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2 posts - Last post: Apr 26Sarkastodon mongoliensis-Late Eocene creodont, possibly one of the largest . the size of giganotosaurus and the weight of tyrannosaurus .
Sarkastodon is an extinct genus within the family Oxyaenidae that lived during . It is estimated to have been about 800 kg in weight, somewhat bigger than .
11 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Mar 20, 2010. large enough to support the weight of a full-grown man. . . Sarkastodon was about the size of the modern Kodiak variety of bear. .
Mar 30, 2011 . Sarkastodon is an extinct genus within the family Oxyaenidae that lived . It is estimated to have been about 800 kilograms in weight, .
The largest creodont and oxyaenid was Sarkastodon weighting at 800 kg. .
Mar 27, 2011 . The extinct [[creodont]], ''[[Sarkastodon]]'' was slightly smaller, . that could stand 13 ft/4m on the hind legs and weight up to 1 ton. .
Sarkastodon is an extinct genus within the family Oxyaenidae that lived during the upper . It is estimated to have been about 800 kilograms in weight, .
Sep 25, 2010 . Sarkastodon on WN Network delivers the latest Videos and Editable pages for . This weight is about the common size limit of the biggest .
15 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Feb 16Maybe carbone et al took account only of decent complete taxa whose weight has been estimated AT TIME Here r all papas mentionin sarkastodon .
Fawns are born in spring at about 30 cm and weigh around 4.5 kg. . .. Fallow deer have about the same body weight as humans but are only pregnant .
Another unrelated but contemporary predator, the vaguely hyaena-like Sarkastodon , was in the same weight class as Andrewsarchus. .
20 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jul 23, 2009Sarkastodon was also very strong, and bear-like, however according to the .
. Protoceratidae, Parectypodus, Pantolestidae, Phenacodus, Sarkastodon, Cynodictis, . Shipping Weight: 1.9 pounds (View shipping rates and policies) .
Creodonts: Hyaenodontidae, Creodonta, Megistotherium, Sarkastodon, Oxyaenidae, Machaeroides, Oxyaena, . Women & The Weight Loss Tamasha by Rujuta Diwekar .
Size and Weight: About 10 feet long and 500-1000 pounds . In a typical example of convergent evolution, Sarkastodon looked a lot like a modern grizzly .
Dec 12, 2009 . Paleontology (Dinosaurs)/weight and bite force prehist .
May 8, 2010 . Xenosmilus (Similar in weight to the Siberian tiger but .
Apr 26, 2011 . This weight appears close to the practical size limit of .
Jun 15, 2010 . Sarkastodon makes sense because of its shorter jaws and .
Size and Weight: About 6 feet long and 200 pounds . the larger "creodonts .
Mar 12, 2011 . Sarkastodon mongoliensis was a giant meat-eating mammal .
15 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Jul 3, 2010180 lbs is NOT a weight that indicates Large size to me, . it not having to be closely related, Sarkastodon is very big, and might fit. .
Apr 10, 2011. reach around a tonne in weight in large specimens and this will . The Sarkastodon would be strong enough to overpower and kill the .
Sarkastodon is an extinct genus within the family Oxyaenidae that lived during the upper . It is estimated to have been about 800 kilograms in weight, .
13 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jul 1, 2006http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/sarkastodon . . that means that humans are stronger than big cats or bears weight for weight, which is wrong. .
Anyway this is the average weight of some of these beasts according to .
Aug 13, 2009 . Loren Coleman thinks that the Sarkastodon in this picture looks . .. How can you weight the two kinds of character in a principled way? .
The estimated weight of the various Oxyaena species range from about 6-17 . Built along the lines of a modern bear - but larger - Sarkastodon hunted large .
30 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Oct 11, 2009If we include omnivores, was it Andrewsarchus, Sarkastodon, Arctocus simus . Top weight is about 700 kilo (almost 50% more than a grizzly! .
Sarkastodon is an extinct genus within the family (biology) Oxyaenidae that lived during the . It is estimated to have been about 800 kilograms in weight, .
Creodonts: Hyaenodontidae, Creodonta, Megistotherium, Sarkastodon, Oxyaenidae, Machaeroides, Oxyaena, . Country of origin: USA; Pages: 40; Weight: 73g .
. the bear-like Sarkastodon (Family Oxyaenidae), the wolf-like Hyaenodon ( Family . It was up to 8 metres long and could weigh up to 8 tonnes. CRYPTOZOIC .
100+ posts - 29 authors - Last post: Jan 20, 2009Sarkastodon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarkastodon) . . its thick armor and incredible weight makes it force to recon with. .
Jan 5, 2010 . Sarkastodon all the way. Its jaws and dentistry were more .
Weight: 800 kg (1778 lbs) Time: 37200000- 33900000 B.C.. Location: Dornogovi, Mongolia Species: Sarkastodon mongoliensis. The creodonts were divided into .
Sep 9, 2009 . 175 pound weight is fine, as is the Advancement. .
15 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Feb 7, 2009. wolves are . . . about 9 feet long and weigh some 800 pounds.") . . The bear-like sarkastodon is a creodont, the creodonts being the .
This weight appears close to the practical size limit of carnivorous land mammals, . The extinct creodont, Sarkastodon was in the general size range, .
30 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Nov 18, 2010These links have illustrations of Sarkastodon. . . Their weight could have been a weapon in terms of charging and hitting. Neal Robbins .
May 24, 2010 . The sarkastodon belonged to the extinct order of the Creodonts, . with a likely weight of 1000-1500 Kg, much bigger than a modern grizzly .
Dec 3, 2010 . Fossil remains of Sarkastodon are few and most are known .
Feb 17, 2010. North American wolves, and its weight about twice that .
Jul 25, 2007 . Anyways, it gives a weight of 6-900 kg (1300-2000 lbs) from a personal . P.S. Here is an illustration of Andrewsarchus and Sarkastodon; .
Size and Weight: About 1 to 5 feet long and 5 to 100 pounds .
7 Jun 2008 . Sarkastodon, like Megistotherium ([link]) was a colossal creodont up to one and a half ton in weight, and lived in Central Asia about 30 .
This weight appears close to the practical size limit of carnivorous land .
This weight appears close to the practical size limit of carnivorous land mammals, . The extinct creodont, Sarkastodon was slightly smaller, .
15 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Jun 11, 2010The last informations say that the SFB weight is less than previously thought. Moreover, the Sarkastodon is described as somewhat bear like, .
This weight appears close to the practical size limit of carnivorous land .
Mar 21, 2011 . Most estimates of the weight come from culling operations .