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3.1 Precision; 3.2 Recall; 3.3 Fall-Out; 3.4 F-measure; 3.5 Average precision . . in the field of Information Retrieval differs from the definition of accuracy and .
re·call audio (r -kôl ) KEY TRANSITIVE VERB: re·called, re·call·ing, re·calls. To ask or order to return: recalled all workers who had been laid off. To summon back .
Define recall. What is recall? recall meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary.
Product Recall Insurance - Definition of Product Recall Insurance on Investopedia - Insurance that covers expenses associated with recalling a product from the .
recall in the BUSINESS BASICS topic by ldoceonline. What you need to know about BUSINESS BASICS: words, phrases and expressions - BUSINESS.
recall /rɪˈkɔːl/. ▶verb. 1 remember. ■ cause one to remember or think of. ■ ( recall someone/thing to) bring back the memory of someone or something to. .
transitive verb. to call back; ask or order to return; specif., to ask purchasers to return (an imperfect or dangerous product), often so that a manufacturing defect .
Short for recall of judicial decisions, the right or procedure by which the decision of a court may be directly reversed or annulled by popular vote, as was .
Jump to Definition (classification context): Precision and recall are then defined as: \text{Precision}=\frac{tp}{tp+fp}. \text{ Recall}=\frac{tp}{tp+fn}. Recall in .
unaided recall Research technique used to test the effectiveness of advertisements and commercials and to learn whether respondents are familiar with.
a : to call back <was recalled to active duty> <a pitcher recalled from the minors> b : to bring back to mind <recalled seeing her somewhere before> c : to remind .
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Legal help regarding Food Recalls, Recall Definition. Food Poisoning legal information.
Higher precision means better relevance and more precise results, but may imply fewer results returned.For a query, recall means the ability to retrieve as many .
KJV Dictionary Definition: recall. recall. RECALL', v.t. re and call. 1. To call back; to take back; as, to recall words or declarations. 2. To revoke; to annul by a .
dismantle · MORE. Copy & paste this link to your blog or website to reference this page. Did you know:Want to know a fresh way to say "summer?" Try this word. .
recall: definition, pronunciation, and examples from free Oxford Dictionaries Online. Also beyond recall, recallable.
Overview This is free software to save/recall calibration kit definition. In most measurements, the user can use pre-defined calibration kits. However, it may be .
The right or procedure by which a public official may be removed from a position by a vote of the people prior to the end of the term of office. Recall is the retiring .
Recall Meaning and Definition. (n.) The right or procedure by which a public official, commonly a legislative or executive official, may be removed from office, .
tr.v. re·called, re·call·ing, re·calls. 1. To ask or order to return: recalled all workers who had been laid off. 2. To summon back to awareness of or concern with the .
Definition of product recall. Frequently asked questions about product recalls. Links to product recall resources.
recall in the GOVERNMENT topic by ldoceonline. What you need to know about GOVERNMENT: words, phrases and expressions - POLITICS.
Definition of recall: Remembrance of what has been heard, seen, or otherwise experienced, such as that of an advertisement, commercial, or demonstration.
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FDA Definition: A recall is a voluntary action that takes the place because manufactures and distributors carry out their responsibility to protect the public health .
Product Recall - Definition of Product Recall on Investopedia - The process of retrieving defective goods from consumers and providing those consumers with .
Definition: [noun] a request by the manufacturer of a defective product to return the product (as for replacement or repair) Synonyms: callback; [noun] a call to .
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Oct 9, 2010 – High Definition Instant Recall "RDT 4 CBC Original" .
Definition of the term Immediate Recall: Temporary storage of information for a few seconds to hours, as opposed to long-term memory which refers to material .
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Free online dictionary definition and pronunciation of recall from the bestselling Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary.
Definition: A recall takes place when a manufacturer notifies all owners of a specific vehicle of a condition or defect that could affect safety or safe operation of .
A bench warrant is a formal order of the court to law enforcement officers to arrest and bring to jail a person who has failed to appear in court at a determined .
Link to: This recall definition. Investor Glossary Homepage Simply click the copy button and paste the following code in the website/blog/forum of your choice. .
recall - definition of recall - The return of a product to its manufacturer for repair or replacement, usually due to defects or safety concerns.
recall n 1: the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort) [syn: recollection, reminiscence] 2: the.
Domain, Definition. Noah Webster, 1: [Verb] To call back; to take back; as, to recall words or declarations.. 2: [Verb] To revoke; to annul by a subsequent act; as, .
Feb 15, 2010 – What it is: Most recalls of defective products are characterized as "voluntary," a confusing term that can lead consumers to believe that the recall .
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Interpolated precision is shown by a thinner line in Figure 8.2 . With this definition , the interpolated precision at a recall of 0 is well-defined (Exercise 8.4 ). .
Hold Recall: It is defined as a feature of a telephone system which reminds an agent that a caller is waiting on hold. This feature shows the number of .
recall noun (CALLING BACK) - definition from Cambridge Dictionary Online: an occasion when someone orders the return of a person who belongs to an .
recanalization · MORE. Copy & paste this link to your blog or website to reference this page. Did you know:Is there a word for the individual prongs of a fork ? .
Definition of recall test: Evaluation of the reach or advertising effectiveness of print media in which a subject is asked to recall advertising messages he or she .
Dictionary for recall : recall Definition,recall Synonyms,recall Thesaurus,recall Examples,
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