Other articles:
Feb 15, 2010 . rep = sender as RepositoryItemLookUpEdit;. } if (sender is .
AreEqual(typeof (RepositoryItemLookUpEdit), field.FieldType);
The XtraEditors and XtraGrid allow you to fulfill this task. It's best to use
RepositoryItemLookUpEdit(); this.bsCustomers = new System.Windows.Forms.
13 май 2005 . Здравствуйте, Tremasov, Вы писали: _>>private void
Dream.In.Code; > Programming Help; > VB.NET; > Problem in GridView
Devexpress repositoryitemlookupedit editvalue - check this .
Sep 25, 2011 . I set the repositoryItemLookUpEdit's DataSource to . I set the
DSrepository dsrepository; public static RepositoryItemLookUpEdit
Jun 15, 2011 . RepositoryItemLookUpEdit rep = new RepositoryItemLookUpEdit(); rep.
Sep 8, 2009 . RepositoryItemLookupEdit repositoryItemLookupEdit;. public
RepositoryItemLookUpEdit Members, DevExpress .
Jul 14, 2011 . Can I select multiple rows in control devexpress.xtraeditors.repository.
using DevExpress.XtraEditors.Drawing; using DevExpress.XtraEditors.
May 18, 2009 . You need to create a RepositoryItemLookUpEdit then set it as your column. . //
与repositoryItemLookUpEdit相关的主题词. 提供英文写作前的写作思路. 批改网
Feb 9, 2009 . private DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository.RepositoryItemLookUpEdit rileobj;
Feb 26, 2010 . Repository item lookupedit in xtragrid . I usually do that via GetColumValue
13 май 2005 . _>private void lookUpEdit1_EditValueChanged(object sender, System.
I have some lookupedits binded to some lists where the user .
May 29, 2008 . I have two RepositoryItemLookUpEdits in an XtraGrid. How do I filter the second
Aug 29, 2011 . I am binding the Grid with a business object which contains a field Country (
public RepositoryItemLookUpEdit RepositoryItemLookUpEdit(Type .
How to bind devxpress - RepositoryItemLookUpEdit depends on value . Use
Feb 4, 2012 . RepositoryItemLookUpEdit colCombo = new RepositoryItemLookUpEdit();.
IsAppRunning) { RepositoryItemLookUpEdit rep = null; if (sender is
DSrepository dsrepository; public static RepositoryItemLookUpEdit riAlisSekli;
Feb 9, 2009 . RepositoryItemLookUpEdit rileobj; This is bound to a datasource which has a list
Mar 26, 2009 . Problem in GridView RepositoryItemLookupEdit EditValueChanged event (
Jun 26, 2008 . I need the functionality of a LookUpEdit in the RepositoryItemLookUpEdit - I have
Dec 28, 2006 . I can bind data from entityCollection to DevExpress GridView but when i embed a
Sep 25, 2011 . I set the repositoryItemLookUpEdit 's DataSource to selecteablesBindingSource I
Hi All, How to bind devxpress - RepositoryItemLookUpEdit depends on value of
Question Can I select multiple rows in control devexpress.xtraeditors.repository.
Re: DevExpress: RepositoryItemLookupEdit, в избранное · новое · всё ·
The editing control of ItemID is a RepositoryItemLookupEdit. The
Properties.TextEditStyle==TextEditStyles.Standard) { int
XtraEditors.Repository.RepositoryItemLookUpEdit(); this. . .
The cause of the problem is that you are accessing a wrong instance of the
The RepositoryItemLookUpEdit class specifies settings specific to a LookUpEdit
Init(DisplayFormat, Helper); repositoryItemLookupEdit.EditValueChanged .
May 18, 2009 . You need to create a RepositoryItemLookUpEdit then set it as your column. . //
RepositoryItemLookUpEdit(). 'lookupEditor.DataSource = dtDriver. 'lookupEditor.
Feb 17, 2011 . The editing control of ItemID is a RepositoryItemLookupEdit. The
May 18, 2009 . You need to create a RepositoryItemLookUpEdit then set it as your column. . //
QueryPopUp += new CancelEventHandler(
CurrentObject); IsModified = true; UpdateMaskBoxDisplayText();
Aug 29, 2011 . I am binding the Grid with a business object which contains a field Country (
May 12, 2005 . DevExpress: RepositoryItemLookupEdit (Page 1) - .NET GUI - Programmer's
Repositoryitemlookupedit suggestions (Click to sort .