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Aug 9, 2011 – When we try to use Sametime web client with iPad or iPhone through Sametime Proxy Server, the user can authenticate but nothing appears .
Configure the UVa proxy server for a non-UVa wireless network within range of your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. Access to UVa resources such as MEDLINE, .
2 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Feb 27, 2008Configure Proxy Settings on my iPod Touch iPod touch. . You will then see .
Jan 22, 2011 – After this you point the iPad to this local proxy and that's it. . 2) Open a terminal to the iPad, connect to the ssh server and create the dynamic .
Contact the ISP or network administrator for the proxy server name, server type . Under My Work Network , tap Edit my proxy server , then the Proxy Settings tab. .
Proxy Server Bookmarklet -- Updated for iPad. May 21, 2010. The Proxy Server Bookmarklet (originally released in September 2009, and described in the post .
Free download free proxy server for ipad Files at Software Informer - Proxifier is a program that allows network applications that do not support working through .
Jul 6, 2011 – Connecting to WiFi networks are a breeze on the iPad 2, but some networks will require you to use a proxy server to access the Internet.
May 4, 2011 – Apple need to pull their finger out if they are serious about the iPad being used in a corporate environment where the use of proxy servers are .
Mar 10, 2011 – We have a proxy server set up and I've configured the iPad .
May 6, 2011 – iPad 2 allows users to set the proxy server details using the settings menu option. This is required if you are accessing from a network which is .
China proxy server - This Free Internet Service let you Surf Anonymous Online. . phones, devices and gadgets (surf without surfbar) like Android, iPhone, iPad. .
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Oct 31, 2008i have Microsoft ISA 2000 server (installed on w2k3 server). after all the proxy set up and configuration is set up . ipad proxy isa server .
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Feb 15, 2011 – Opera Mini for iPad, uses proxy server to deliver content faster. OperaMini. Opera Mini for the iPad is being demonstrated at the Mobile World .
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6 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Jul 12Hi Guys One of the schools I support has got some iPads in school now. The school uses a Sophos Web Appliance for its internet filtering.
May 28, 2010 – For the past six weeks that I've had my iPad, I've fought with my office network, because it uses a Microsoft/NTLM authenticated proxy server .
Nov 7, 2010 – I need a proxy server to use at hotel wifi when on vacation. Are any iPad compatible?
Nov 4, 2010 – Our school network like most schools use a proxy server to filter content and log student browsing. The iPad allows you to add a certificate for .
4 answers - Aug 6, 20102 of 4 people found this answer helpful. Did you? Sign in to vote. Report abuse . 2 of 3 people found this answer helpful. Did you? Sign in to vote. .
for the Remote Access Proxy server. Note: Due to limitations in . with the automatic proxy. Configuring the proxy in Firefox; Configuring the proxy on the iPad .
Mar 10, 2011 – You should have an IP address and a port for the proxy server. You can now tell your iPhone or iPad to use this proxy server when it accesses .
Aug 30, 2010 – We outsourced our ms/exchange server. So to setup my .
Jul 26, 2011 – Q. Is AnyConnect VPN Client supported on the Apple iPad or iPhone . . Q. AnyConnect connects through a proxy server and DTLS is not used. .
All our Internet (HTTP & HTTPS) connections are via a proxy server. How do I . How to set up TrustConnect on iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch (pdf). 2. My User Name .
Mar 20, 2011 – I just purchased LogMeIn Ignition for iPad. Discovered it doesn't support proxy servers pretty quickly. very disappointed (I'd be trying to get my .
Jump to How to configure your iPad to use a Proxy Server: Some networks require you to use a proxy server to access the Internet. A proxy server .
Proxy server unblock Facebook or any banned site directly from browser. . Apple launched iPhone tablet aka 'iPad' and created quite a BUZZ. like always .
Proxy servers list Saturday 3 September, Anonymous, Transparent, Socks4 . is an proxy servers list above, please open the list and notice an ipaddres and the .
1 post - 1 author - Last post: Nov 7, 2010I need a proxy server to use at hotel wifi when on vacation. Are any iPad compatible? Find all posts by this user. Quote this message in a reply .
14 posts - 12 authors - Last post: Jun 16, 2009Help with Proxy Server? Homebrew iOS Games, Apps, and Mods.
Jan 6, 2011 – WiFi through Proxy server iPad - iPad Wi-Fi - Apple iPad Support.
Apr 27, 2010 – If you just got an iPad and you can not access your favorite video streaming . Your IP address is: (Proxy:None/Highly Anonymous) ! . A VPN service establishes a connection to a remote server that resides on .
Apr 13, 2010 – After noticing that the caching in iPad Safari seemed a little funky, I made . was a problem communicating with the web proxy server (HTTP).”. .
3 posts - 2 authors - Last post: Jul 20Hi all, I work at a school, and recently we ordered 12 iPad 2's for managment to use. We run a proxy server (Cachepilot to be precise). Now I've .
Mar 24, 2011 – Proxy Setup for Apple iPad . if you use short lease times on your network, since your DHCP server will assume the iPad is no longer using that .
Jul 12, 2011 – Connecting Apple iPad to WiFi network is so easy, but some network could possibly use proxy server to access internet. In order to access .
4 answers - Aug 2The way to get around this limitation of the iPad is to use a HTTP proxy server, such as Squid running on another machine where you can edit .
Dec 26, 2010 – How to Configure Your iPad to Use a Proxy Server.
A proxy server is a computer on a local network that acts as an intermediary between a single computer user and the Internet so that the network can ensure .
Jan 7, 2011 – It's a proxy server that blocks ads, enhance web sites, and more. . Unfortunately, my iPhones and iPad can't use NetFlix's Watch Instantly .
Aug 9, 2011 – To configure your iPad to use the UCLA Proxy Server when at home,. 1. Connect your ipad to your current home wireless network 2. Tap on .
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Using proxy server in UIWebView for iPad. Aug15 2011 2 Comments Written by awaisqasim · Share |. Just recently I came across a problem of using proxies in .
May 27, 2010 – Installation is now a bit simpler than it was since the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch now allow copying and pasting. The Proxy Server Bookmarklet .
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Jul 17, 2010 – iPad proxy settings. How to configure iPad Proxy Server settings * Tap Settings > General > Network > WiFi. * Modify the network settings for .
. up an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch to use the UC Berkeley Library Proxy Server. . Follow these steps to configure your device to use the Library Proxy Server. .
9 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Nov 24, 2010However I cant specify that level of detail in the network connections in my iPad as it only asks for the proxy server address and port once. is .