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The Indiana Prevention Resource Center on-line dictionary contains more than 3800 street drug slang terms from the Indiana Prevention Resource Center files, .
Aug 21, 2009 – What is the drug kids are using the nickname or slang term (Roxies)for. From what I gather it is in pill form, but the prefered method of use is .
Valium (2.5k jpg) Valium (8.3k gif). Scroll down towards the bottom of this .
Nov 27, 2010 – Slang terms for drugs change quickly, and they vary from one part of the country to another.
These drugs tend to inhibit penile erection, a phenomenon known by the slang term crystal dick. Consequently, many men who engage in PNP use erectile .
Aug 26, 2010 – In his online dictionary, there are thousands of slang terms related to drugs and sex (there are 88 drug shortcuts beginning with the letter "a" .
Intended ultimately to be a fairly comprehensive guide to words, terms, and phrases related to recreational drug use. It contains Slang, lingo, and technical .
Jump to Teen Slang Glossary: Below are teens' slang terms that are popular references for drugs, alcohol and some of the behaviors associated with .
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Nov 8, 2009 – Police officers are being issued with a list of almost 3000 slang words and phrases associated with illegal drugs, in order to stay one step .
May 23, 2011 – A long list of different slang terms for various narcotic drugs like heroin, cocaine, etc.
Jump to Drug related slang ': Drug Related Slang - a straightforward listing, and a part of a . Street Terms - Drugs and the Drug Trade - lists .
Jump to Drug Terms: drugs. * ice - crystalized methamphetamine, ice cream, dream catcher. * mac - blunt. * nick, nickel, nickelbag, nickelsack, - a five .
A list of slang words for drugs (related to). Find words with this meaning on The Online Slang Dictionary's slang thesaurus (urban thesaurus).
Dec 17, 2010 – Slang terms for illegal drugs can downplay the possible .
Jump to Terminology: Drug-induced Psychosis For some people, even those with no history or . Slang Terms for LSD: Acid, Boomers, Doses, Yellow .
NoSlang.com Drug Slang Translator Learn the latest drug slang terms kids are using. Provided By: NoSlang.com Internet Slang Translator .
A list of over 1500 street slang terms for various drugs : Words starting with A and B.
2 days ago – Millions of Americans in recovery are living proof that drug addiction is a . While not every young person who uses or abuses drugs and .
3 answersQuestion: like pookie sniff ganj etc.
NoSlang.com Drug Slang Translator Learn the latest drug slang terms kids are using. Provided . Below is a list of 304 drug slang terms starting with the letter s. .
Drug Slang Dictionary - Marijuana: drug slang dictionary slang terms for marijuana potency marijuana marijuana memory marijuana cigarettes.
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Aug 7, 2007 – . Your Kids Are Talking About With This Guide To Today's Drug Terms. . drug abuse to get a better handle on the today's teenage drug slang. .
Mar 17, 2010 – Dope is used to describe " Any" type of drug. This is according to my dad.
DRUG SLANG AND STREET NAMES. Just about all illegal drugs have street names. These are the drug slang terms used by users. Below are some common .
NoSlang.com Drug Slang Translator Learn the latest drug slang terms kids are using. Provided . Below is a list of 383 drug slang terms starting with the letter b. .
What are the street names/slang terms? . What are its short-term effects? . Our Drug Guide shows the top 13 drugs most commonly abused — including their .
Guide to the common slang terms used for drug taking and abuse.
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Do you want to know some slang words for depressants? This article contains some of the more common street names, or slang terms, for drugs along with .
Drugs are illegal in most places in the world today. For this reason talk of it has had to go underground. A very effective way of going underground is the .
Marijuana Slang - Marijuana Street Names - Marijuana Nicknames, Common Street drug names, drug lingo, drug slang terms, illegal drug slang.
Information About Slang Names For Street Drugs. . Millions of Drug and Alcohol Dependant Americans · More Companies Conducting Background Checks .
What are the street names/slang terms? . What are its short term effects .
They may even be talking about using drugs right in front of you. Do you know all the common slang terms for abusing prescription drugs or partying? To help .
Would you recognize slang for abusing medicines with dextromethorphan if you . Teen Slang for DXM Abuse: Parents Should Know These Words, Teens and .
15+ items – allquestions td{ padding: 10px; } .allquestions { width:520px; .
A single term or similar terms may refer to various drugs or have different meanings, reflecting geographic and demo-graphic variations in slang. All known .
Drug Testing Slang Terms. . BAG - packet of drugs, usually a standard amount for sale. BAG MAN - person who transports money. BALLOON - small amount of .
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Or you can search our drug slang database below: Search for a drug type by slang term or street names. Many parents have to face the reality that their child will .
The ability to understand current drug-related street terms is an invaluable tool for law enforcement, public health, parents, teachers and other criminal justice .
What are the slang terms for drugs? Do police enforce drug-driving? Where can I find accurate information about drugs? I found drugs in my child's room, how do .
The White House Slang Terms Web Site (Listings by drug type). Slang Terms / Street Language. Note: There are over 7000 words listed on these pages. Here is .
Jan 30, 2011 – If your child or loved one uses any of these words, you'll know that they're buying or selling drugs.
25 posts - 19 authors - Last post: Sep 19, 2002Who else thinks calling a pills of MDMA "rolls", and calling being high on MDMA " rolling", sounds about as dumb as a child left in a hot car too .
We have eliminated most four-letter and drug related words but we have kept a few euphemisms. If we missed your favorite slang words, or if you have any other .
Slang terms in the drug subculture are constantly changing, as its ethnic, social, and demographic composition changes and as new illicit drugs roll in and roll .
In addition to talking with your kids about drugs and keeping communication open, stay informed on the latest drug trends and slang terms. Visit the links at the .