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Find Synonym of bear on/bear upon and Antonym of bear on/bear upon at Thesaurus. com, Synonym, Synonyms, Thesaurus, Synonym Dictionary, Synonyms Dictionary, .
In English, the name of a thing is a synonym if that thing also has another name , i.e., two names referring to the same thing are synonyms. Each name refers .
Jun 24, 2011 – Is their an idiom or synonym that refers to: " please no comments and opinions"?
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LDM and LDMFD are synonyms for LDMIA . LDMFD refers to its use for popping . LDMEA is a synonym for LDMDB , and refers to its use for popping data from .
3 answers - Jan 22similarly ,what do we call for girlfriend. . Guy friend, male friend .
In the LXX ekklesia is even used as a synonym for the Greek word sunagoge, a word that we . Further, sunagoge in the LXX sometimes refers to Gentiles. .
Definition of refer in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of refer. Pronunciation of refer. Translations of refer. refer synonyms, refer antonyms.
Browse By; Synonyms · Antonyms · Definitions . (a book to which you can refer for authoritative facts; "he contributed articles to the basic reference .
For - Referenced Schema: Schema containing the object or name to which this synonym refers. Object Based: Specify the object to which this synonym refers. .
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Find refer synonyms and refer antonyms at Thesaurus.com, a free online Thesaurus and Synonym Dictionary.
If a query refers to the etx_thesaurus synonym list, and the list does not exist , the Informix Excalibur Text Search DataBlade Module returns an error. .
refers definition : referendum plebiscite, popular vote, public vote … , learn english, definition, english, dictionary, synonyms, translation, .
Other Words for Refer To: Mean, Signify, Denote, Say, Mean, Signify, Denote, Say , Look At, Study, Check, Consult, Resort To, Have Recourse To, Turn To, .
The synonym zeta key or wrench refers to the sixth letter of the Greek .
Definitions of refer, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of refer, analogical dictionary of refer (English)
Sep 19, 2010 – While I can't support de-aliasing [asm] so it can be made to refer to something else, I do think this synonym should be broken. .
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If a table, view, or sequence is dropped, any synonyms that exist in the same database and that refer to that table, view, or sequence object are also .
The related term "synonym" is used for different names that refer to the same object or concept. As noted by Hobart and Rozella Smith, the term is applied .
You can refer to synonyms in the following DML statements: SELECT , INSERT , UPDATE , DELETE , FLASHBACK TABLE , EXPLAIN PLAN , and LOCK TABLE . .
We have 192 synonyms for refer. Find the perfect synonym of refer using this free online thesaurus and dictionary of synonyms. Thesaurasize - When you need .
If a <FRAME> tag contains SRC and NAME attributes, you can refer to that frame from a sibling frame by using the synonym parent to refer to the page that .
Find the synonym of refer using this free online thesaurus and dictionary of synonyms.
Synonyms are given in parenthesis (synonym) after the definition. . .. Spare leave: Refers to pins standing after first ball is rolled. .
When a word is included in a synonym paragraph, the main entry for that word is followed by a run-on synonym see . . ., which refers to the entry where the .
Ampelographers distinguish between “erroneous” and “misleading” synonyms. The former refers to varieties that have mistakenly been given the name of another .
Oct 16, 2007 – If a synonym refers to an external table or view that is dropped, however, the synonym remains in place until you explicitly drop it using .
By commonly refers to persons; with, to things; through may refer to either. The road having b. Synonyms: by, by dint of, by means of, through, with .
If you have opted to have a synonym displayed, you will receive a display where the synonym refers to the object (table or view table). You can refer to the .
Patois is sometimes used as a synonym for jargon or cant, but it can also refer to a regional dialect that has no literary tradition. .
If the federated server determines that the table the synonym refers to has an index, then an index specification is created for the synonym. .
Synonym of Reference: Reference Synonyme from Moby Thesaurus Moby Thesaurus . credentials, credit line, cross reference, cross-refer, cross-reference, .
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Sep 3, 2010Synonym 'dbo.MSreplication_subscriptions' refers to an invalid object. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider). When I launch the replication monitor .
Jul 28, 2010 – July 28: Near Synonym Day. Today is the anniversary of the debut of the . A lectern refers to a stand that a speaker might use for holding .
thesaurus.reference.com/browse/referrefers Synonym: (verb) mentionEnter Word: 'refers' is hyphenated as: 'refers' Word stem for 'refers': refer; Synonyms for 'refers': (verb) mention .
If a synonym refers to an external table, and the table is dropped, the .
Synonym of Refers: WordNet 2.0 refer Verb1. make reference to;
Synonyms for REFERS. Find another word for Refers at Thesaurus.net, a free online English Thesaurus website.
Reverso offers you access to an English definition and synonym dictionary .
If a synonym refers to a table or view in the same database, the synonym is automatically dropped if you drop the referenced table or view. .
Identifies the object the synonym refers to. (This applies only to Oracle.) Base Database. Shows the database where the object the synonym refers to (the .
Synonyms: mention, denote, talk about, bring up, speak of, raise, state, comment on, . Synonyms: signify, mean, indicate, suggest, insinuate, stand for, .
to further clarify, the noun Ecua is used to refer to someone as possessing the qualities of an Ecua, and the adjective Ecua is merely a synonym of .
refer ( ) v. , -ferred , -ferring , -fers . v.tr. To direct to a source for help or information: referred her to a heart specialist; referred me to.
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Oct 31, 2006NOW WE SHALL COVER ALL POSIBLE SYNONYMS , FRIENDS DO POST 4 SYNONYMS WITH THEIR MEANINGS&USAGES 1. SYN.— caricature refers to an imitation .
Find Synonym of refer& and Antonym of refer& at Thesaurus.com, Synonym, Synonyms , Thesaurus, . No results found for refer&: Did you mean refer? .
By commonly refers to persons; with, to things; through may refer to either. The road having b. Synonyms: by, by dint of, by means of, through, with .