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9 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Mar 27, 2006frustrating that I can no longer use the /CONSOLE switch when addressing a server, now that I am using the RDP native to XP. .
4 answers - Dec 1, 2009In Windows XP, when you connect via Remote Desktop the current . is to start Windows Terminal server client with the /console command so: .
Dec 13, 2006 – It's the same software, just neatly packaged in an mmc console. Try it, you'll find it a useful alternative to the RDP included with XP. .
40 posts - 12 authors - Last post: May 23, 2008In Windows Vista SP1 and XP SP3 the remote desktop client has been updated to version 6.1. In this new version running mstsc /console to get .
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Sep 10, 2008By: Scottman, Forum: Windows, Hey, thought this might be helpful to some of my fellow admins out there. Pasted text from my personal blog: .
Nov 24, 2008 – XP SP and Vista use mstsc /admin for remote access console only and the remote desktop snap-in that still doesn't work for the console any .
Jul 9, 2007 – This is a copy and paste of a thread I made a long time ago but since some were asking about RDP. The files you will need: Index of .
Sep 1, 2004 – . Desktop Connection) to remote into an XP machine you get . mstsc /console. To open a file called filename.rdp for editing, type: .
Jump to Contrast to XP: This concept of console session is different compared to the remote desktop service built-in in Windows XP. In Windows XP you .
40 posts - 13 authorsJump to Remote Desktop To Console: I have tried to configure MS Remote Desktop such that it doesn't create a .
Oct 18, 2005 – I know this is about windows XP (used this info and worked great), . .. This runs remote desktop and connects to the console. .
Yep after installing XP SP3: mstsc /console has been replaced by mstsc /admin. Note: Please use the new option to achieve the same results as before. RDP .
Nov 3, 2005 – Console is defined as the keyboard, mouse, and video monitor .
RDP file. The /console option only works when connecting to an Windows XP Professional or Windows Server 2003 computer. When connected to a remote desktop , .
Jan 4, 2008 – In the .rdp file, you specify /console in the “full address” property, . . but since we installed XP SP3 on our client machines, .
8 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jan 18, 2007Remote Desktop Console Connection Networking & Wireless. . that is basically the same as running remote desktop from an xp machine? but if .
May 5, 2011 – Cannot start RDP console connection from XP to Win 2003 after a Windows 7 RDP connection has started and vice versa .
Sep 22, 2009 – Restart your computer in Safe Mode - Follow this link to learn how to restart Windows XP in Safe Mode 3. Turn off/disable Remote Desktop .
Dec 7, 2004 – With the Remote Desktop feature in Windows XP, you can remotely . . Whatever you are doing cannot be seen by someone watching the console. .
4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Sep 29, 2004Remote desktop causes console to go 'out of scan range' Windows XP Work Remotely .
Mar 15, 2009 – Mstsc /console switch is replaced in “Windows Xp+sp 3 . 0 on a Windows Server 2003/XP or previously machine making the most of RDP 6.1? .
Jan 15, 2006 – However, in Windows XP Professional you cannot create a shadow session . to any other Remote Desktop session, which means that the console .
3 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jul 1, 2008Automatic XP logon both RDP & Console? Post by madmax » Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:57 am . Does anyone know off-hand if it is possible to have two .
Dec 14, 2005 – When you Remote Desktop to a Windows XP Professional computer, you always connect to the console session. This is the default for Remote .
I recently upgraded my XP desktop to Service Pack 3, which includes an update to Remote Desktop Client 6.1. Today I locked a Windows Server 2003 console .
Jun 20, 2008 – What happened to the console switch in RDP 6.1? . (RDC) 6.1 which is included in Vista SP1, Windows XP SP3 and Windows Server 2008. .
Jump to How can I start a console session from a XP SP3 or Vista SP1 client?: XP SP3 and Vista SP1 include version 6.1 of the rdp client. .
May 4, 2004 – What to do when you need to enable Remote Desktop on a remote server? . Sit down at your desk and log on to your Windows XP workstation using your . the / console switch(or /admin if you have the new version of RDP, .
12 posts - 5 authors - Last post: May 16, 2006servername /console will work as long as you have the latest version of RDP installed on your client, i think it's version 5.2 required XP .
Jump to While I'm logged in remotely from the iPhone/iPod Touch my PC's . : . multiple concurrent rdp connections . XP/VS Terminal Server. .
Jan 27, 2006 – . 2006 4:38 PM To: windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [windows2000] Re: RDP console sessions It is the Windows XP SP2 version. you must .
Nov 23, 2008 – The behavior is unlike Windows XP and Windows Vista Terminal Services which always allows remote desktop to access to console session (the .
10 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Sep 8, 2010Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.work_remotely (More info?) I would like to be able to connect to the existing open session .
Jul 11, 2005 – You can only have one active Remote Desktop session under XP, . . Using the "/ console" command line argument will start your existing .
20 posts - 12 authors - Last post: Feb 9, 2005To be able to connect to the console session you need a Remote Desktop client using the RDP protocol 5.1 or higher. The one with Windows XP .
RDP File Settings. The new Terminal Services client (version 2600 and newer, 5.1 .2600.x) . You can install it on any true 32-bit Windows OS except Windows XP and . . connect to console, i, 1, 0 - connect to a virtual session .
Jan 4, 2008 – On XP SP2 and before, I would always edit the Connect .
6 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Dec 16, 2008Discussion about RDP Console access and x64 Windows upgrade. . the flag from " /console" to "/admin" in SP1 for vista and SP3 for XP. .
Apr 19, 2006 – To login to the console session on a Windows 2003 machine, start the Remote Desktop . When I connect to a Windows XP machine using RDP, .
In Windows Vista SP1 and XP SP3 the remote desktop client has been updated to version 6.1. In this new version running mstsc.
RDP to Win 2003 Server - open Command Prompt and type "shadow 0 /server:clientpc " - Now you are controlling the XP Pro console / desktop - the XP Pro .
May 13, 2008 – If you're an XP user used to using the /console switch to manage your . Remote Desktop: No Console from Vista? » Solo Technology says: .
5 answers - Dec 21, 2003Windows XP Pro includes functionality to access the computer's desktop . If you log in remotely using Remote Desktop, then the console .
Jun 19, 2007 – Is there someway to: - Mask the RDP session as a Console session, - Remote Desktop into the XP workstation on the Console session, .
RDP Console Setting. The -console switch will simply allow you to . It use to be /console but I believe they changed it in Windows XP SP3 to be /Admin. .
Jan 8, 2009 – On Windows XP and on the "Console" session in Windows Server 2003, when you connect to your computer at work, Remote Desktop automatically .
. Desktop Connection (.rdp) configuration file, and migrates Windows XP .
Mar 15, 2008 – Is it possible to observe / monitor the console session of my young children, in stealth mode? It would seem that all the techical .
4 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Aug 26, 2004Is it possible to show remote sessions in the console screen? So the local user see what im doing and can also take control for example Does .
I was trying to do a remote desktop using “mstsc /console” to my Windows 2003 server . Windows Server 2008; Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1); Windows XP .