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In his spare time, he created the Reporter's Desktop, www.reporter.org/desktop, a Web launch pad used by many journalists. Wilson can be reached by e-mail at .
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Send your news leads to the journalists at Computer Weekly. . development tools, databases, security, storage, admin tools, desktop, business applications .
[Web indexes include The Reporter's Desktop at www.reporter.org/desktop, by Duff Wilson of The Seattle Times, and the NICAR NetTour at www.ire.org/training/ .
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Reporter's Desktop List of Investigative Reporting Links http://www.reporter.org/ desktop/. Investigative Reporters & Editors, Inc. Missouri School of Journalism .
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Mar 29, 2011 – From the Reporter's Desktop, this is a simple list of resources you can access to get personal information about almost anyone in the United .
Reporter's Desktop, http://www.reporter.org/desktop/ The Picture Collection, http:// www.thepicturecollection.com/ Cover 100 years of photojournalism. .
PowerReporting.com: Pulitzer-winner Bill Dedman's suggestions; JournalistsToolBox: 12000 links from Mike Reilly; Reporter's Desktop: suggestions from Duff .
Requires site registration. Reporter's Desktop The "on deadline" search page - build for speed - created by. Seattle Times investigative reporter Duff Wilson .
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Mr. Wilson is also webmaster of the collaborative internet launch pad Reporter's Desktop. Mr. Wilson's nonfiction book, Fateful Harvest: The True Story of a Small .
The official court reporters employ a mix of stenographic, real-time . translation of court proceedings to the Judge's desktop or laptop computer, as well as to .
Investigative Reporters and Editors . New York Association of Black .
Home | Research Tools for Journalists . Center for Public Opinion Research · Reporter.org · Reporter's Desktop · Reporters Network · Reporting on Violence .
For investigative reporters and other journalists, the RD provides fill-in forms and highly select web resources on a launch pad for journalism work. Ad-free.
Optional: digital cameras for Reporters; desktop publishing software (Publisher, Student Writing Center, AW or Word newsletter template), digital video .
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24 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Feb 23We installed multi-card readers in all the reporters desktop systems and the Scratch drives of the two editors are shared so you can dump files .
Jan 10, 2009 – Reporter's Desktop | A Hidden Web Page [PIC] . This page is located under reporter.org domain. . Enjoy; http://www.reporter.org/desktop/ .
9 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Nov 12, 2002courtreporters2: Court Reporters - A place where only we understand. . Oct 30, 2002 6:30 pm. Re: [Court Reporters] Re: laptop vs. desktop .
MicroStrategy Web for Reporters and Analysts. MicroStrategy Desktop: Reporting Essentials. 2 days. none. MicroStrategy Desktop: Advanced Reporting. 3 days .
Apr 16, 2007 – Kaboodle - Reporter's Desktop review and product info . Learn more about Reporter's Desktop, learn other people's perspectives, .
Results 1 - 10 of 16 – Citysearch® helps you find Secretaries & Court .
IT experts analyze vendor claims and industry trends at Citrix's annual confab. See which ones don't stand up to scrutiny.
Reporter's Desktop www.reporter.org/desktop. Search engines are grouped together here, along with explanations of how to use each best. Duff Wilson also .
Reporter's Desktop: suggestions from Duff Wilson of the Seattle Times JournalismNet: reference guide from Julian Sher A Journalists' Guide to the Internet: links .
About Desktop-Typing By Cindy. Categories. Secretaries & Court Reporters · Map and Directions to Desktop-Typing By Cindy Get Map & Directions .
Reporter's Desktop - Handy Search Launchpad bullet.gif (1145 bytes) Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) Resource Center - Online Companion to the .
Jan 30, 1999 – What's in the Reporter's Desktop: "The best search engines for reporters and editors. Reporting links drilled layers deep into the web. .
15+ items – library1.jpg (8811 bytes) Research Sites. Red_Line1256.gif .
If you doing research online and you aren't sure where to begin, start with the Reporter's Desktop, where the information and links are current and helpful. .
Duff Wilson, 48, has worked as an investigative reporter for The Seattle Times . Reporters and Editors and volunteer webmaster of the Reporter's Desktop at the .
DigitalDuckInc Writers, journalists, researchers and average Joes - check out the handy Reporters Desktop. http://su.pr/1ligHD 7:41 PM Apr 13th via .
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Reporter's Desktop / By Duff Wilson Video Oct 10, 2008
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Jan 15, 2009 – Reporter's Desktop http://www.reporter.org/desktop/ Quick links to popular reference sites for journalists. Reporter.org http://www.reporter.org .
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15+ items – This is the "Websites" page of the "Journalism, .
HealthLeaders Media: Healthcare business news and in-depth articles for senior executives: leadership, technology, finance, physicians, community hosp.
Jul 3, 2003 – Reporter's Desktop"These are the best, and only the best .
Jan 13, 2011 – Finally a tool that allows you to simply click an icon on your desktop in order to schedule ono of our Court Reporters or Videographers in .
Companies like Desktop & Design usually offer: Court Reporters Board, Corporate Secretarial Services, Federal Court Reporters, County Court Reporters and .
Reporter's Desktop (www.reporter.org/desktop/) Duff Wilson's site continues to be one of the first places to stop when you want to find background on people. .