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Feb 5, 2010 . Date time formatting in PHP Many scripts written in php need date and time function . PHP has many predfined date formats and you can also .
May 12, 2009 . The PHP date() function is used to format a time and/or date. . The PHP date() function formats a timestamp to a more readable date and .
Jan 11, 2007 . Girl Genius—a Gaslamp Fantasy with Adventure, Romance and Mad Science; read it now online!
Jan 26, 2010 . Ibuildings techPortal: Tips for PHP Date and Time Functions | Development Blog With Code Updates : Developercast.com linked to this post on .
PHP PEAR module for date and time manipulation. . Other Packages Related to php-date. depends. recommends. suggests. dep: php-pear (>= 5.2.0-8): PEAR .
c, ISO 8601 date (added in PHP 5), 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00. r, » RFC 2822 formatted date . . Function for get date interval in Russian format <?php .
Jun 19, 2006 . Subject: PHP date() relying on the system's timezone settings. Category: Computers > Programming Asked by: vladkornea-ga. List Price: $5.00 .
May 1, 2005 . Welcome to the comic! If you've played Half-Life 2, all you really need to know is that this comic begins prior to Gordon Freeman's arrival .
On eyeballs, Sunday, November 5, 2006. next - last. No rant available. Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, for as low as $0 .
Aug 27, 2009 . In the following example code we are showing how you can add one hour to a date object. <?php. //This PHP Example code shows how to add one .
Jun 4, 2002 . Next :: June 4, 2002. Next · :: Get a print of this or any other Scary Go Round strip :: Last. Project Wonderful - Your ad here, right now, .
Nov 3, 2006 . PHP uses unix timestamps for all its date functionality. It has methods to convert these timestamps into pretty much any text format you .
PHP Date and Time - A simple and short PHP tutorial and complete reference manual for all built-in PHP functions. This tutorial is designed for beginners to .
Oct 5, 2008 . Let's say you have the following PHP code that extracts the date from the times table in your MySQL database. The date is of timestamp type .
date_format, String, A string that represent the display format for the selected date or when. We have adopted the PHP date specification for printing dates .
Learn PHP from a simple web based tutorial. How to use functions in PHP, use the date function, or write your own functions. Learn Date function formatting.
While PHP's date() function may seem to have an overwhelming amount of options available, isn't it always better to have more choices than not enough? .
Jan 31, 2009 . Learn all about the PHP date function and syntax using JWRmedia's free PHP date lesson!
Jul 5, 2007 . July 05, 2007 ». Comic for July 05, 2007. Achewood Blog Index. Ray | feed · Roast Beef | feed · Pat | feed · Téodor | feed · Philippe | feed .
php time stamp functions time() & different time zone settings.
May 30, 2007 . Web based application for generating PHP date() formatting code.
PHP Date / Time Introduction. The date/time functions allow you to extract .
Apr 21, 2007 . Web and Graphic Design HQ - Dean's Free Tips and Tools for Web and Graphic Designers.
May 19, 2005 . These functions allow you to get the date and time from the server where your PHP scripts are running. You can use these functions to format .
Learn how to change the date.timezone value in PHP. Find more useful articles in the SiteGround Knowledge Base - a great resource for many Web Hosting .
May 23, 2010 . PHP Date. 1. How to find current date and time. strftime(), getdate(), date() 2. How to find the difference of two dates. .
May 25, 2010 . We indicate the date and time when the earthquake initiates rupture, . . Page URL: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/glossary.php .
Feb 10, 2010 . Let's say you have a bunch of statistical data. And all that data is date- related. And let&#
Apr 22, 2004 . Summary: In this article Mauricio shows us some examples of how to use the date/ time features with MySQL and PHP including the UNIX .
PHP has no built-in date variable type. The closest thing to it is a timestamp integer, or any string that strtotime() can parse into a timestamp integer. .
PHP Date & Time. Scripts & Programs from Hot Scripts. Review before you use or buy a script! Let Hot Scripts uncover the best free, .
Sep 14, 2007 . How to compare dates in PHP. Sollutions and examples.
This tutorial explains date and time handling using PHP and MySQL.
Apr 20, 2004 . PHP, unfortunately, had no function to perform the same task. Instead, you must rely on a combination of the date() function and it's power .
Aug 16, 2008 . When writing my "Get a list of all available constants with PHP" post I discovered there are a number of usful date format constants in PHP .
Mar 4, 2011 . <?php $date->setTimezone( new DateTimeZone('UTC .
The calendar component written in php script. It contains 2 modes: normal display calendar and date picker. See the demo below to check whether your browser .
Free and open source Date & Time Scripts. These Scripts mainly deal with the time and date in php also database and make the date & time output a easy way.
[Archive] Port of PHP's date() function to javascript Post a JavaScript.
Oct 17, 2003 . Girl Genius: a Gaslamp Fantasy with Adventure, Romance and Mad Science; read it now online!
As far as internationalization, as per PHP's recommendation (since date() is not localized), we use strftime & setlocale for localization of dates instead .
Now you can use the PHP date() function to spew out nice date formats .
c, Date au format ISO 8601 (ajouté en PHP 5), 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00 .
Pos, Name, Console, Weeks to Launch, Weekly Change, Total. 1, StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, PC, 1, 111421, 796187. 2, Halo: Reach, X360, 8, 118699, 647012 .
PHP Date Function - Learn how to use php date function.
I have a script that needs to display date data to an international audience . See stackoverflow.com/questions/1114488 . I think you can't get away from doing .
Sep 4, 2009 . format character Description Example returned values.
Note: Although presented side-by-side in this page, there is not a one-to-one relationship between PHP and MySQL date/time format specifiers. .
Oct 17, 2005 . Equal parts comics and commentary, Penny Arcade features Tycho and Gabe, the alter egos of creators Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins.
Jun 3, 2008 . With each new version PHP is getting more and more object oriented. In version 5 .x we get two useful classes for date and time handling.