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Jun 11, 2011 – We can run these tests by using setup.py test in the same way we did in Running the Tests. Assuming our shell's current working directory is .
Work with virtual environments; Use tox and Continuous Integration servers; Create a py.test standalone Script; Integrating with distutils / python setup.py .
2 answers - Dec 3, 2009I have all the eggs my project requires pre-downloaded in a . Just looking at the source code (setuptools/command/tests.py), it doesn't look .
Jump to check your files' licensing: Debian offers a tool to check the files included in . GPL (v3 or later) myproject-0.2.0/setup.py: GPL (v3 or .
Feb 27, 2009 – To install, use easy_install, or download the archive and untar, run python setup.py install. Tests can be run via python setup.py test. .
(tg2dev)$ cd tg2 (tg2dev)$ python setup.py test. Sometimes Nose may present false import errors, se we recommend running setup.py as above if you get failed .
hg clone https://bitbucket.org/hpk42/pytest-pep8 hg clone ssh://hg@bitbucket.org /hpk42/pytest-pep8. pytest-pep8 / setup.py .
tox.ini # see below for content setup.py # a classic distutils/setuptools setup. py file tests # the directory containing tests. and the following tox.ini .
The source distribution includes a comprehensive test suite. To run the tests, type $ python setup.py test. You may check out the latest development code of .
This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. Uploaded by EbubekirKarul on Mar 12, 2011. Bpad- Setup.Py Testing. .
Jan 31, 2011 – Andrew. === Full build fail extract === + /usr/bin/python setup.py test running test running egg_info writing src/pyephem.egg-info/PKG-INFO .
Does "distutils" support "python setup.py test" in Python?
_`py.code`: http://pylib.org/code.html """ def main(): setup( name='py', description='py lib: agile development and test support library', long_description .
Title, [PATCH] python setup.py test in python2.6. Priority, bug, Status, resolved. Superseder, Nosy List, lregebro, pje, pjenvey. Assigned To, Keywords .
Sep 28, 2010 – [Biopython-dev] [Bug 3139] New: python setup.py test ends with error code 0 even on failure. bugzilla-daemon at portal.open-bio.org .
Aaron Kimball added a comment - 19/Dec/09 00:45 +1, looks good. Can you describe any manual testing you've done of the setup.py script, etc? .
Oct 11, 2002 – and skips the old tests (metamodels) and the utils tests. Changed the "setup.py test" default to use this shorter and MUCH faster subset of .
Jun 29, 2009 – This allows the user of your software to download it, and run python setup.py test and check to see if the tests in your application pass. .
Oct 24, 2008 – Setuptools has a feature that allows you to run the tests in a distribution by invoking the distribution's "setup.py" script with a "test" .
Aug 11, 2010 – Now for trilinos: python setup.py test --Trilinos. All the tests work other than the three failures from before. Now for parallel: .
You should not need to use mingw. Current testing indicates that running $ python setup.py bdist_msi. successfully builds an MSI installer. .
Feb 12, 2008 – cd ~/projects/myproj $ source bin/activate (myproj)$ ls bin/ lib/ myproj/ setup. py tests/ (myproj)$ <hack hack hack> .
setup.py test fails all tests on MacOS 10.5, Python 2.6 . All tests, and all attempts to use rtree, result in RTreeError: Error in "Index_Create": Spatial .
Nov 22, 2002 – python setup.py build $ python setup.py test $ python setup.py install. build, test, and install are called commands in distutils lingo. .
Jul 17, 2010 – This helped me out quite a lot to get python setup.py test working with a reusable app. Unfortunatelly the code in his blog post is not .
Jan 17, 2010 – python setup.py develop. Once this is done, you can invoke the test code coverage analysis by: $ python setup.py coverage .
setup.py test. I've also got a find/sed script for doing find/replace across a whole directory tree. I really do miss having the semantic refactoring tools .
Feb 8, 2011 – I just grabbed distribute_setup.py 0.6.14 and tried to run .
Jul 4, 2008 – 1. python setup.py test What is the expected output? What do you see instead? python setup.py test running test running egg_info writing .
Dec 17, 2010 – 'python setup.py test' in develop mode?. Something bugs me .
When I run python2 setup.py test on the latest master git checkout (but I've actually been having this problem for months) I get this error.
Nov 26, 2010 – 8. build Biopython and do last regression test drevil:~biopython> python setup. py build drevil:~biopython> python setup.py test .
2 answers - Jun 30I am trying to test a package that includes some f90 files. .
setup.py test with distutils (+py.test). Jul 21, 2010. by Jared. One thing that has bothered me about distutils is its lack of a "test" command -- it seems .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Nov 9, 2010TXT, I run '$python setup.py test'. However failed as bellow: /usr/lib/python2.6 /distutils/dist.py:266: UserWarning: Unknown .
Mar 14, 2011 – Create/test your program · Create your setup script (setup.py) . To use py2exe you need to create a setup.py file to tell Distutils and .
1 post - 1 author - Last post: Jun 24, 2010Many library modules support "python setup.py test", but the Python distutils documentation at .
Jan 4, 2010 – Get setuptools (0.6c11) from pypi. python2.6 setup.py build python2.6 setup.py test python2.6 setup.py install. Get pip from pypi .
If you're installing from a tarball we strongly recommend running the test suite first: $ python setup.py test. Please report any failing tests to the .
[ef7d68]: setup.py History . long as TG is tested 52 # with 'python setup.py test' (which we should IMHO so setuptools 53 # can take care of these details .
python setup.py --long-description | rst2html.py > test.html. If this will produce warnings or errors, PyPI will be unable to render the long description .
nose. is nicer testing for python. nose extends unittest to make testing easier. . python setup.py install. However, please note that without .
However, when you go to the Enable folder and do 'python setup.py test' some C files get unnecessarily recompiled the first time you run this command. .
TowelStuff/ bin/ CHANGES.txt docs/ LICENSE.txt MANIFEST.in README.txt setup.py towelstuff/ __init__.py location.py utils.py test/ __init__.py .
Dec 4, 2009 – 'setup.py test' egg install location? - python, setuptools - TechQues.com.
May 20, 2011 – python setup.py install test. Compiles APSW with default Python compiler, installs it into Python site library directory and then runs the .
can integrate nose, unittest.py and doctest.py style tests, including .
3 answers - Apr 14I'm trying to create an install package for a Python project with .
setup.py tests now produces JUnit-like xml results. commit 73e269ff90c14ed9bcef9b8061ad41f8ca73eb5e. Author: Juan Alonso <juan.alonso. hernandez@…> .
3 posts - 2 authorspython ./setup.py test failed - tilecache 2.10. Hi, I wanted to upgrade from tilecache 2.03 used in Debian Lenny to version 2.10.