Nov 22, 11
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  • You can do that with DECODE: SELECT . The DECODE function checks if the
  • Sep 12, 2011 . Hi I have question regarding oracle function: I have following values in the table
  • The Oracle DECODE function is used to compare the specified expression to
  • The CASE expression was introduced by Oracle in version 8i. . In SQL, it is
  • A DECODE expression uses the special DECODE syntax: DECODE_expression:
  • What is the equivalent function in SQL server for the DECODE function in Oracle?
  • hi all., i want to know the diffrence between the decode and case function that is
  • Oracle's handy decode function works as follows: . To evaluate this expression,
  • Note - this document discusses the use of the DECODE function to develop more
  • Using decode in IN clause- Oracle Development. Visit Dev Shed to discuss Using
  • pretty new to the function, but as i understand DECODE tests the . The 11g
  • DECODE. The DECODE function compares one expression to one or more other
  • Using Oracle decode function. The most powerful of all of the BIFs are the Oracle
  • May 25, 2011 . Powerful oracle PL/SQL function DECODE is another perfect mean to handle null
  • Aug 23, 2001 . 3.can we kill a session, when a rollback is going on, if no , why. 4.In what way
  • The Oracle decode function. The decode function can be used in SQL for and IF-
  • decode [Oracle SQL]. decode (expression, search_1, result_1) decode (
  • The most powerful of all of the BIFs are the decode and case functions. The
  • I have 2 tables accounts(a_id) and names(a_id,n_id,flag1,flag 2) I need a select
  • In older versions of Oracle where the CASE is not available use DECODE
  • Aug 26, 2011 . I was having fun with the DECODE command while playing around with Oracle
  • Oracle SQL: Formatting Strings, DECODE, UPPER(), LOWER(). 2 Jun. Case:
  • Aug 30, 2011 . The kingpin of auto-market data and analysis is using Oracle Exadata and BI
  • I need to compare two dates using the Oracle decode function to see if . That
  • Jun 24, 2011 . A blog for ColdFusion, Android, jQuery, jQueryMobile, Oracle, HL7 and other
  • Oracle DECODE & CASE Functions Version .
  • USERNAME,'ORACLE PROC')||'('|| se.SID||')' "User Session", sum(decode(NAME
  • Sep 12, 2000 . Decode is a very useful and handy function for Oracle queries. .
  • Posted September 20th, 2011. Decode function has the same functionality as an
  • Oracle's DECODE function can use multiple arguments: DECODE ( exp1, val1,
  • The DECODE function is analogous to the "IF THEN ELSE" conditional statement
  • Jul 19, 2010 . Databases before Oracle 8.1.6 had only the DECODE function. CASE was
  • Well, first of all, let's explain the Oracle DECODE expression for those not familiar
  • Sep 15, 2011 . -Guy Harris); Enhanced time reporting options for DHCP. Completely decode
  • Sep 22, 2011 . Let Us Learn Oracle - Part 9 of N [ Decode function in Oracle ] Source table:
  • Jun 21, 2002 . Hi Tom, Could you please tell me how can I determine if a column is greater or
  • Die Oracle Function DECODE, oft zuwenig bekannt, ist eine sehr effiziente
  • Oct 17, 2011 . Oracle decode function has variable number of parameters, and the parameter
  • Limited to 255 comparisons in CASE statement. Each WHEN … THEN pair is
  • DECODE compares expr to each search value one by one. If expr is equal to a
  • Advanced Queries - Using the DECODE() Function - 190 Oracle Database 10g
  • Sep 12, 2011 . Oracle update command - beginnerby fourthmonthllc0 views; Thumbnail 2:26.
  • In Oracle/PLSQL, the decode function has the functionality of an IF-THEN-ELSE
  • Jun 20, 2005 . Decode. Here is another handy Oracle-only SQL tool: DECODE. Decode allows
  • Sep 12, 2010 . The reason for mentioning it here is that the conventional wisdom would be to
  • Oracle DECODE & CASE Functions. Version 11.1. Note: Decode and Case are
  • Use decode function to deal with NULL value : Decode « PL SQL « Oracle PL /
  • Aug 30, 2011 . It's a blue-chip marketing company and longtime Oracle customer that last year
  • Jun 11, 2008 . From Oracle FAQ. Jump to: navigation, search. DECODE is a SQL function that

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