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krib /.screenrc. http://dotfiles.org/~krib/mpd-screen. defflow auto defscrollback 5000 altscreen on autodetach on msgwait 2 # 1 second messages # show MPD .
Example of a user's .screenrc file # # This is how one can set a reattach password: # password ODSJQf.4IJN7E # "1234" # no annoying audible bell, please .
May 2, 2008 – A favorite .screenrc setting. I thought I'd share my current and favorite, .screenrc settings: vbell off autodetach on defscrollback 10000 .
Jan 6, 2010 – Essentially the screenrc lets you setup a few things about how you want screen to look and work. A config file, yes. And here is what I currently .
78 posts - 12 authors - Last post: Oct 23, 2008Figured, since there's "showoff your .conkyrc" and so on, why not "showoff your . screenrc"? Since the .screenrc is a pain in the ass to configure .
Here are current versions of my .screenrc and .ratpoisonrc files. Neither is extremely lengthy because I've streamlined my app selection and dmenu makes .
Gnu Screen ; the .screenrc. I wrote this Gnu Screen guide in December '08 with the previous incarnation of linux.com in mind. January 2009 however, linux.com .
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1 # 2 # NOTE: when using rxvt, use the option `-is +sk', allowing Shift-PageUP/ DOWN to work 3 # (or use according resouces) 4 # 5 .
Sep 24, 2007 – There are a lot of options for your screenrc but for the most part these are the ones I have found to be useful. .
2 answers - Apr 14I'm using byobu/screen, and I would like to have a new screen session . You should be fine with creating custom script and use it in your .
Example of a user's .screenrc file # # http://www.orkut.com/CommMsgs.aspx? cmm=1988&tid=4 # This is how one can set a reattach password: # password .
Aug 7, 2006 – GNU Screen is a litmus tests for being in-the-know about terminal efficiency. Without it, your desktop tends to quickly get crowded by terminal .
s .screenrc # Easier than remembering to always run from non-X unsetenv DISPLAY # Likewise, for charset setenv LC_CTYPE en_US.UTF-8 # Add stuff to xterm .
Oct 25, 2010 – up vote 4 down vote favorite. 1. share [fb] share [tw .
Apr 10, 2009 – Below is my ~/.screenrc file, compiled from the information at softpanorama, from Matt Cutts, from the Screen FAQ, and from the Screen .
# Bind F11 and F12 (NOT F1 and F2) to previous and next screen window bindkey -k F1 prev bindkey -k F2 next startup_message off # Window list at the bottom. .
Aug 3, 2010 – The ramblings and interests of a thirty something admin/programmer.
Sep 18, 2007 – Learn how to use GNU screen utility. Get .screenrc configuration file.
. commit to the master branch. It's been a while since I've updated · commit 654852f0e2 · lmarburger authored March 16, 2011. config_files / screenrc screenrc .
Jun 2, 2011 – Using screenrc, how can I make C-a c open a new window at the current window's working directory? By default it appears to open the new .
GNU Screen configuration file # # Balaji S. Srinivasan < balajis_at_stanford_dot_edu> # This file can be found at http://jinome.stanford. edu/stat366/unix/.screenrc .
Jump to Configuring Screen sessions with .screenrc: File: ~/.screenrc. vbell off # turns off the flashing visual bell # Open several named screens at startup .
7 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jan 8[all variants] ~/.screenrc where is it? Absolute Beginner Talk.
Apr 10, 2010 – -c file override the default configuration file from "$HOME/.screenrc" to file. . This can also be defined through the "defflow" .screenrc command. .
You can use this file to change the default behavior of screen system wide # or copy it to ~/.screenrc and use it as a starting point for your own .
screenrc-plastic-101, 1.6 kB, 801, 2 months, jbs@bbn.com: Added the Plastic Slices screenrc, dotfiles, and logins directories; … .
Sep 7, 2008 – Xdefaults and .screenrc config files. A lot of the .screenrc stuff is from Mark Pilgrim . I don't use his "nowplaying" script, but the caption seems to .
My .screenrc. Creates a nice pretty screen! # Look and feel caption always "%{= 11}%{+b w}Screen: %n | %h %=%t %c" hardstatus alwayslastline "%-Lw%{= .
Oct 9, 2009 – In this article I share my customized .screenrc for use with the screen terminal utility. Screen lets you attach, detach and share terminals across .
You can use this file to change the default behavior of screen system wide # or copy it to ~/.screenrc and use it as a starting point for your own # settings. .
Author: Tim Chambers <timc+screen@divide.net> http://alum.mit.edu/www/tbc/ # ## # This is http://alum.mit.edu/www/tbc/lib/screenrc.txt # my .screenrc file. .
screenrc ). for _why :: * supports xterm/rxvt titles # * default encoding is .
# Filename: $HOME/.screenrc # Purpose: Setup file for program "(GNU) screen" # Latest change: Mon Jan 26 10:51:50 CET 2004 # Author: Michael Prokop .
You can modify the default settings for screen to fit your tastes either through a personal `.screenrc' file which contains commands to be executed at startup, .
10.1.4 Setting up shell titles in your .screenrc. Here are some .screenrc examples : screen -t top 2 nice top. Adding this line to your .screenrc would start a niced .
mv screenrc screenrc.dist . Ref. pbraun.nethence.com/code/misc/screenrc.html . Copy/paste the before-last one to /etc/screenrc (with e.g. gpm or putty). .
May 4, 2009 – Basically like some of my own that I've posted below. I'm looking for added functionality to the programme 'screen'. At the very least have a look .
term term xterm # main options altscreen on attrcolor b ".I" defbce "on" hardstatus alwayslastline hardstatus string '%{= kK}%{w}%H %{K}%= %{= kw}%?%-Lw%? .
GNU Screen will read it's configuration settings from either /etc/screenrc, or ~/. screenrc. (The latter file takes precedence). Here are the most important sections .
Feb 22, 2011 – So while looking into this I found so many other useful things to do inside of . screenrc. I chose CTRL+S as my new screen command character, .
The simplest ~/.screenrc can have just a half-dosen lines like: . You can specify in your screenrc file arbitrary number of initial screens, for example screen bash .
File: $HOME/.screenrc of Sven Guckes # Available: http://www.guckes.net/Setup/ screenrc # Purpose: Setup file for program "(GNU) screen" # written by: Sven .
by Matt Cutts - In 128,715 circles
10.1.4 Setting up shell titles in your `.screenrc'. Here are some .screenrc examples: . Adding this line to your .screenrc would start a niced version of the top .
GNU screen is a terminal application that lets you run multiple terminals within a single terminal instance. This tool, which has been around for ages, can greatly .
Aug 14, 2010 – .screenrc. Public Clone URL: git://gist.github.com/524328 .
When screen is invoked, it executes initialization commands from the files `. screenrc' in the user's home directory and `/usr/local/etc/screenrc'. These defaults .
Here's my .screenrc file: #Use C-t instead of C-a since C-a is used in bash for "go to beginning of line." #first letter defines the screen command key. .
11 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Apr 19, 2010screenrc files (Page 1) - Help & Support (Stable) - CrunchBang Linux Forums - A discussion board for CrunchBang Linux users.