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extend CentOS section with Scientific Linux Suggest HOWTO.
I was just wondering if, and what people use for scientific software? (I hope there
iRedMail is a free, open source mail server solution, iRedMail is a popular choice
Hello, I'm having trouble getting the USB-blaster on Scientific Linux 5.4 working
I had a trouble with dependency issues when I was trying install Maxima in my
The latest definition updates, could be from 22nd or 23rd Sept. seem to have .
Otherwise, I'd like to inform you of a new forum dedicated to Scientific Linux. Link:
Scientific Linux, on the other hand has been very much up-to-date. I'd like to see
Oct 1, 2011 . All Forums, Open Discussion. dwollen . I spent hours trying to compile gap5 in
Otherwise, I'd like to inform you of a new forum dedicated to Scientific Linux. Link:
I'm thinking of switching over to SL or Redhat, and I've read quite a few
http://distrowatch.com/images/xnwchcfnxz/scientific.png Troy Dawson has
Apr 25, 2011 . Message: GEANT4 Release 4.9.4.p01 and Scientific Linux 6.0, Not . Click on the
As you my have noticed CentOS 5.7 and Scientific Linux 5.7 both came out today.
CentOS -- Community ENTerprise Operating System is a free rebuild of source
Has any one experienced working with "Scientific linux"? what's the difference
Post scientific linux? Anybody here running Scientific Linux, or had any
Sep 9, 2011 . Scientific Linux 6.1 Officially Released all things UNIX.
I haven't played around with Scientific Linux yet, so I can't tell. But from .
Thanks for the welcome! I've posted a link on our scientificlinuxforum.org to here,
Sep 13, 2011 . recordmydesktop for Scientific Linux 6.1 all things UNIX.
Elastix, the Open Source Unified Communications Server.. Request: Convert
Installed Scientific Linux.. Got into root at boot, but that's as far as it goes. What
i'm trying to get squeezeboxserver 7.6 running on scientific linux 6.1 via rpm. the
Jun 3, 2011 . John Outlan stepped up and created a Scientific Linux forum. (http://
This forum is a start up, and is geared towards the desktop/laptop user if anyone
To whom it might concern, There seems to be a recurring issue w/ LabVIEW on
startx not working (Scientific Linux) Alternative Operating Systems.
I'm asking that Scientific Linux be added to the distributions you support. As we
I have successfully installed Scientific Linux 6 (which is literally RHEL 6.0 without
Scientific Linux Forum (new) Linux Chat. . notice that "Search" button up .
Please read the details of each repo below. IMPORTANT: these repos are listed
May 17, 2011 . [CentOS] CentOS is dead. Long live Scientific Linux .
May 23, 2011 . Scientific Linux Forums / Groups . Scientific Linux "Sites" or "Spins". One of the
Jan 6, 2011 . Open Source Forum Russia April 28, 2005 - Moscow, Russia .
I'm asking that Scientific Linux be added to the distributions you support .
Page 2- Scientific Linux Forum (new) Linux Chat. . that "Search" button up there
Welcome to the Scientific Linux Forum, a place where all users of Scientific Linux
Forum Search: Linear Collider Forum . Re: LCIO Installation problems on
We installed gitorious as in : http://gitorious.org/gitorious/pages/Rhel_Installation.
6 days ago . Phoronix: Scientific Linux, openSUSE, Ubuntu Tests Up for viewing today are
May 12, 2011 . Other Linux Distributions for Scientists; Unofficial Ubuntu/Debian . Lists about
EN210 silent driver problem with Scientific Linux 6 NVIDIA Linux.
Scientific Linux 6.1 Installing SL6 LiveMiniCD Scientific Linux 6.1 Installing SL6 .
[solved] CentOS Vs. Scientific Linux. As I mentioned in another thread, I'm trying
I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I'd like to announce a new .
I've upgraded to nidaqmxbase 3.4.5 on Scientific Linux 5.7 and I find it's a .
If you visit the Scientific Linux forums, you will learn there's a handful of extra
Welcome to the Scientific Linux Forum, a place where all users of Scientific
Scientific Linux (SL), VIA VT8237A, Problems Linux Arena.
Aug 15, 2011 . Triple booting question (osx, win7, scientific linux) MacBook Pro. . Please direct