May 13, 12
Other articles:
  • I'm a complete n00b to Rails and am with MediaTemple. I activated my Rails
  • Whiteboard is a online service providing a place to write and share text. A
  • root/config/routes.rb . Depot::Application.routes.draw do get 'admin' => 'admin#
  • Jan 5, 2011 . I have a set of routing rules that should only be applied when the host is set to
  • Do you have a route higher up in the file that catches the "/:locale/:path" URL that
  • Mar 31, 2012 . Splitting Routes for better management . Webapp::Application.routes.draw do .
  • I've managed to understand that I can use routes.rb to route calls to the "home"-
  • RedmineApp::Application.routes.draw do root :to => 'welcome#index', :as => '
  • #--- # Excerpted from "Agile Web Development with Rails", # published by The
  • I just moved to using Rails 3.0.3 on my Mac OS X. When i tried to . He's not over
  • actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/recognition_optimisation.rb . Routes are
  • Commit list. j: Move selection down. k: Move selection up. c or o or enter: Open
  • Nov 11, 2007 . Hi,I'm having a big problem with the routes.rb.In the last weeks I did a lot of
  • Posted on 05 May 2006. Routes.rb is a really powerful and one the most
  • In: actionpack/lib/action_controller/routing/builder.rb . Routes have priority
  • The config/routes.rb file is at the heart of the Rails routing system. This file
  • RailsCrossingSamples - Samples for RailsCrossing. /routes.rb - Cached - SimilarIssue #5964: Deprecate method "match" in routes.rb · rails/rails . Apr 24, 2012 . My proposal is to announce 'match' method in routes.rb as deprecated and later(
  • Sep 9, 2009 . After searching for a while, I found that it can be dome by doing necessary
  • Apr 3, 2012 . Rails like routes.rb for Backbone. . this problem, I immediately thought of the
  • Approach 2: use config/routes.rb. Rails 3 allows you to easily create 301 redirects
  • Jan 18, 2012 . From: Jason Rist <jrist redhat com>; To: katello-devel redhat com; Subject: Re: [
  • I never touch routes.rb beyond calling map.root to set a default route. . If you
  • Feb 4, 2012 . Source path: svn/ trunk/ config/ routes.rb . ActionController::Routing::Routes.
  • While following through the 'Mebay' example in chapter 2 I used the books
  • Nov 28, 2011 . I have found there are A LOT of things that can go wrong with a Rails deployment
  • ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| # The priority is based upon
  • Is it possible to split Rails 3.X routes.rb file? We have so many . You can do that:
  • Hi, I've been going through the book Head First RoR, and in it I've been = asked
  • Mar 30, 2010 . in config/routes.rb. constraints(SiteAdminDomain) do. resources :assets. end.
  • Understand the code in routes.rb; Construct your own routes, using either the
  • in config/routes.rb (already present) Redmine::Hook.call_hook :routes, :map =>
  • To create a module specific routes, you can add a routes.rb file to the top level of
  • ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| # The priority is based upon
  • Jan 13, 2011 . On the comments of 'railties/configs/routes.rb' there was an extra 'the': ".
  • Mar 7, 2012 . From my routes.rb file: get "dev/routing/noformat" => 'dev_tools#
  • Supercharging Routes.rb · Extend // Aug 7, 2009 Comments. I've crusaded
  • Dec 14, 2007 . Routes are defined in the file config/routes.rb, as shown (with some extra
  • ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map| # Add your own custom routes
  • This replaces mod_rewrite rules. Best of all, Rails' Routing works with any web
  • Then when I create a controller "post_controller" I have to actually configure it in
  • routes.rb. redmine_contacts_invoices - Bezrukov Kirill, 02/04/2012 23:08.
  • link_to 'Back', products_path %>. When writing your own routes inside routes.rb,
  • actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb . Routes are defined in config/
  • A Ruby on Rails tutorial about Routes.rb. . Once that's deleted we can go to "
  • projects / rails.git / blob. commit, grep, author, committer . - Cached - Similarteamon • Better (scoped) rails engines routingRails engines are really great, but they are missing one thing - putting in router
  • Hi all. I am working on rails 2.3.x with Passenger+Apache servers.I have
  • Jul 10, 2010 . Looks like changing the routes.rb file without restarting spork messes up the tests
  • May 9, 2011 . routes.rb. . 町田 哲平(teppei machida)'s. (1241) · ターミナル — bash — 91×27 ·

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