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See if you're at risk for shingles and how it may be prevented with the shingles vaccine.
Apr 25, 2011 – The shingles vaccine is approved for use in adults who are over 50 years old. This page from the eMedTV site describes the vaccine in more .
The shingles vaccine is recommended for all adults older than age 60.
Jan 12, 2011 – Everyone over 60 should be vaccinated against shingles, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends in a report out today.
Jan 13, 2011 – Two new studies out this week have good and bad news on the shingles vaccine. One, in the Journal of the American Medical Association, .
Jan 23, 2011 – One in three adults suffers the painful condition of shingles. But only 10 percent of the 52 million people in the United States older than .
Jan 24, 2011 – Last year I reported a three-year safety study that showed the shingles vaccine has no serious adverse effects. .
Mar 25, 2011 – Merck's Zostavax, a drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to assist in the prevention of shingles for people over 60, .
Jan 18, 2011 – WebMD talks about who needs a shingles vaccine, when to get it, side effects, and explains more about the vaccine.
Apr 1, 2011 – FDA has approved an expanded age indication for Zoster Vaccine Live, (Zostavax, Merck) for the prevention of herpes zoster, commonly known .
Jan 12, 2011 – A study of more than 300000 elderly patients showed that the underutilized herpes zoster vaccine reduced the incidence of painful shingles .
Jul 14, 2011 – The shingles vaccine is not, however, a substitute for the . Some people in the over-60 age group should not get the shingles vaccine. .
Jul 16, 2011 – Morning Sun - Sales of the vaccine Zostavax, which is administered to help prevent the shingles virus, has increased in Crawford County, .
Jan 12, 2011 – The shingles vaccine may be even more effective than first thought, scientists said on Tuesday. So why aren't more of the elderly getting .
by R Voelker - 2011
May 15, 2008 – The CDC recommends that people aged 60 and older get a single dose of the shingles vaccine Zostavax.
May 13, 2011 – While a shingles vaccine does exists to reduce the risk of shingles in certain age groups, there are many obstacles to obtaining the shot.
Oct 3, 2007 – NEW YORK — Maybe you haven't heard anything about the .
Oct 26, 2006 – Shingles is a viral disease most common among older adults. A group of expert advisers to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is .
Contact your district office for health information and services in your area. The office will know if there are any shingles vaccine clinics planned. .
Jan 11, 2011 – The herpes zoster vaccine (Zostavax) effectively reduces shingles risk in real- world use, but few older adults are getting immunized, .
Find information on immunizations for shingles, including how vaccines are administered, who should be immunized, side effects and other resources.
Jul 7, 2011 – Vaccine Topics. Shingles (Herpes Zoster) Vaccine. IMPORTANT! Varivax and Zostavax - Shipping Insert and Transport Information .
Half received the vaccine and half received a placebo. Study participants were followed for an average of three years to see if they developed shingles and, .
Jan 12, 2011 – Shot for older people appears to lessen incidence and severity.
May 1, 2009 – FDA has licensed of Zostavax, a new vaccine that helps to reduce the risk of getting herpes zoster (shingles) in individuals 60 years of age .
5 days ago – The Champaign Health District is offering a shingles vaccine for area residents who are 60 years old and older.
Zostavax is a live vaccine developed by Merck & Co. which has been shown to reduce the incidence of herpes zoster (known as shingles) by 51.3% in a study of .
Learn about the causes, symptoms and treatment of shingles, along with why it is important to receive the shingles vaccination and its benefits.
Jan 12, 2011 – A school nutrition experiment: junk food carrots; 5 kid .
May 17, 2011 – St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa has inspired a run on shingles vaccines, which will soon be available through.
Mar 24, 2011 – THURSDAY, March 24 (HealthDay News) -- The Zostavax shingles vaccine is now approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for people .
Jan 13, 2011 – Shingles (Herpes Zoster): Questions answered about the Herpes Zoster Vaccine.
What is shingles? Shingles vaccine Which people should not get shingles vaccine or should wait? What are the risks from shingles vaccine? .
Sep 30, 2010 – Information on shingles vaccine medicare coverage and cost of shingles vaccine Zostavax.
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by WYS Know
Jan 11, 2011 – The herpes zoster vaccine, better known as the shingles vaccine and recommended for adults 60-plus, cuts the risk of getting the painful .
Learn about shingles disease and shingles vaccine. Get information about vaccine risks and benefits.
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Mar 24, 2011 – The Food and Drug Administration has approved a shingles vaccine from Merck for patients between the ages of 50 and 59.
ZOSTAVAX works best against Shingles if you get vaccinated while you are in your sixties. In fact, once you reach 60 years of age, the sooner you get .
Mar 24, 2011 – The FDA today approved Merck's Zostavax shingles vaccine for 50-somethings. The vaccine was already approved for people age 60 and older.
20 hours ago – The shingles vaccine (Zostavax) is given to people over 60 years of age to prevent shingles. Read about side effects, contraindications, .
Mar 2, 2011 – What researchers don't yet know is whether it makes sense to get the anti- shingles vaccine after you've had this painful condition.
Jun 18, 2011 – CBS News video: CDC considers wider use of shingles vaccine - A vaccine to prevent shingles has been available for five years, .
May 13, 2008 – Ask anyone who's had shingles and they'll tell you: a flare up is no fun. The rash hurts and can cause major pain and discomfort months .
Jump to Vaccine-related information and recommendations: To whom should shingles vaccine be given? A single dose of zoster vaccine is recommended for .
Jul 28, 2009 – Dr. Jon Hallberg, medical analyst for All Things Considered, spoke to MPR's Tom Crann about shingles and Zostavax, the vaccine.
Jan 11, 2011 – Shot for older people appears to lessen incidence and severity.