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A reverse dictionary could be a tool for finding nice concise words . Help with a
The Context constructor takes a Python dictionary mapping variable names to
Python offers two different primitive operations based on regular expressions:
May 13, 2011 . Reverse DNS Lookups with Python . This code implements a global dictionary
Fri, 10 Mar 2006 10:48:35 +1000. On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 15:51 -0800, rh0dium
reverse dict lookup & Relation class Python Python. . about reverse lookups on
two_way_dict. This Python module provides a dictionary-style object with reverse
list.reverse(): Reverse the elements of the list, in place. An example . .. Another
Aug 11, 2008 . Remember, you're simulating an attribute lookup, which, in Python, usually
Unlike a binary search tree, no node in the tree stores the key associated with .
sort of a table for lookup and a table for reverse lookup. I thought that a dictionary
Mar 9, 2006 . General discussion list for the Python programming language . . The basic
I betcha it's slower, since function call overhead in Python is bigger than for loop
Aug 31, 2010 . Jump to: navigation, search . 5 Lists and tuples; 6 Dictionaries and tuples; 7
More reverse dictionary results >> . If you're sure it's a word, try doing a
Dec 14, 2009 . What is a good Python data structure for storing words and their . . of "reverse
Find 18 questions and answers about Reverse Dictionary at Ask.com Read more.
this reverse kind of look up? Can someone help me on this? > > -- > http://mail.
(regular expression, Python callback function [, optional dictionary [, optional
3.52: More than 200 dictionaries data bases for Polyglossum dictionary . .. with
Mar 9, 2006 . Hey thanks - OK how would you arrange the data structure? I think that is my
So, I want to encrypt the password using python script so that no body . listen to
An easy-to-use Python wrapper for the Google Maps and Local Search APIs. . .
Aug 8, 2011 . In this interactive tutorial, we'll cover many essential Python idioms and
If the Keyword Argument and Value Go Into A Dictionary . .. Does simple crude
Jun 2, 2005 . Skip to Search; Skip to Navigation; Skip to Content . Python, 37 lines . class
reverse mapping of dictionary with Python . If you do this often, you'll want to
Nov 15, 2008 . Python's dictionary implementation reduces the average complexity of dictionary
Hi all, I have a dict which looks like this.. dict={'130nm': {'umc': ['1p6m_1.2-3.3
Mar 10, 2006 . For clarification: . tsmc,chartered,umc refer to Foundries . for foundry,
Jan 19, 2008 . Python @ DaniWeb - Most commonly a dictionary of key:value pairs is searched
Here's a script in a little rough form but with some comments that's an example of
Mar 18, 2010 . How to search and list content by title, description, interface, location, etc. .
This is an index to sample Python programs, roughly organized by chapter in our
For dictionaries, Python uses an algorithm called a hashtable that has a .
Note: you still need to use d.keys() if you want to mutate the dictionary. for key in
Use your browser's search feature (normally CTRL + F) to search for the . . Praat
Inverse dictionary lookup - Python . however to do it is to create a dict for normal
sort of a table for lookup and a table for reverse lookup. . All of the
Creating a reverse look-up dictionary and indexing added items. . . Python: Get
Given a dictionary like so: map = { 'a': 1, 'b':2 }. How can one invert this .
This book is part of a series: Python Types and ObjectsPython Attributes and
Aug 8, 2001 . This PEP suggests a "sort by value" operation for dictionaries. The primary .
Aug 18, 2011 . 5.3.1 Sequence files as Dictionaries – In memory; 5.3.2 Sequence files as . 5.4.3
This is for convenience in the Python interactive interpreter, so you can . .
Jul 8, 2007 . Python also provides built-in operations to search for items, and to sort the list. .
re: New to Python: Dictionary Search. You can create a reverse dictionary like
Using an index to traverse a set of values is so common that Python provides an
Mar 9, 2006 . Thanks!! I got all of this. The problem that I was trying to figure out was this
Python List reverse() Function - A beginner's tutorial containing complete