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Talk turkey idiom . talk turkey. Like this word? Slang Dictionary . We .
The poem I picked is called "Talking Turkeys" and i really like it mostly because it is funny, and it actually gets to a point in the end. He uses slang in his poems .
What do you do if your friend is talking about you behind your back? .
After Thanksgiving, Name A Food You Make All Of The Leftover Turkey. Turkey Sandwich . .. Name a sign that the person you're talking to is drunk. Can't Stand Up . Give me a slang term you'd use to describe a really good-looking guy. Fine .
1) Jazz slang from the 1930s and 40s. The language . second chap~ Sir, are .
4 answersSlang, colloquial . It is commonly seen as "talking turkey for chicken feed" means getting a bargain. It can also mean getting down to the "Nitty gritty" ready to buy .
Get The Slangman Guide to Biz Speak 1 (Slang, Idioms, & Jargon Used in Business . as "getting canned," "jumping through hoops," and "talking turkey." These .
Clueless Quotes on IMDb: Movies, TV, Celebs, and more.
60+ items – Historical Dictionary of American Slang. Search For: .
Talk turkey definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with . 3. ocellated turkey. 4. Slang. a. a person or thing of little appeal; dud; loser. b. a naive .
Sep 21, 2009 – What's the meaning of talk turkey? Find the definition of the slang word here.
Definition of talk from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio . talk turkey. : to speak frankly or bluntly. See talk defined for English-language learners .
Originally American gangsters' slang for killing someone, from the practice of killing someone in a . . Talk turkey - discuss (business) bluntly and practically .
Probably the most commonly used slang term for this drug. 2. A fool, an idiot. . To talk flirtatiously with someone, to make sexual overtures. . .. cold turkey, Noun. .
Jul 20, 2011 – ('Talk the legs off an iron chair' is also used); Talk turkey: When people . . for free and gain access to many more idioms and slang expressions. .
A slang phrase that means to work hard. If someone is talking about how much work they have to do, you might hear someone else respond, "Just give 'er!" .
May 1, 2010 – Marriage: Talking Turkey When You're Feeling Like a Chicken . Slang, swear words, and “talking dirty” are a turn-off for most wives. Set the .
If possible, avoid colloquialisms, idiomatic expressions and slang. Expressions like Now you're talking turkey!; Gimme high-five, Dude!; and even By Jove, she's .
An angry turkey will chase you. but they rarely have the nerve to attack. hence the name Jive Turkey (70's Slang For A Fast Talking Yet Incompetent .
Detailing the history of cultural slang and the evolution of popular phrases. . Eating Crow, Passing the Buck and Talking Turkey I painted this study of negative .
Information about talk turkey in the free online English dictionary and .
Entered the language as a part 1960s counter-cultural slang. Amerikos, Americans . Ararat is in "historic" Armenian, but the region currently belongs to Turkey. Arf, Blacks . .. It means "man without country" or just imitates Hungarian talking. .
Talk turkey idiom . talk turkey. Like this word? Slang Dictionary . We .
Example: Talk to ya later, I'm off like a prom dress . . Example: Andy's .
Talk turkey is slang for to talk business, talk sense. Straight talking to the point. Talk turkey is slang for to perform oral sex. Research Talk Turkey .
Aviator Slang. Yes, military pilots really do talk this way! This is not an all- inclusive list of military acronyms, just the type of lingo you're apt to hear in the .
Turkey primarily refers to: Turkey, or the Republic of Turkey, a present-day Eurasian country; The historic state of the Ottoman Empire · European Turkey, a term .
Have the slang-speaker actually call the square a "Jive turkey". Generally, by the end of . I've got nothing to hide! A lot of Vaughn Bode's characters talk like this. .
An angry turkey will chase you. but they rarely have the nerve to attack. hence the name Jive Turkey (70's Slang For A Fast Talking Yet Incompetent Slacker) .
Jan 25, 2011 – jive talk ebonics jive ogga booga slang · 1. Jive Talk. An awesome funk-rock band out of Vancouver, B.C., who know how to get funky and make .
Sep 20, 2011 – Talking Turkey and a New Potential Band Name . when I say “turkeys” I mean the BIRD, not “turkeys” as in some sort of slang term for weirdos .
Aug 1, 2011 – "talking turkey" is a present participle form of "talk turkey": to discuss . " ocellated turkey" | [slang] ; a . (23 of 144 words, .
Oct 3, 2009 – What's the meaning of talk trash? Find the definition of the .
Example: So once you have the thingie talking to the doohickie, you need to . .. jive turkey: One who sees herself as much cooler than she actually is. Often used .
Slang and Terms of the 70s, words and phrases that helped define the decade. . the Bear" hats, Dad started talking about them on his radio as "Smokey Bears" or, as it was . .. Ex. "I can't hang with those turkeys; they're always joanin' on me. .
Apr 10, 2011 – But then there was FORGO COLD TURKEY. . MONDO letdown (87A: Extremely, in 1970s slang). But the . . Hey, why am I talkin' on like this? .
TALK TURKEY. Talk turkey is slang for to talk business, talk sense. Straight .
Slang - each generation provides words known as 'slang' - often many of these words become accepted into . 'Talking Turkeys' by Benjamin Zephaniah .
270+ items – Drug Slang Dictionary - Cocaine: drug slang dictionary slang .
200+ items – Slang and Terms of the 90s, words and phrases that helped .
A Bee Gees song by the title “Jive Talking” cemented the phrase in popular slang , and “jive” as a dialect of its own was immortalized in a scene from the movie .
Break, Need Others To Quit Talking On CB To Ask A Question . Turkey Day, Thanksgiving . ZIPPER – The broken highway center line (Oversize lingo) .
Slang. A person considered inept or undesirable. A failure, especially a failed theatrical . .. Though we never "talk eagle," we talk turkey when we speak frankly. .
Jun 16, 2011 – The Young Turks began meeting in small cells to talk about the creation of . the position of the “Three Pashas,” three men who ruled Turkey until the end . slang meaning referring to people who incite revolution by agitation. .
(Individual Sports & Recreations / Bowls & Bowling) Slang (in tenpin bowling) three strikes in a row. 8. (Law / Recreational Drugs) See cold turkey. talk turkey .
Oct 3, 2009 – What's the meaning of talk up? Find the definition of the .
Aug 11, 1986 – It covers such categories as media talk (show biz, glitz), government lingo (lame duck, on the stump), business idioms (the fine print, .