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user management and provisioning Definition from PC Magazine Encyclopedia.
Provisioning Meaning and Definition. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Provision .
a clause in a legal instrument, a law, etc., providing for a particular matter; stipulation; proviso. 2. the providing or supplying of something, .
What is test provisioning profile? Instantly find the definition and translation of test provisioning profile at TermWiki.com.
pro·vi·sion (pr -v zh n). n. 1. The act of supplying or fitting out. 2 .
Nov 13, 2006 . Thin provisioning (TP) is a method of optimizing the efficiency with which the available space is utilized in storage area networks.
Oct 3, 2005 . Definition and other additional information on Provision from Biology-Online.org dictionary.
Apr 29, 2009 . SharePoint Site Definition Provisioning Order. When you use site definitions to create sites it's often pretty unclear what the order is in .
Role definition accelerates and simplifies the provisioning process and ensures consistent, appropriate access rights. AccountCourier works with the .
Sep 9, 2000 . In general, provisioning means 'providing.' In telecommunications terminology, provisioning means providing a product or service, .
Apr 9, 2007 . Using a portal site definition, all three sites can be created as one . . The provisioning process is also recursive so you could define .
server provisioning Definition from PC Magazine Encyclopedia.
▶noun. 1 the action of providing or supplying. ■ something supplied or provided. ■ (provision for/against) arrangements for future eventualities or .
provisioning: 1. In telecommunications, the setting in place and configuring of the hardware and software required to activate a telecommunications service .
Provision Meaning and Definition. (n.) A canonical term for regular induction into a benefice, comprehending nomination, collation, and installation. .
In addition to other caveats, customers considering thin provisioning . be irrecoverably lost - and (by definition) this means that every single LUN that .
Provision - Definition of Provision on Investopedia - A legal clause or condition contained within a contract that requires or prevents either one or both .
provision - Definition of provision. Find the meaning of provision. provision synonyms. At webdictionary.co.uk - The uk online dictionary and thesaurus.
Expressions, Definition. Beach bum trust provision, A beach bum trust provision, in the law of trusts, ties the ability of a trust beneficiary to take from .
Definition of Provisions in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of Provisions. . Provisioning Technical Documentation Data Selection Sheet .
Provision: In IFRS, but not US GAAP, a present obligation which satisfies the rest of the definition of a liability, even if the amount of the obligation .
2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Feb 4I am creating subsites using a Site Definition. The subsites contain a list which has a workflow which is started manually. .
The provisioning request definition editor allows you to create provisioning request definitions that bind corporate resources or roles to a workflow. .
Oct 28, 2010 . User account provisioning is a business process for creating and managing access to resources in an information technology (IT) system.
provision verb - definition from Cambridge Dictionary Online: to supply with food and other necessary things.
dynamic provisioning definition topic - dynamic provisioning definition articles , guides, latest update, new information, trends, experts's experience at .
Jan 17, 2010 . I am creating a publishing site and would like to the site .
This page describes the term provisioning and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information.
NETWORK PROVISIONING DEFINITION (continued): … terminology, provisioning means providing a product or service, such as wiring or bandwidth. Provisioning .
This page describes the term thin provisioning and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information.
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4. provisions A stock of necessary supplies, especially food. 5. A stipulation or qualification, especially a clause in a document or agreement. .
Loan Loss Provision - Definition of Loan Loss Provision on Investopedia - An .
Definition: Autoprovisioning (AP) allows a customer to automatically be provisioned a service through a web-based interface that directs the customer to a .
Definitions of provision, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of provision, analogical dictionary of provision (English)
Oracle - Cite This Source - This Definition; Browse Related Terms: provisioning, Server Provisioning, Software Provisioning, Storage Provisioning .
Apr 5, 2011 . Then override the method Provision. In this Provision method you need to apply the template you want to use for your custom site definition. .
Mar 27, 2006 . A definition of thin provisioning. . thin-provisioning options let storage buyers avoid tying up entire pools of capacity immediately. .
4. provisions A stock of necessary supplies, especially food. 5. A .
Definition of provision (verb) forms: provisioned; provisioned . to supply with stock; to equip with supplies (esp. food) Definition of provision .
Definition of provisioning: Determining and acquiring the type and quantity of material, parts, and services required to support a campaign, machine, .
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Tivoli Service Automation Manager requires a software definition that represents the Tivoli Provisioning Manager agent with version 6.2.1. .
Jan 18, 2011 . Here's the meat of the original post: Site Definition Provisioning Order. Url for the site is created; Global onet.xml is provisioned. .
automated provisioning Definition from PC Magazine Encyclopedia.
In telecommunication, provisioning is the process of preparing and equipping a network to allow it to provide (new) services to its users. .
Definition: provide somebody with supplies: to provide somebody with supplies, especially for a journey. [14th century. Via French< Latin provision- .
pro·vi·sionedpro·vi·sion·ing \-ˈvi-zhə-niŋ, -ˈvizh-niŋ\. Definition of PROVISION . transitive verb. : to supply with needed materials (as food) : to supply .
Apr 13, 2011 . Add(tableDesc);; // set scope to be provisioned based on the scope definition; var serverProvision = new SqlSyncScopeProvisioning(serverConn .
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