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Article about Abbreviations (Pt-Pz) - From The Probert Encyclopaedia. . PVU. PVU is an abbreviation for Production Verification Unit Research PVU .
What is the meaning of BIG PURPLE DOG PRODUCTIONS acronym/ abbreviation and what does BIG PURPLE DOG PRODUCTIONS stand for? Get the .
The use of abbreviations will condense long and complex words and phrases. . Photo Credit Burke/Triolo Productions/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images; .
What is the abbreviation of production? =P. What is the abbreviation for the word Production? Prod or Prodt. What is the abbreviation for abbreviation? Abbrev. .
In professional, budgeted video productions aspects such as lighting, audio recording, interviewing, etc. are often done by . Abbreviations for camera shots: .
Jump to I live in Canada. Do I use Canadian province abbreviations?: Canadian province abbreviations? . the standard Internet domain abbreviation for .
(UK) · RWL (unmatched abbreviation); S and M (UK) [Parent label: Savage] . [ Parent label: Savage]; SAX (unmatched abbreviation); SBD Productions (UK) .
What is the abbreviation for productions? prod. What is the abbreviation for the word Production? Prod or Prodt. What is the abbreviation for abbreviation? .
A context-free grammar consists of a number of productions. Each production has an abstract . is a convenient abbreviation for: BreakStatement: break ; break .
Top free abbreviation medical downloads. The Plot:COF is the next step in TV- Entertainment . Climbers of Fortune 1.5 Tilman Mehler / Shades Productions .
Abbreviate the word production?. How do you Abbreviate the word answer? ans. How do you abbreviate the word 'abbreviate'? Abbrev. How do you abbreviate .
Lines, speeches, songs, or any other element in a printed script left out of a particular production. DAT. An abbreviation for Digital Audio Tape. Date. A recording .
Acronym Finder: JKP stands for Jill Kelly Productions. . abbreviation to define. abbreviation word in meaning location. Examples: NFL, NASA, PSP, HIPAA, .
Search for chat acronyms, abbreviations, and emoticons. . The ChatSlang.com iPhone app allows you to look up chat acronyms, abbreviations, and emoticons .
The usual way is with the abbreviation C.R. followed by a number. . Conformations are only of any significance on a large production where different editing .
(Abbreviation) Tactical Machine Pistol . TMP rate this definition: (Abbreviation) Telephone Marketing Programs . (Abbreviation) The Machine Productions .
Alternatively, standard abbreviations may be used for the name of the country of production. A few possible abbreviations are noted in AACR 2, Appendix B.14, .
6 answers - Jun 16, 2006Top answer: I didn't know there was an abbreviation for productions
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MOS is a standard filmmaking jargon abbreviation, used in production reports to indicate an associated film segment has no synchronous audio track. It stands .
Acronym Finder: UHEP stands for Universal Home Entertainment Productions. . abbreviation to define. abbreviation word in meaning location. Examples: NFL .
Aug 17, 2011 – Dubmusic Productions the home page of The Scientist (Hopeton o Brown) . doudoune sale" of the abbreviations in "mode, and the victory, .
An online chat reference with meanings of acronyms, abbreviations, emoticons .
In this case, you're taking away some letters to make. What is the .
Sep 1, 2011 – Posts Tagged 'productions abbreviation'. 1 result. Sep01. Homie Beats PRODUCTIONS “3 Beats” for Leasing (1). by admin on September 1st, .
60+ items – Acronym, Definition. OSP, Oregon State Police. OSP, Outside .
. of Video Terms by: High-Tech Productions / Blank Video Tape.com . Abbreviation for automatic frequency control, a circuit built into some VCRs and TVs to .
The Oil and Gas industry uses many acronyms and abbreviations. . bwd - barrels of water per day (often used in reference to oil production); bwpd - barrels of .
Acting Edition: A published play script, typically for use in productions in the amateur . b.g.: Abbreviation for "background" (i.e. In the b.g., kids are fighting). .
11 results – Find out what is the full meaning of FVP on Abbreviations.com! The most authoritative . on Amazon! Search 'Film And Video Production' on Google! .
What is the meaning of BROWN PAPER BAG PRODUCTIONS'S acronym/abbreviation and what does BROWN PAPER BAG PRODUCTIONS'S stand for? Get the Definition of BROWN .
Dec 27, 2010 – In the somewhat the same way key production personnel must be able to . . A number of terms and abbreviations are used in scriptwriting. .
3 answers - Jul 27, 2007Top answer: Prods.
What is the meaning of BROTHER IN LAW PRODUCTIONS acronym/ abbreviation and what does BROTHER IN LAW PRODUCTIONS stand for? Get the .
Trawlers & Trawlering™ and the abbreviation T&T™ are trademarks of Water World Productions, publisher of specialty magazines, producer of special events, .
Abbreviation for Pennsylvania. 2. Abbreviation for Personal/Production Assistant 3. Alternate spelling of "paw," which is slang for "Dad"
Wham Productions: Websites with impact for small businesses. . CMS is the abbreviation for "Content Management System." So what does this mean to your .
PAC Production activity control (1/2 credit for political action committee); PDCA . UCL upper control limit; UNA Use No Acronyms; USL upper specification limit .
Use of the abbreviation after a name indicates that the person is a member of the . Director to assist them with assembling the perfect cast for their production. .
Acronym Finder: BKVP stands for Broken Knuckle Video Productions. . abbreviation to define. abbreviation word in meaning location. Examples: NFL, NASA .
17 results – Find out what is the full meaning of WGP on Abbreviations.com .
Message from Cristian Coban, Ph.D., president of CVC Productions: . For other countries, please use the standard Internet domain abbreviation for your country .
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3 answersProduction is most properly abbreviated as prod or prods. It is not typically . What is a word that rymes with word? Words that rhyme with word are bird, blurred, .
b.f. -- an abbreviation for boyfriend, usually used in reviews (also g.f.-- girlfriend); "The . to debut a production; "The pic's bow was in January"; "The Nederlander .
Definitions are abbreviated from those in my book Graphically Speaking, . . Bounce: (1) a repeating registration problem in the printing stage of production. .
Aug 1, 2011 – productions. noun. (human activity) the act or process of producing something. Synonyms: prod. [abbreviation]. Type of: human activity .
10+ items – Acronym including the word Basement Acronyms with .