Oct 30, 11
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  • Oct 18, 2011 – Vid-Atlantic, a company that produces and sells exclusively a 50mm SLR lens for iPhones and iPods just released a video test shot with the .
  • Screw a 50 mm lens onto a Canon DSLR, and it acts like a 50 x 1.6 mm = 80 mm . As anyone knows who's ever priced an SLR lens, you can pay as much or .
  • 11 posts - 9 authors - Last post: May 5, 2009Lenses for dslr vs. lenses for slr is a dichotomy used by other companies. Canon doesn't encourage this labeling nor do they use it in their .
  • Canon & Nikon Digital SLR and Lens Reviews at . As with using any new DSLR, it takes a little time to learn where the functions reside, but I . You may or may not have noticed from the above pics, but the Canon EOS .
  • Jump to DSLR optical viewfinder vs. digital point-and-shoot camera LCD‎: Depending on the viewing position of the reflex mirror (down or up), the .
  • Single Lens Reflex are commonly referred to as SLR or Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) and are a huge advancement on the point and shoot camera format. .
  •  506 reviews - $639.00 - In stock
  • The Canon EOS system of digital single-lens reflex (SLR) bodies and lenses is a standard . A 100mm telephoto lens that would be ideal for portraits on a film or .
  • SLR lens Guide: Read our SLR lens guide before making your purchase. . What's more, DSLR lenses produce far sharper results than built-in lenses on point-and-shoot . A standard or "normal" lens, with a fixed focal length of 50 mm, has a .
  • (Or order now to be the first in line.) We've detected you . Yes, it's really real. Turn your iPhone 4 into a DSLR using real SLR lenses. . embed. A case, UV filter, and SLR lens adapter make up this incredible SLR-iPhone system. download .
  • Just as many others prefer Canon DSLRs and Nikon Coolpix compacts. .
  • Lens Reviews on SLR Gear . . See our review of this $1800 lens on SLRgear. com. . one that's very simple compared to most high-end digital SLR cameras. .
  • Alert icon. Sign In or Sign Up now! Alert icon. Uploaded by UniquePhotoInc on Mar 24, 2009. Zeiss DSLR & SLR Lens Assortment for Canon and Nikon .
  • by Gordon Laing - In 17,210 Google+ circles
  • Digital SLR camerasFrequently called DSLR cameras. are quite different from . While this provides great flexibility, choosing the right lens or set of lenses can .
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  • 8 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jan 15, 2008I could really use some help in understanding the problems associated with using my Minolta SLR AF lenses on my new DSLR Sony A100.
  • Jump to Minolta AF lens mount‎: A Minolta Maxxum AF 50mm f/1.7 prime lens with type “A” bayonet .
  • Many entry-level DSLRs offer a range of 'point and shoot' subject / scene .
  • Discover the key differences between a mirrorless vs. a normal digital SLR camera. . Regardless of the lens you choose, mirrorless DSLRs are more portable .
  • Feb 5, 2009 – Wassup! Today - Why all the hype about Digital Single Lens Reflex Cameras ( DSLR) over Compact Digital Cameras? The simply answer is .
  • - DSLR lens reviews and beyond! . SLR vs Rangefinder . the SLR mirror swings to its upward position (accompanied by a viewfinder black-out ) .
  • Thus, a lens used on a DSLR will appear to be 1.5 times longer than it does when it is mounted on the 35mm SLR. We see the field of view crop, or focal length .
  • Sep 2, 2009 – SLR or Single Lens Reflex camera are a class of cameras that allowed . DSLR or the Digital version of SLR is basically an SLR that has been .
  • Jun 28, 2010 – The term digital SLR is short for digital single lens .
  • If, after reading that, you think a DSLR + lenses is the right choice, you can . The typical camera choice in this area is similar to the Canon EOS 50D/7D or the new . and don't mind a big heavy camera, get an digital SLR with just one lens and .
  • Voigtlander 21mm versus Canon 17-40mm. Two 21mm f/4 . With a rangefinder camera, you never look through the lens. You focus . . A DSLR is a Digital SLR. .
  • Travel Forums Travel Photography SLR Vs DSLR . significantly cheaper, but you'll need that extra money to buy a decent lens, as the Canon .
  • The Canon EF 8-15mm Fisheye zoom is a unique lens which delivers 180 .
  • For professionals then, or amateur photographers, digicams won't get the job done. For these types of photographers, a digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera .
  • Several manufacturers' SLR lens systems offer more than 40 lenses, each . The SLR mirror box and pentaprism add some weight and bulk compared to a . made it possible to frame with a dSLR the way you do with a point-and-shoot model, .
  • Sony Alpha A350 Compared to Nikon D80 Digital SLR Camera Side By Side. Sony Alpha A350K compared to Nikon D80 with 18-135mm DX lens . that makes picture taking faster, easier, and more familiar for first-time DSLR users. .
  • Cheap Digital SLR Cameras: Discount DSLRs. Helping . Focus is achieved via autofocus, or by simply turning the textured ring in the front of the lens. Zoom is .
  • Sign in with or Create a New Account. . These DSLRs and interchangeable-lens cameras earned top scores for image quality in our tests. . If you want video capability, the A580 has it--but as with all SLRs, you should be aware of the .
  • Understanding the DSLR Magnification Factor. By: Nick . On a a digital SLR like the Canon D60 a standard lens is about 31mm in focal length. Here is the . The blue rectangle shows what a 35mm film, or a full-frame digital SLR will record. .
  • One of the main attractions of a digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera is, . Do you need to buy special “digital lenses” or a separate macro lens if your zoom .
  • Aug 24, 2007 – DSLRs are heavy and sizable and when you add a lens or two to your kit . . It is the first thing one notices about using an SLR compared to a .
  • Simply attach and twist the SLR adaptor to the Canon EOS or Nikon F mounts . Used on an APS-C sensor DSLR it has the effect of a 115mm telephoto lens! .
  • 3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: May 14, 2009Q. slr vs. dslr lens - Can someone explain to me what the advantage is of buying a lens made specifically for a dslr?
  • Dec 14, 2009 – A similar thing is also happening in the DSLR world, where manufacturers . There are, however, advanced “SLR-like” point and shoot cameras that tend to . or bring everything in focus through aperture control of the lens. .
  • 1 answerTop answer: I had that same dilemma a few years back. I have a box full of M42 screwmount lenses and a couple of manual K-mounts. I bought a K200 with the kit .
  •  295 reviews - $549.00 - In stock
  • Digital SLR camera images compared to 35mm Provia F ISO 100 4000 dpi film . manufacturers are now making DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) cameras .
  • In addition, SLRs normally feature interchangeable lenses, while current .
  • Digicams use a video screen, either an LCD or an Electronic Viewfinder (EVF .
  • What we'll call HDSLR (High Definition Single Lens Reflex) cameras use the . introduced at least one DSLR (or other interchangeable lens system camera) .
  • If you're trying to figure out the difference between SLR and digital compact cameras this . Then you get to tack on an additional $100 for a kit lens or $500 for a . But the one thing that really sets DSLR video apart from compact video is the .
  • Canon & Nikon Digital SLR Camera & Lens Reviews. Digital SLR Camera and .
  • If you think that finding a good SLR camera is tough, try finding the best .
  • Nikon vs Canon Digital SLR Cameras for Astrophotography . . Just about every Nikon F series lens ever made will work on the latest DSLR bodies (with a .

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