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Aug 2, 1997 – Also, materials that fit the definition of a combustible material, have the word " COMBUSTIBLE" replacing the word "FLAMMABLE". This placard .
Placard - Definition of Placard is presented by 1913 online Webster's Dictionary . Includes dictionary browser, morphological search by meaning of Placard, .
Jump to Alternate Placards and Labeling: . liquid means any liquid that does not meet the definition of . Gasoline: This placard is an alternative placard, .
Definition of Placards with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage, and additional links for more information.
Another requirement prohibits the use of a four-digit identification number on a radioactive placard, meaning that if a four-digit number is displayed along with a .
placard Definition. . placard noun. 1. A board or stiff card bearing a notice, advertisement, . To announce (a forthcoming event, etc) by placard. .
a notice posted in a public place : poster. 2. : a small card or metal plaque. See placard defined for English-language learners » · See placard defined for kids » .
Placard. (noun, communication) a sign posted in a public place as an . Meaning "poster" first recorded 1560, though this sense is in M.Fr. from 15c. via Online .
Definition of Placard with photos and pictures, translations, sample usage .
Reverso offers you access to an English definition and synonym dictionary .
Placard explanation. Definition of Placard is provided by 1913 Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, .
placards. plural form of placard. Verb. placards. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of placard. Definition of PLACARDS from .
Definition of placard meaning of placard – Webster's Dictionary Thesaurus - placard means - define placard - use placard in a sentence - Webster dictionary and .
“Since he didn't have a name placard on the dais he put his driver's license out, and when the cameras panned in for a close-up for the monitors in the room, .
Definition of placard , meaning of placard , Placard - 15th century . Possible translation : 'to plaster, lay flat' . Foreign forms : placquart ,plaquier .Pronunciation .
Is Placard a Scrabble word? Is it Scrabble dictionary, and What is Placard .
Oct 3, 2005 – Definition and other additional information on Placard from Biology-Online.org dictionary.
Find the definition for Door Placard from the comprehensive Car Buying Glossary that helps you understand the key words and terms for car buying, car .
placard noun - definition, audio pronunciation, synonyms and more for placard noun: a large piece of card, paper, etc. with a message written or printed on it, .
Definition of placard in the Online Dictionary. Multiple meanings, detailed information and synonyms for placard.
Mar 16, 2011 – The use of placards for announcements by authorities having mostly disappeared, the word affiche frequently replaces it in that meaning. .
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PLACARD Defined Using a Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Search Engine.
Jump to What is the definition of "physically disabled?": ?" Section 301.142.1 RSMo defines “physical disability” as listed below:: The person .
10+ items – Permission given by authority; a license; as, to give a placard to .
Jun 18, 2009 – The DOT placard for flammable materials is a flame on a red background with white lettering. Combustible liquids do not meet the definition of .
placard definition from the mondofacto online medical dictionary.
placard in the POLITICS topic by ldoceonline. What you need to know about POLITICS: words, phrases and expressions - POLITICS.
a paperboard sign or notice, as one posted in a public place or carried by a demonstrator or picketer. 2. Armor. placate2. Placard Definition Find Definitions For .
placard definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'place card',' placer','placid','placatory', Collins Reverso dictionary, English definition, English .
definition of placard - a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement.
Definition of placard from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary .
These pages provide US DOT (U.S. Department of Transportation) definitions for each hazmat placard used in transportation. Title 49 of the United States Code .
Define placard. What is placard? placard meaning and more by Macmillan Dictionary.
en pla·card. adj \änplȧkȧȧr\. Definition of EN PLACARD. of a seal .
Special plates for hearing impaired persons; placard; definition. A. The department shall issue to a hearing impaired person special plates that display a .
In the home area (see definition below), these placards are limited to two hours of parking in any valid space and/or thirty (30) minutes of parking in a Service .
Definition of. Options|Tips. thesaurus. 1. [v] publicize or announce by placards . Usage: "He placards it". ⇔ Synonyms [ bill ]. ⇑Broader .
Placards definition, definition of placards, Anagrams of placards, words that start with Placards, and words that can be created from placards.
A sign or notice for display in a public place. 2. A small card or plaque, such as a nameplate on a door. tr.v. plac·ard·ed, plac·ard·ing, plac·ards. 1. To announce .
noun. a notice for display in a public place; poster; a small card or plaque. Origin: LME placquart < MFr plackart < MDu placke, piece, spot, patch. transitive verb .
May 14, 2011 – The use of placards for announcements by authorities having mostly disappeared, the word affiche frequently replaces it in that meaning. .
Placard Meaning and Definition. (v. t.) To post placards upon or within; as, to placard a wall, to placard the city. (n.) Permission given by authority; a license; as , .
French Vocabulary; > Mot du jour. Definition: cupboard, cabinet; poster, notice; galley proof. J'ai mis les verres dans le placard - I put the glasses in the cabinet .
placard n. A sign or notice for display in a public place. A small card or plaque, such as a nameplate on a door.
A hazardous materials placard is a diamond-shaped sign that must be affixed to any motor vehicle that carries hazardous materials. Ordinarily, it has a four digit .
20+ items – Definition of placard. What is meaning of placard in all .
▶noun a sign for public display, either posted on a wall or carried during a demonstration. ▶verb also /plaˈkɑːd/ cover with placards. – origin C15 ( denoting .
Is it Scrabble dictionary, and What is Placards definition, Anagrams of Placards, Scrabble score for Placards, images of Placards, and words that can be created .
Definition of placard in the AudioEnglish.net Dictionary. Meaning of placard. What does placard mean? Proper usage and pronunciation (in phonetic .