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otherkin. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to: navigation,
otherkin.org. . Otherkin.org is a website made for vampires and otherkin. Its free
'Otherkin' are people who believe themselves to be not entirely human in some
Feb 8, 2001 . The Otherkin are those people who believe themselves to be spiritually and/or
Some of my faithful readers may know this, but for others it may come as
The Otherkin community is a small but growing subculture of people who .
Forum Name, Topics, Posts, Last Post. General. [ ], Chit Chat (1 sub-board) You
A brief introduction to why some people think they are otherkin.
Summary: I'm deciding under what conditions I should list vampire-related crimes
A forum for Otherkin who live in the United Kingdom.
Otherkin Wiki is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share
Here's what people are saying about the Otherkin/Sins series: “I love this book. It
Apr 3, 2008 . Otherkin Awakening - The wide awake Otherkin community.
On being Otherkin: 1. Life will never be fair or easy all the time, but if we only look
Dec 27, 2009 . This is just a brief explanation about what Otherkin is, and what my personal
May 22, 2003 . I have heard a lot recently about Otherkin (aka Fae, Fairths, Metahumans) --
I am otherkin. To be specific wolf-cheetah. Or cheetah-wolf (the cheetah side's
t h e h o l l o w h i l l. I don't mind the looks I get from my claim of elfhood. Most
A community website, with an introduction, FAQ, and articles addressing issues
Home > Articles. A lot of careful thought and creative energy goes into trying to
Therianthropes.com is your first source of information about therianthropes and
Describes being Otherkin from a personal perspective. Includes reference to
Otherkin is a group believe they are somehow connected to mythical creatures. It
What Kind Of Otherkin Are You? Mythology personality test, selector quiz.
Theri There is a webcomic by, for, and about Therianthropes and Otherkin, and
Welcome to Otherkin Alliance (OKA)! Whether you are arriving here by word of
Feb 13, 2009 . A non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of metaphysical sciences
The Otherkin Phenomena. Per Sermo, Adveho Verum. Skip to content. Board
Dec 20, 2011 . Dan has been teaching workshops at Otherkin/Metaphysical gathers since 1999,
This test will measure just how much of an Otherkin you are! It's geared for those
Nov 14, 2011 . Embracing Mystery - A message board to share Otherkin knowledge and
Information about and support for various types of otherkin.
On Being Otherkin · Defining Otherkin . Otherkin in the real world · Coping with
You're not going to find the word otherkin anywhere on this site, but if you're
Otherkin. Oh, boy. What are Otherkin? Perhaps it would be best to let them tell
therianthropes and otherkin: real people who identify themselves as animals and
Otherkin ListPage. These are Otherkin lists. Otherkin are people who believe for
Helps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline
n., sing. or pl. A person who holds the belief that they are not entirely (or not at all)
The first introductory book about the Otherkin community.
Otherkin are a community of people who see themselves as partially or entirely
What are Otherkin? *Please see footnotes for further information by
Visit the dating and socializing portal for community of individuals, believeing
Right! So What's an Otherkin? There are those of us who believe that the myths
Otherkin. Some People feel that they are out of place in this mundane Earth
The Witches' Voice offers the latest (updated daily) in news and networking for
A place for casual conversation and the discussion of topics not related to
Oct 5, 2011 . What are otherkin? People who don't identify as human. Usually they identify as
Otherkin are people who believe they are or have been, in whole or in part,
This page contains information about otherkin, spirituality, and personal beliefs. If