Aug 28, 11
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  • 13 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Aug 21, 2008Under IIS, the virtual directory is taking the defaults that shows that the .shtml file extension points to the ssinc.dll. I know that this works with .
  • 4 answers - Aug 28, 2009Top answer: If you're using IIS 6 check that Server Side Includes are permitted: Launch IIS MMC; Expand Tree and select Web Service Extensions; Check that Server Side .
  • Jul 23, 2004 – page cannot be found error after redirect to .shtml with IIS 6- IIS. Visit Dev Shed to discuss page cannot be found error after redirect to .shtml .
  • 1 day ago – IIS (Internet Information Services) is an easy-to-use web server from Microsoft. IIS is not installed on Windows XP Professional by default.
  • 2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Sep 17, 2003We have an IIS server that will not process .shtml pages with includes. It .
  • By default, IIS is set to process server-side include files with the file name extensions .stm, .shtm, or .shtml, although you can configure other file name extensions .
  • 12 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 9, 2006Before I go blow another case on this issue, I ask the ARS hive-mind, how the hell do you get IIS 6 to serve .shtml pages? I get nothing but 404 .
  • 3 answers - Jun 18Okay, so I'm at a temporary office and they've given me a machine with . are you serving it with the correct mime type? shtml simply use the .
  • How to Enable SHTML in IIS 6. Often referred to as SSIs, server-side includes are represented by commented code included in an HTML document. Whenever .
  • 2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Mar 11Shtml url parameters - IIS - sky programming forums abstract:The ssi is: Is .
  • 2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Oct 3, 2003What do I need, or how do I configure to allow .shtml files on a Windows .
  • Overview of RadIIS, IIS Radius authentication package. Provides full authentication of web content that is free of expensive Microsoft CAL licensing and the .
  • SecurityFocus is designed to facilitate discussion on computer security related topics, create computer security awareness, and to provide the Internet's largest .
  • When using SHTM & SHTML files on IIS 5 with a Custom 404 Error Page you will notice that the 404 Error Page does not get called if the file does not exist. .
  • Feb 13, 2006 – SHTML files, but it is not configured by default to process include files on .HTML or .HTM files. This article is a summary of how to configure IIS .
  • . CEO Learn More » · Partners · Home · Support · Dedicated Servers · IIS; Mimetypes . .. .shtml, text/x-server-parsed-html .sid, audio/x-psid .sit, application/ x-sit .
  • IIS 6.0. You can use Server-Side Include (SSI) directives to perform certain .
  • 4 answers - Feb 26, 2010(I have a site that is mostly .shtml pages built using movable type). I have .
  • Nov 22, 2007 – Introduction - The IIS 7 Web server feature set is .
  • 2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Oct 24, 2003How can I configure IIS use execute PHP code within SHTML? Thanks!
  • This topic also lists the directories created on install, describes the IIS .
  • Jan 21, 2006 – You must verify two configuration options to ensure that IIS 6.0 serves .shtml files. Because a .shtml file contains server-side directives, Server .
  • IIS Add new Applcation Mapping; Set the "Executable" to: C:\WINDOWS\ system32\inetsrv\ssinc.dll; Set the "Extension" to ".shtml" (or whatever file extension you .
  • May 7, 2000 – Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions" shtml.exe reveals path of IIS server ( HTTP_Frontpage_Path). About this signature or vulnerability .
  • Mar 17, 2007 – I have problem with the .shtml pages. I have IIS 6 installed and configured. every thing is working but when i open .shtml page its gave me error .
  • To use SSI on IIS 6 you need to do very little. By default, IIS is setup to process SSI commands in files ending with ".stm", ".shtm", or ".shtml". To enable SSI open .
  • Windows IIS servers also cannot run php on html pages. Your only option for windows IIS servers is to use .shtml or .php pages with the php option from the .
  • This signatures detects requests made to the shtml.exe or shtml.dll files on the webserver.
  • . _vti_bin/shtml.dll Microsoft-IIS UNKNOWN Severity Uninstall MSFP, delete / _vti_bin/shtml.dll and/or remove virtual mapping for _vti_bin /_vti_bin/shtml.dll path .
  • Hi I've problems to make shtml files work on IIS 7.0. I get HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found for my shtml files. Normal html works fine. It used.
  • Note that the above only works on an Apache server. There is no known equivalent method for use with SHTML files on IIS servers. For IIS users, we would .
  • Microsoft IIS supports SSI(Server Side Include) functionality. ssinc.dll is a SSI interpreter. By default extended name .stm,.shtm and .shtml will be mapped .
  • May 1, 2009 – You have problem with the .shtml pages. You have IIS 6 installed using default settings. Every thing seems working but when you open .shtml .
  • Explore what's new. Discover new IIS extensions, Webs Apps, and more! .
  • On the IIS website, SSI's don't work unless the files containing the include directives have SHTML for an extension. That's the way SSI's are supposed to work. .
  • 6 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Sep 4, 2002How to setup .shtml SSI on IIS IIS / PWS / Web Server.
  • 1 post - Last post: Mar 23, 2006'HTTP IIS SHTML Request' has cause my forum to act up - help! : Hi, I have encountered a similar problem mentioned by another "Jeff" in his .
  • Oct 10, 2006 – I am trying to get a script from Matt's Script Archive to work on a Windows 2003 box with IIS 6.0 before I try setting up a script I actually want.
  • ASP code in page with .SHTML extension. Get IIS / Internet Information Server help and support on Bytes Support Forums.
  • 2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Mar 11Shtml, exec cgi includes and iis 6.0 - IIS - sky programming forums abstract:I suspect that either of those will actually work and that i .
  • Free TechNote covering the objectives for the 70-270 exam that relate to Windows XP IIS.
  • SecurityFocus is designed to facilitate discussion on computer security .
  • Jump to Enable SSIs on Windows IIS‎: In the IIS Manager, go to "Web Service Extensions" and set . In the "Documents" tab, make sure that index.shtml is .
  • 3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Oct 4, 2006You must verify two configuration options to ensure that IIS 6.0 serves .shtml files. Because a .shtml file contains server-side directives, Server .
  • I've recently added some SHTML files to my web server. I have allowed server side includes within IIS and the files show up in the index catalog but.
  • 1 post - Last post: Mar 22, 2006Hi, I have encountered a similar problem mentioned by another "Jeff" in his post 'Discussion Board'. It sems to be the same problem with my.
  • 1 post - Last post: Nov 11, 2002Re: SHTML in Tomcat with IIS - You can give me feedback like these: Java.
  • 6 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Apr 13, 2005peterh. Dec 5 2003, 08:27 PM. Hello, I just cant seem to get .shtml files working in IIS on my windows 2003 server. The configuration for .shtml .
  • Aug 21, 2000 – IIS 5.0/Windows 2000. Exploited with browser (IE,NC) but the problem is in the web server. For the /_vti_bin/shtml.dll vulnerability FrontPage .
  • Mar 5, 2007 – I've problems to make shtml files work on IIS 7.0. I get HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found for my shtml files. Normal html works fine. It used to work .

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