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Playing for Change is a multimedia movement created to inspire, connect, and bring peace to the world through music. The idea for this project arose from a .
For the past four years Playing For Change has traveled the world with a mobile recording studio and cameras in search of such inspiration. Throughout the .
Top tracks from Playing For Change: Stand by Me, One Love & more. Playing for Change is a foundation and multimedia online music project created by .
"Don't Worry" is the first original Song Around the World featured by Playing For Change. It was written by Pierre Minetti in Barcelona, Spain and speaks of the .
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Renowned musicians all over the world combined their talents to create this song . From the award-winning documentary, "Playing For Change: Peace Through .
Playing For Change - Playing For Change is a multimedia movement to inspire, connect, and bring peace to the world through music. Visit us at - Description: To .
Playing for Change Connecting the World Through Music Wednesday, March 14, 2012. LAXSON AUDITORIUM | 7:30 p.m. $27 Premium | $22 Adult $20 Senior .
Collaborate on "Groove In G" with Playing For Change and win $1000!
May 4, 2009 – Until a video of "Stand by Me" had gone viral on YouTube, Roger Ridley had sung and played guitar anonymously on the streets for years.
The Playing For Change Foundation is dedicated to connecting the world through music by providing resources to musicians and their communities around the .
Sep 8, 2011 – The Playing For Change Foundation is debuting its latest release "Higher Ground " with Mashable, in honor of the first Playing For Change Day .
Playing for Change supports social entrepreneurs who help children and youth to a better life.
Oct 24, 2008 – The Playing For Change Foundation provides resources (facilities, supplies, educational programs, etc) to musicians and communities around .
Playing For Change is a musical journey of discovery that celebrates the freedom and the lives of today's American street musicians. It focuses on three cities, .
Sign up for Twitter to follow PlayingForChange (@playing4change). Playing For Change is a multimedia movement to inspire, connect, and bring peace to the .
If you haven't heard about Playing For Change Day, you need to check this link. The first annual Playing For Change Day is taking place September 17th, and is .
Apr 27, 2011 – Here is the latest video from the international collective Playing For Change, " Groove in G," featuring a pulsating bed of Indian, African, .
Playing For Change PFC 2: Songs Around The World on Playing For Change Records by Concord Music Group.
Home; »; Genres; »; World/Reggae; »; Playing For Change. Playing For Change. Share. Overview; Albums · Tracks · People. Playing For Change Radio .
1 day ago – An overview of Playing for Change Peace Through Music, including cast and credit details, a review summary, and more.
Visit Playing For Change's profile on Vimeo. Use Vimeo to share the videos you make with the people you want. Its free to join and really easy to use.
Rating: 9.0/10 - 3 reviews
Variety acknowledged it as "a great showcase for just what incredible, thoroughly accessible popular music is being made worldwide." Playing for Change is an .
Four years ago while walking down the street in Santa Monica, CA the Playing For Change crew heard Roger Ridley singing “Stand By Me” from a block away. .
Founders of Playing for Change and recipients of the . In addition to their inspiring music and films, the Playing for Change movement is building music schools .
Playing For Change Live [CD/DVD]. Price: $15.99 . Playing For Change is proud to partner with Concord Music Group and Hear Music · Contact |; Follow |; Visit .
Playing For Change is a movement to connect the world through music. Sign up for exclusive content, news and updates from hundreds of musicians and .
Our second school on the continent of Africa was recently built in Tamale .
A multi-media charity art project, Playing for Change was created in 2004 by .
New York City-based singer/songwriter Alisha Zalkin organized the recent Playing For Change NYC Benefit Concert at the Highline Ballroom on July 17th, 2011. .
Four years ago while walking down the street in Santa Monica, CA the Playing For Change crew heard Roger Ridley singing “Stand By Me” from a block away. .
Sep 12, 2011 – Playing For Change Concert Benefit Saturday, September 17th, 7 pm Bay Area Sound Healers & Artists Unite to Play for Change Donation for .
Playing For Change's official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.
Jun 13, 2011 – YouTube video of international music collective covering song "Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay" Read more by William Goodman on CBS .
Playing for Change is a multimedia music project created by the American producer and sound engineer Mark Johnson with his Timeless Media Group, that .
Sep 17, 2011 – The first annual PLAYING FOR CHANGE DAY on September 17th will be a global day of action where musicians of all levels perform on stages .
This Playing For Change anthem features Mermans Kenkosenki, Roberto Luti .
Jun 14, 2011 – Not a bad idea. Ain't technology helpful? Check out these folks at Playing For Change:
Oh yeah, oh my darlin' stand by me / No matter who you are, no matter where you go in life / You gon' need somebody to stand by you / No matter how much .
Mar 19, 2009 – Inside a dimly lighted studio in Santa Monica, engineer-producer Mark Johnson and his team were recently putting the final touches on a .