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salt & pepper! saltpeter is poisonous. but if you're cooking for villains .
You can make your own Saltpeter, but it is a time consuming project. Also .
Saltpeter Definition @ CDKitchen Cooking & Food Glossary.
Saltpeter Term - A chemical substance, also referred to as potassium nitrate, that is used in the kitchen to preserve meat.
Aug 9, 2009 – Cookery ingredient: Saltpeter No pop-ups or adverts. Unique recipes. Cooking methods explained. Ingredients described. A cook's Wiki.
19 posts - 13 authors - Last post: Dec 4, 2001I've called all over trying to find a place that sells saltpeter (the only hard . . If you don't want to cook it immediately you can throw the entire bag .
Top questions and answers about Saltpeter for Cooking. Find 3 questions and answers about Saltpeter for Cooking at Ask.com Read more.
6 answers - Jan 12, 2008Top answer: As a cooking student I would be interested in seeing that recipe, but if my memory serves me well, and sometimes it does not, the saltpeter may bused in the recipe .
Oct 23, 2005 – . I found a few that sounded pretty decent, they all called for salt peter. . Forums › Food & Cooking Questions and Discussion › Salt Peter? .
Feb 23, 2008 – I am determined to make my own corned beef. The kind we can buy is virtually flavorless and I am convinced I can do better! The only problem .
Aug 18, 2011 – http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/saltpeter/rick-perry-climate-scientists- cooking-the-books_n_929876_103456766.html .
4 answers - Jan 7I realize there is another question about corned beef from scratch, but . Saltpeter is potassium nitrate, which does not directly cure meats. .
Mar 17, 2008 – I am going to try my hand at home-curing some corned beef for my boyfriend's birthday celebration. I am seeing a whole lot of back-and-forth on .
Mar 15, 2010 – Regardless of whether you want it in your food, Salt peter makes the best brine for cooking beef. I stopped buying it from butchers when they .
Your best bet when looking to buy Saltpeter would be one of you local drug .
63 reviews - 243 hr 20 min
4 answers - Jun 1, 2009I don't know about pink salt for curing meats, but it is not Salt Peter. It .
Sep 16, 2005 – I remember our cook using saltpeter back in the day… then at some point my aunt the kitchen whiz taught the cook how to do it using that .
Saltpeter and other curative salts are commonly tinted so that they are distinguishable from table salt; it is this dye that gives certain cured meats their distinctive .
Aug 18, 2011 – http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/saltpeter/rick-perry .
In the early 1800's it was realized that saltpeter (NaNO3 or KNO3) present in . 1 lb. of salt and for products that do not require cooking, smoking, or refrigeration. .
Leave the meat to cure for at least two weeks, three is better, before .
Rub with a mixture of salt and saltpeter, 3 tblsp. salt and 1 tblsp. saltpeter. Preserve by freezing. Cook for 1 1/2 to 3 hours, depending on size. The sausage is .
Sep 21, 2010 – Fresh lean pork ham, fresh pork side, salt, pepper, minced cloves garlic, saltpeter, 96% alcohol, sugar, and pork stomach are used to cook .
Where can you buy saltpeter for cooking? Improve. In: Food & Cooking [Edit categories] . Can you answer these Food & Cooking questions? Does calcium .
. Cooking Site. Cooking Advice, Recipes And Ideas, All In One Location. . Sodium Nitrate is still the best bet and Saltpeter is the other one. I have heard from .
It's used in cooking as an emulsifier, preservative, lubricant, and moisturizer. . saltpeter = potassium nitrate = saltpetre = potassium salt Notes: This is sometimes .
Saltpeter is potassium nitrate which was traditionally used to preserve meat. It has been replaced by sodium nitrate - pink salt or instacure #1. .
Scrub pig's feet . the pig's feet, saltpeter, 3 bay . pour cooking liquid over them. Cool, cover and refrigerate. Makes 6 servings. Ingredients: 14 (allspice .. carrots .
(Saltpeter tastes like salt, and some Chinese still use it to season their food today. ) The maybe someone accidentally dropped some saltpeter in the cooking fire, .
Salt Peter, or Potassium Nitrate often used as a stump remover, can be .
Where can you buy saltpeter for cooking? most supermarkets and food shops .
Saltpeter, also known as sodium nitrate, is sold at most stores including Wal-Mart, Lowes and . Sponsored ResultsWe Found Salt Peter . Saltpeter for Cooking .
9 posts - 5 authors - Last post: May 7, 2010Thank you all so very much for the fantastic suggestions. I have gone to every pharmacy (Rite-Aide, CVS, all the mom and pops), grocery stores .
15 mins
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Sep 17, 2009 – Hang to. dry. These hams need no soaking prior to cooking. Rock salt & red pepper. Rub hams with a mix of 4 lbs rock salt & 1 1/2 oz saltpeter. .
16 posts - 8 authors - Last post: May 7, 2010Thank you all so very much for the fantastic suggestions. I have gone to every pharmacy (Rite-Aide, CVS, all the mom and pops), grocery stores .
Jul 18, 2011 – We've done it both with and without the saltpeter, and prefer it without, as does Cooks Illustrated. After corning you can cook it as you would a .
Cooking with saltpeter. Osted by: ben wolfson February 01, 2006 at 02:15 PM Also the note here. Helps prevent the growth of botulism! .
1 review - 15 mins
Although it seems unlikely, the same product found in gun powder and fertilizer can also be safely utilized for cooking. Most commonly, saltpeter is utilized for .
Burn-rate can be adjusted by degree of cooking as well as by additives. . . For this process the coarsest grade will do, as dissolving the saltpeter reduces it to a .
Jul 22, 2011 – Buy potassium nitrate (saltpeter) at your local drug store or hardware store. How much you buy is . . Cooking Pot; Stove or other heat source .
The reddish color is from the saltpeter and often makes it look like beef. Preparing . of salt cooking oil; 4 tablespoon of sugar; 1/8 teaspoon of salitre ( saltpeter ) .
Saltpeter, or potassium nitrate, is used as a curing agent in preserving .
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Apr 17Cooking saltpeter+sugar rocket fuel? Chemistry discussion.
4.1 Saltpeter Variations. 5 Preparing Saltpeter; 6 Cooking Saltpeter; 7 Storing Saltpeter; 8 Saltpeter Nutrition. 8.1 Saltpeter Nutritional Research .
Though once only used in explosives, salt peter can now be found in . between salt and saltpeter, salt as in cooking salt, which is also used as a preservative? .
Jun 14, 2011 – Mix two parts sugar to three parts saltpeter in a cooking pot. Heat this over a low flame, stirring constantly until it melts; this will take several .