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American Revolutionary War. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to:
For those who did not serve in a military capacity, the type of civil or patriotic
KyGenWeb Logo, Revolutionary War Soldiers & Pensioners .
Amazon.com: How to Be a Revolutionary War Soldier (9780792274896):
This may include abstracts of Revolutionary War Soldier Pensions, for soldiers &
Celebrate Independence Day with all Revolutionary War content - from guns, to
Dec 21, 2009 . Return to Military Records. Other websites with information about Revolutionary
Title, Rolls of the soldiers in the revolutionary war . Volumes 14-17 of Provincial
Nov 19, 2008 . A video montage of revolutionary war re-enactors in the field of battle. This video
John Hardy-Revolutionary War soldier. The documentation of the family of John
Revolutionary War Soldier . During the Revolutionary War she wanted to help,
Note that duty after November 1783 is not considered Revolutionary War service.
The presence of African American soldiers who served in the Revolutionary War
Though the archaeologists and historians were fairly certain that this disinterred
A= Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Files. B = The Official Roster of the
DNA · Publish · Shop · Hire an Expert · Gift Memberships. Massachusetts .
Women in the Revolutionary War: Deborah Samson, Anne Bailey, and others.
Revolutionary War Soldiers · Farmington Soldiers in the Colonial Wars .
Name of twenty four Revolutionary War soldiers buried in Madison county have
In the Bundy-Paine cemetery near Wellston, located behind and just west of the
Revolutionary War Military Abstract Card File Indexes. A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I
American Revolutionary War Soldiers & Their Descendants. " Remembered and
May 29, 2011 . Nearly 200 communities will be asked in coming weeks to adopt resolutions
The purpose of this circular is to describe briefly the major sources of information
"Military records" is somewhat of a generic term that is often used by genealogists
Lists of Revolutionary War Soldiers to help find your ancestors and surnames.
Revolutionary War Declarations 1820-1835. Old Soldier . Links. Military
What if you were soldier in the Revolutionary War? The clothes you wore, the
Never before published, this is a transcription by Francis Dickinson Ackerly, of a
Revolutionary War Soldiers buried in New York State.
12. SC Revolutionary and Confederate War Soldiers. A Card Catalog of S. C.
"Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Madison County, Kentucky" . He had four
Margaret Corbin fought beside her husband during the Revolutionary War. It was
You Found It! This Site Contains a Picture of Revolutionary War Soldiers.
Adam Armstrong was a Revolutionary War soldier from Henrico County [Jackson,
SERVICE: History of Wayne County published in 1884, p.358, says he was a
Indiana Society Sons of the American Revolution Patriot Graves Registry Enter
One of the most often heard questions about the American Revolution is "Why did
Explore millions of American Revolutionary War documents that are found
Oct 28, 2005 . Massachusetts Revolutionary War Soldiers Logo. NOTICE: No claims are made
Revolutionary War Soldiers. Compiled by Kathy Niedergeses. Based on tradition,
The American revolutionary era began in 1763, after a series of victories by
Jun 6, 2010 . This video explains how to dress a generic militia soldier for the American
Nov 13, 2009 . Finding your Revolutionary War soldier among 200000 plus participants can be
Jan 20, 2010 . Records and Histories of Soldiers . After the War, hundreds more Revolutionary
The following list of Pennsylvania Revolutionary War soldiers was abstracted
the grave of Stephen Taylor, the only Revolutionary War soldier known to have