) cameras use the . introduced at least one DSLR (or other interchangeable lens system camera) .
If you're trying to figure out the difference between SLR and digital compact cameras this . Then you get to tack on an additional $100 for a kit lens or $500 for a . But the one thing that really sets DSLR video apart from compact video is the .
Canon & Nikon Digital SLR Camera & Lens Reviews. Digital SLR Camera and .
If you think that finding a good SLR camera is tough, try finding the best .
Nikon vs Canon Digital SLR Cameras for Astrophotography . . Just about every Nikon F series lens ever made will work on the latest DSLR bodies (with a .