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phobia definition : phobia n (Psychiatry) an abnormal intense and irrational .
Definition of simple phobia , meaning of simple phobia , Simple phobia - 1 simple phobia any phobia associated with relatively simple well-defined stimuli.
120+ items – phobia suff. An intense, abnormal, or illogical fear of a specified .
Definition of phobia (noun) morbid fear. Examples Fear of heights is a not uncommon phobia. Definition of phobia. Dictionary.com · Cambridge Dictionaries .
Sep 21, 2007 – A phobia is an irrational, chronic fear of specific objects, situations or people.
Apr 27, 2011 – Online Medical Dictionary and glossary with medical definitions.
A phobia is an intense but unrealistic fear that can interfere with the .
Social Phobia/Social Anxiety Fact Sheet lists symptoms, prevalence, therapies, . Definition: Social anxiety is the fear of social situations that involve interaction .
phobia noun - definition from Cambridge Dictionary Online: an extreme fear of a particular thing or situation, especially one that cannot be reasonably explained.
Feb 2, 2010 – This is a page about phobia. This page includes the Etymology and sound of this word, as well as some additional information. This page also .
phobia: definition, pronunciation, and examples from free Oxford Dictionaries Online. Also phobic.
According to the Cambridge International Dictionary of English, a phobias is " extreme fear of a particular thing or situation, especially one that cannot be .
Jan 30, 2010 – Definition. Specific phobia is a type of disorder in which the affected individual displays a marked and enduring fear of specific situations or .
A phobia is an irrational and excessive fear of an object or situation. These fears . Learn more about the definition, symptoms, types, and treatments of phobias.
Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary . exaggerate the length of the word itself and the idea of the size of the words being feared; combined with phobia. .
an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation. See phobia defined for English-language learners » .
PHOBIA: Review the definition, meaning, pronunciation, explanation, synonyms, and antonyms of the term PHOBIA in the Online Dictionary. What is a 6 letter .
Feb 10, 2011 – http://phobias.ko.mk A phobia can be defined as an intense and irrational fear. Here you will find information to help you understand the .
Jun 14, 2011 – Phobia Definition. Skip to content. Home · Sample Page . Meta. Log in · Entries RSS · Comments RSS · WordPress.org · Phobia Definition .
The problem with using the term “phobia” in a dental-care context is as follows: by definition, phobias involve a fear that is “excessive or unreasonable”, which .
Phobic definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!
Definition of Phobia: A phobia ( Greek: Phobos, means "morbid fear") is termed as a persistent fear of an object or situation . It is a strong, .
Apr 25, 2011 – Comprehensive Phobia List plus Phobia Types, Treatments and Resources. Definition of a Phobia | Treatment of Phobias | Phobia Resources .
Apr 27, 2011 – Online Medical Dictionary and glossary with medical definitions.
Contains many definition of social phobia resources. Click here if you are looking for definition of social phobia.
A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not .
May 15, 2011 – Definition of Phobia: A phobia ( Greek: Phobos, means "morbid fear") is termed as a persistent fear of an object or situation . It is a strong, .
A phobia (from the Greek: φόβος, Phóbos, meaning "fear" or "morbid fear") is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or .
PHOBIAS DEFINITION. A phobia is an intense, unrealistic fear, which can interfere with the ability to socialize, work, or go about everyday life, that is brought on .
Social Anxiety/Social Phobia: Definition gives the common symptoms associated with social anxiety disorder (social phobia).
Definition - Causes - Symptoms & Remedies of Pocrescophobia . We now know that both females and males can have this phobia. Most of us deal with weight .
310+ items – Phobias. PHOBIA NAME, DEFINITION.
May 22, 2008 – a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it. Phobia Definition Find Definitions .
phobia meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also '-phobia',' phobic','phial','phonic', Collins Reverso dictionary, English simple definition, English .
MDGuidelines is the most trusted source of clinical information on definition for social phobia.
Of, relating to, arising from, or having a phobia. n. One who has a phobia .
Jun 11, 2011 – Anonymous asked: but the meaning of -phobia as a.
May 23, 2009 – By definition, phobias are IRRATIONAL, meaning that they inappropriately interfere with your everyday life or daily routine. For example, if your .
[Late Latin, from Greek -phobiÄ , from GREdic.com GRE dictionary: definition for "phobia" with audio pronunciation Sample questions: Additional Phobias .
. Anxiety Institute provides therapy for social anxiety disorder (social phobia), the . Please note that while this definition of social anxiety is the most definitive .
What is Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia provides a discussion of definition, diagnosis, common manifestations and the course of the disorder.
phobia: A persistent, irrational fear of, and desire to avoid, a particular object or situation. A phobia is considered a psychiatric disorder when it interferes with .
Jump to Definition and uses: Some define chemophobia as a full-blown psychological phobia—a "specific phobia"—but most mainstream sources such .
Dictionary for phobia : phobia Definition,phobia Synonyms,phobia Origin,phobia Thesaurus,phobia Examples,
Jul 19, 2011 – If you fear being alone in public places, you could be suffering from agoraphobia. Read this article to find out how it can be treated.
May 26, 2009 – A phobia can be defined as an intense and irrational fear. Here you will find information to help you understand the definitions of anxiety and .
adjective. of or relating to a phobia; having a phobia or phobias. noun. a person who has a phobia. See phobic in American Heritage Dictionary 4. adjective .
Cure Your Phobias Phobias are clear according to the American Psychiatric Association, as an irrational and excessive horror of a home or site.
A conscise definition of -phobe, -phobiac, -phobic, -phobia.
phobia n. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and.