Other articles:
<handlers accessPolicy="Read, Script"> <add name="SSINC-htm" path="*.htm"
<add name="SSINC-stm" path="*.stm" verb="GET,POST" modules="
Jul 29, 2011 . SSINC-shtml *.shtml Enabled File ServerSideIncludeModule Local SSINC-stm *.
Detailed Error Information. Module, ServerSideIncludeModule. Notification,
<add name="Plesk_Handler_074100961" path="*.shtm" verb="GET,POST"
Hello, I'm trying to get my site up and it includes Server Side Include files (with the
<add name="SSINC-shtml" path="*.shtml" verb="GET,POST" modules="
Dec 3, 2009 . This happened to me once - someone added a .html Handler Mapping for the
Nginx is a modular server and the core modules, together with the rewrite module
Jun 9, 2008 . <add name="SSINC-shtml" path="*.shtml" verb="GET,POST" modules="
Modules="ServerSideIncludeModule" ' Add the handler to the <handlers> section
Mar 3, 2010 . request path: *.html (this will process html pages using the module selected);
3) module: ServerSideIncludeModule. 4) name: SSI-Inc (left Executable blank,
Aug 5, 2008 . Module: ServerSideIncludeModule. Executable: blank. Name: SSI-html. Click Ok
From the Module Drop Down List select the 'ServerSideIncludeModule' that you
OpenRemote Server.reg ServerSideIncludeModule Service Service Continuity
Revision 16. Added by startx almost 2 years ago. server side include module (
Even when I explicitely create an HTM mapping for a directory and set the
It includes server side includes server side includes server side include Jan ,
Select ServerSideIncludeModule as the Module. Enter the path to the ttcmcgi.exe
<add name="Plesk_Handler_074100961" path="*.shtm" verb="GET,POST"
Jul 10, 2011 . <add name="SSI-html" path="*.html" verb="*" modules="
Dec 27, 2011 . j. Enter the following information: Request Path: *.html. Module:
Nov 22, 2007 . ServerSideIncludeModule. Description: Implements server side includes. This
For various reasons, we have a fair number of HTML files (not .SHTML) that have
Unlike previous versions of IIS, IIS 7 uses a managed module named
Feb 10, 2012 . <add name="Plesk_Handler_05170817" path="*.shtm" verb="GET,POST"
. name="Plesk_Handler_0300507177" path="*.shtm" verb="GET,POST" type=""
. Features --> Turn Windows features on or off, and enable SSI and add the
The server side include module is not supported and is disabled. You'll have to
Jan 9, 2010 . IsapiModule. Hosts ISAPI DLLs. IsapiFilterModule. Supports ISAPI filter DLLs.
Mar 30, 2008 . This was because I was using PHP code as server-side-include module to draw
. Features --> Turn Windows features on or off, and enable SSI and add the
Detailed Error Information. Module, ServerSideIncludeModule. Notification,
Features on windows iisjan Discussions we has been installed as wige filter
Oct 31, 2007 . .stm, ServerSideIncludeModule .shtm, ServerSideIncludeModule .shtml,
. ISAPIFilterModule - helps ISAPI to modify IIS behavior; CGIModule - supports
<add name="SSINC-htm" path="*.htm" verb="*" modules="
. Under actions select "Add Module Mapping" Enter the following information:
. image="%windir%\System32\inetsrv\redirect.dll" />. <add name="
Apr 13, 2011 . Inetsrv\Isapi.dll. IsapiFilterModule, Supports ISAPI filter DLLs. Inetsrv\Filter.dll.
Detailed Error Information. Module, ServerSideIncludeModule. Notification,
The best articles and discussions we have about serversideincludemodule.www.eggheadcafe.com/searchform.aspx?. serversideincludemodule - CachedHow to turn on SSI on Windows 7 IISJan 19, 2011 . Module: ServerSideIncludeModule. Executable: blank. Name: SSI-html. John
. mapping for server side includes. When I added a module mapping
Feb 29, 2012 . Suspect problem with “Handler Mapping”. Google for solutions and try adding “
SSI requires ServerSideIncludeModule and that has been installed as wige
SERVERSIDEINCLUDEMODULE - Page 4. Request path ssinc-stm path feb Jan
. Development • NetFxExtensibility • ISAPIModule • ISAPIFilterModule •
Mar 14, 2003 . The Server Side Include module (mod_includes) must be enabled. Uh oh. Client