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Sep 25, 2009 – Yellow Lantern Sinestro built in the Cube Dude Style. (Slight revision over my first try - realized how to make that purple brick stretch a .
1 post - Last post: Feb 10While awaiting a battle with Krona, an ancient enemy of the Guardians of the Universe, Earth's Green Lantern Hal Jordan, Kilowog, Sinestro .
Aug 21, 2008 – Sinestro: Speaking of, I'm MUCH TOO SHORT!! This idiot Jordan has half a foot on me! What's the deal with that?! I'm supposed to be five .
Sinestro's Mustache. filling a void you didn't even know you had. Jul 14 '11. ★ · snstv: Green Lantern # 1 (cover) · snstv: Green Lantern # 1 (cover) .
Jun 17, 2011 – The pink skinned Sinestro, is better known to most as "the Sinister Sinestro," who is Green Lantern's arch villain. .
Sinestro Corp: Android app (★★★★★, <50 downloads) ⇒ the power of fear is here!!!! join the sinestro corp with this wallpaper and ring.
A description of tropes appearing in Sinestro. . SINESTRO'S MIGHT! General discussion on how to deal with pages like this is here . .
Sinestro on WN Network delivers the latest Videos and Editable pages for News & Events, including Entertainment, Music, Sports, Science and more, .
Jun 17, 2011 – In the Green Lantern movie Thaal Sinestro starts as the mentor to . In a surprise ending, Sinestro took the power of the white light and .
Feb 21, 2010 – Mark Strong is officially playing Sinestro in director Martin Campbell's Green Lantern. We can all say thank you to Geoff Johns for the info .
Thaal Sinestro of the planet Korugar in Sector 1417 is an intergalactic .
Thaal Sinestro of Korugar is the arch-nemesis of Green Lantern. At one point the greatest member of the Green Lantern Corps, he was corrupted by his power .
Sinestro (Character) on IMDb: Movies, TV, Celebs, and more.
Jan 13, 2011 – Hell, I think he looks good. Great, actually. Even his uniform looks good to me.
Apr 18, 2011 – Hal Jordan is revealed to be the latest member of the Sinestro Corps for the cover of Green Lantern # 65 by Geoff Johns and Doug Mahnke.
Apr 27, 2011 – Movies: Sinestro and Kilowog get their own Green Lantern movie posters as the film's June 17 release date charges closer.
Jun 17, 2011 – I've had the honor of interviewing actor Mark Strong a few times over the last few years, while following his career explode with riveting .
Powers: Sinestro was a master tactician and a superior combatant. Sinestro was fearless and had the ability to analyze and act on any given situation .
Apr 26, 2011 – Movies) two more banners for Sinestro (Mark Strong) and Kilowog (Michael Clarke Duncan). Hitting 3D and 2D theaters on June 17, .
GREEN LANTERN: THE SINESTRO CORPS WAR VOL. 1. » View Larger Image. Written by Geoff Johns and Dave Gibbons; Art by Ethan Van Sciver, Ivan Reis, .
from 239 users
May 24, 2011 – Green Lantern looks like it's all CG and motion capture, all the time. But one of the main characters in the film is wearing full practical .
Sinestro made it all the way to number 15 on IGN's Top 100 Comic Book Villains of all time. Check out who made it to number 1!
Nov 29, 2010 – Mattel has released some boxed images for their upcoming Toys R Us exclusive DC Universe Classics Hal Jordan vs. Thaal Sinestro 2-pack.
Sinestro is a fictional character, an alien supervillain in the DC Comics Universe. Created by John Broome and Gil Kane, Sinestro is the former mentor and .
Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we will explore the comic book origins of the Green Lantern's intergalactic nemesis Sinestro.
May 2, 2009 – Green Lanterns vs Sinestro - Hal Jordan & Kyle Rayner - Enemy - Sevendust · SpideyGreenLantern 30 videos. Subscribe Alert icon Subscribed .
20 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Apr 5, 2010Hey Pop'ers I was lucky enough to score these at Wondercon yesterday. If anybody wants one or both pm me, free USPS ground shipping to the .
Jun 10, 2011 – Today Sinestro is better known as the creator and leader of the Sinestro Corp, the Yellow Lanterns that use fear as the source of their .
May 31, 2011 – "Labeled the first renegade of the Green Lantern Corps, I was banished to the underbelly of the universe, the Antimatter Universe. and .
Feb 17, 2010 – While living on his home world of Korugar, Sinestro was visited by Jewelius Blak , a member of the Green Lantern Corps. .
Apr 26, 2011 – The latest character posters for 'Green Lantern' feature Sinestro and Kilowog and more fan-favorites from the Green Lantern Corps. .
Thaal Sinestro is a fictional character, an alien supervillain in the DC Comics Universe. Created by John Broome and Gil Kane, Sinestro is the former mentor .
Retro Action DC Super Heroes: Sinestro action figure (Mattel) This is an 8" action figure of Sinestro from the Retro Action DC Super Heroes line of figures. .
Created by John Broome and Gil Kane, Sinestro is the former mentor of Hal Jordan and the . In 2009, Sinestro was ranked as IGN's 15th Greatest. | Facebook.
Sinestro, former Green Lantern great and leader of the Sinestro Corps is ready to wage the war of light across the universe. but you don't have to go that .
Sinestro frequently visited Oa, gaining wisdom from the Great Book of Oa, which told of the knowledge of Green Lanterns past, present, and future. .
Nov 17, 2010 – Sinestro If you've been paying attention to Splash Page in the past several days , then you already know that the first official "Green .
One of the greatest Green Lanterns there ever was, Sinestro was corrupted by power and was banned from the Green Lantern Corps by the Guardians of the .
Amazon.com: Green Lantern: Tales of the Sinestro Corps (9781401218010): Ron Marz , Geoff Johns, Sterling Gates, Alan Burnett: Books.
Thaal Sinestro is a fictional character, an alien supervillain in the DC Comics Universe.
Feb 25, 2011 – Still, the most exciting thing for me remains the complete Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps War collection. It's no Legion Lost or Showcase .
Jun 20, 2011 – After four hours of makeup, the British actor who seems to specialize in dark roles is ready to play anti-hero to the Green Lantern.
Apr 26, 2011 – Two more for the June 17 releaseIn addition to last week's banners for Tomar-Re and Hal Jordan in Green Lantern, Warner Bros.
Apr 26, 2011 – In this edition of "character posters from a big budget superhero movie", we have solo posters for Kilowog and Sinestro. .
May 18, 2011 – Comic Book Resources - In Blackest Night: Mark Strong is Sinestro - Actor Mark Strong spoke with CBR News about the process involved in .
Created by the Anti-Monitor in order to facilitate his plans to feed on New Earth and the Multiverse. Co-created by Sinestro to instill fear in the Universe .
The Sinestro Corps is a group of fictional characters, a villainous analogue .
OAFE reviews the Alex Ross Sinestro toy from DC Direct.
Jun 15, 2011 – I have to admit, while most everyone else seems to be geeking out over every new image and clip of video that gets released for Green .